Missouri Flat MC&FP

Missouri Flat MC&FP

The Missouri Flat Area has historically experienced high levels of traffic congestion due to its central location and existing commercial development. Roadway capacity improvements are needed to relieve existing traffic congestion and to create additional capacity for planned commercial development in the Missouri Flat corridor area. The Missouri Flat Area Master Circulation and Financing Plan (MC&FP) provides a mechanism for the County, in a cooperative effort with major property owners and developers, to fund improvements to the U.S. Highway 50/Missouri Flat Road Interchange and adjacent arterials and collector roads.

To assist with implementing required improvements in the Missouri Flat Area, the MC&FP has been divided into two phases:

Phase I, established in 1998, provided an initial funding mechanism to address existing road deficiencies within the Missouri Flat corridor and helped to fund many of the recently completed improvements to the Missouri Flat Corridor, including improvements on arterials and on the freeway interchange with U.S. Highway 50.

Phase II provides a framework to fund additional major improvements, as needed, to the U.S. Highway 50/Missouri Flat Road Interchange and adjacent arterial and collector roads within the MC&FP financing area(PDF, 695KB), but not identified as part of the MC&FP Phase I. Phase II will expand the work begun in Phase I to alleviate traffic congestion and facilitate additional anticipated commercial development on the Missouri Flat Road corridor.

In March 2015, the County executed a contract with Economic & Planning Systems, Inc. (EPS) to assist the County with developing the MC&FP Phase II. The consultant team consisted of: EPS (prime consultant, public finance and economic impact analysis), Kittelson and Associates, Inc. (travel demand modeling, traffic operations and design), Regional Government Services (public outreach), Quincy Engineering, Inc. (transportation cost estimates), and Ascent Technologies, Inc. (environmental review and analysis).

On June 23, 2020, the Board of Supervisors adopted Resolution 094-2020 certifying the Addendum to the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Missouri Flat Area Master Circulation & Funding Plan (MC&FP EIR) (El Dorado County 1998), State Clearinghouse No. 97092074. The Board also approved the MC&FP Phase II Public Facilities Financing Plan, including the changes to the previously-approved roadway projects, the addition of the Phase II roadway improvement projects, the modifications to the Missouri Flat Road interchange, and the draft Public Facilities Financing Plan for the MC&FP Phase II per the following stipulations: 1) Continue to fund MC&FP Phase I improvements by 85 percent of the County General Fund’s incremental property and sales tax revenues stemming from new retail/commercial development in the Project area; and 2) MC&FP Phase II improvements funding to be reduced to 50 percent of the County General Fund’s incremental property and sales tax revenues stemming from new retail/commercial development in the Project area.

Transportation and development projects within the plan area will be subject to their own project-level California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) environmental analysis.

The full history of the MC&FP project, actions by the Board of Supervisors, and related materials can be found in the accordion sections below.

Background Information

Phase I

In December 1998, the Board of Supervisors approved Phase I of the MC&FP, which authorized a set of transportation improvements and commercial developments, including El Dorado Villages Shopping Center, Wal-Mart, and Sundance Plaza. However, as the County was proceeding with the MC&FP implementation through creation of the Community Facilities District (CFD), the Sundance Plaza Project faced problems with obtaining necessary U.S. Army Corp of Engineers permits related to wetlands (the Sundance Plaza site was designated as habitat for the Red Leg Frog). This ruling left the originally proposed development on the Sundance Plaza property in doubt. The removal of the Sundance project from the MC&FP, which was the largest single project included, rendered the originally conceived MC&FP infeasible, as the anticipated tax revenues and other sources of funding would be insufficient to cover the necessary improvements. As a result, implementation of the MC&FP was delayed.

The County subsequently concluded that implementation of the MC&FP could proceed once a “critical mass” of new retail development was secured, development that would generate tax revenue and provide sufficient security for bond proceeds to finance the transportation improvements needed for the development, including the Missouri Flat over-crossing. Supplemental funding could also assist by lowering the “critical mass” threshold.

The MC&FP is comprised of a policy and action framework intended to relieve existing road deficiencies and create additional capacity for planned commercial development in the commercial area surrounding the Missouri Flat Road and Highway 50 interchange (Project Area). The MC&FP incorporated the following objectives:

  • Alleviate existing traffic congestion.
  • Create adequate capacity to meet County General Plan Level of Service (LOS) policy.
  • Establish a vital commercial center in the County.
  • Improve the County’s fiscal well-being.
  • Establish the framework for revenue collection that would fund specific improvements identified in the Project Area.
  • Construct improvements to Missouri Flat Road.

Originally envisioned as one funding plan, the MC&FP was subsequently divided into two phases after the November 1998 passage of Measure Y, which excluded certain improvements contained in the funding plan. Approval of the initial phase of MC&FP (Phase I) coincided with the approval of a number of commercial projects proposed for the Project Area, including Wal-Mart, the El Dorado Villages Shopping Center, and Sundance Plaza. Since approval of these projects in 1998, a number of retail projects have been constructed in the Project Area, including Wal-Mart and the El Dorado Villages Shopping Center.

Early in 2000 the County staff believed it would be possible to receive a grant from the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) sufficient to offset the loss of sales tax revenue from retail development of the Sundance site. Following emergence of the State grant, Fehr & Peers Associates, Inc. was retained to prepare and update the traffic analysis. County Department of Transportation (Transportation) staff also prepared an update of road improvement costs and Economic & Planning Systems, Inc. was retained to update its feasibility analysis of the project reflecting the reduced retail development, increased road improvement costs, and new funding source. The feasibility analysis concluded that Wal-Mart and the El Dorado Villages Shopping Center provided the “critical mass” required, when supplemented with a grant from the STIP.

With the “critical mass” determination made, the next step was to create the Missouri Flat CFD No. 2002-01 (CFD). The development projects identified in the “critical mass” evaluation, Wal-Mart and El Dorado Villages Shopping Center, were required to join the CFD as defined in their respective Development Agreements and as a condition of receiving building permits.

The Missouri Flat CFD will serve two vital functions. First, the CFD provides a mechanism through which debt can be issued to fund the share of transportation improvements needed to address existing deficiencies in the Missouri Flat Area. Second, the CFD will provide a backup tax mechanism, supplementing the sales and property tax revenue generated by new development in the Missouri Flat Area that will be the primary source of payment of debt service on the bonds to be issued and related administrative costs.

MC&FP Phase I limits commercial development in the Project Area to about 733,000 square feet. With approximately 331,000 commercial square feet constructed in the Project Area to date, current approved and proposed commercial projects in the Project Area exceed remaining capacity in Phase I. In addition, further development in the Project Area would require an updated evaluation of requisite transportation improvements, including the need for an ultimate highway interchange solution at Missouri Flat Road. These two factors triggered the potential implementation of MC&FP Phase II.

Phase II

On May 22, 2012 (Item 43), the Board directed staff to initiate MP&FP Phase II. Phase II would provide a framework to fund any necessary additional major improvements to the U.S. Highway 50/Missouri Flat Road Interchange and adjacent arterial and collector roads that will alleviate forecasted traffic congestion and facilitate additional commercial development in the Missouri Flat Road corridor.

On February 24, 2014 (Item 1), the Board directed staff to issue an RFP to seek consultant assistance for MC&FP Phase II.

On April 8, 2014 (Item 12), the Board selected a 20-year growth forecast as the starting point for the MC&FP Phase II development process.

On June 20, 2014, a Request for Proposal (RFP) was issued to begin the MC&FP Phase II analysis. Proposals were due on August 1, 2014.

On March 30, 2015 (Item 2), the Board awarded RFP No. 14-918-090 for consulting services related to the MC&FP Phase II to Economic & Planning Services, Inc. of Sacramento to begin the MC&FP Phase II analysis.

On December 7, 2015 (Item 4), the Board:

  1. Received and filed the history of funding mechanism for MC&FP monies;
  2. Received and filed the draft Final Missouri Flat Retail Market and Financial Feasibility Analysis Report;
  3. Directed staff to proceed with MC&FP Phase II;
  4. Confirmed the approach to public outreach for the MC&FP Phase II; and
  5. Received and filed the updated MC&FP Phase II project schedule.

On March 28, 2017 (Item 37), the Board:

  1. Authorized the use of MC&FP revenue for the completion of the MC&FP Phase II Study as originally directed by the Board on May 22, 2012 and as authorized on March 30, 2015;
  2. Directed staff to look at the analysis on a global scale to determine if there are other areas that might benefit from such a financing plan or other plan that could assist the County with its economic development needs consistent with the strategic plan; and
  3. Included the Community and Economic Development Committee as a participant in the process.

On November 20, 2017, staff consultant EPS and sub-consultant Quincy Engineering hosted two focus groups and a public workshop in order to solicit feedback. The County's sub-consultant, Regional Government Services (RGS), led the discussion during the two focus group meetings and at the public workshop. Each focus group had nine participants, and RGS used polling equipment to solicit opinions on each interchange alternative. The Diverging Diamond Interchange was the most highly favored alternative among the participants.

On February 8, 2018 (Item 22), the Board:

  1. Received and filed the draft Technical Memorandum (TM) 1-7 Future Traffic Analysis Results and Findings;
  2. Received and filed the draft TM 1-8 Capacity Threshold Phasing Analysis and Alternative Screening Evaluation and the US Highway 50/Missouri Flat Road Interchange Feasibility Study, and selected preferred alternatives Diverging Diamond #1 and #2, and Hook Ramp options, using these alternatives to develop the financing plan and allow these alternatives to be reconsidered during future studies;
  3. Received information on the Outreach effort; and
  4. Received and filed the updated MC&FP Phase II project schedule.

On November 5, 2019 (Item 40), the Board approved TM 1-9, MC&FP Phase II Fiscal Impact Analysis which examined whether the Project will generate adequate revenues to meet the cost of providing new development with County municipal services (e.g., general government, public protection, etc.).

On February 11, 2020 (Item 20), the draft Financing Plan for the MC&FP Phase II project was presented to the Board.

On February 20, 2020, a stakeholder meeting and a general public meeting were held to discuss the Financing Plan.

On April 16, 2020, Transportation staff and consultants, Amy Lapin of EPS and Mike Aronson of Kittelson & Associates met with the Diamond Springs and El Dorado Community Advisory Committee (DSEDCAC) as well as Supervisor Veerkamp and his assistant Kathy Witherow. All DSEDCAC members were in attendance, either in person, via Zoom, or on a telephone line. In addition to providing a presentation on the draft Financing Plan, Chairman Randy Pesses submitted a list of questions regarding the project and Transportation staff provided responses.

On May 4, 2020, Transportation delivered additional information requested by the Board of Supervisors via an interoffice memorandum. Additionally, on June 2, 2020, County Counsel delivered findings on whether bonds can be issued to “pay back” the County for County discretionary funds (e.g., general fund and Tribe funds) used toward previously constructed improvements in the MC&FP Project Area. Both memoranda were also provided to the Board on June 23, 2020 (Item 50) as Attachments F and G, respectively.

On June 23, 2020 (Item 50), the Board of Supervisors adopted an authorized the chair to sign Resolution 094-2020 certifying the Addendum to the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Missouri Flat Area Master Circulation & Funding Plan (MC&FP EIR) (El Dorado County 1998), State Clearinghouse No. 97092074. A motion was also passed to approve the MC&FP Phase II Public Facilities Financing Plan (PFFP), including the changes to the previously-approved roadway projects, the addition of the Phase II roadway improvement projects, the modifications to the Missouri Flat Road interchange, and the draft PFFP for MC&FP Phase II per the following stipulations:

  1. Continue to fund MC&FP Phase I improvements at 85 percent of the County General Fund’s incremental property and sales tax revenues stemming from new retail/commercial development in the Project area; and
  2. Reduce funding of MC&FP Phase II improvements to 50 percent of the County General Fund’s incremental property and sales tax revenues stemming from new retail/commercial development in the Project area.

Board of Supervisor Agenda Items


Date Item File ID Ver. Description
08/15/23 23 23-0101 1 Department of Transportation recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 105-2023 adopting the Missouri Flat Area Master Circulation & Funding Plan Reimbursement Guidelines.


Date Item File ID Ver. Description
06/23/20 50 20-0530 1 Department of Transportation recommending the Board: 1) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 094-2020 certifying the Addendum to the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Missouri Flat Area Master Circulation & Funding Plan (MC&FP EIR) (El Dorado County 1998), State Clearinghouse 97092074; and 2) Approve the MC&FP Phase II, including the changes to the previously-approved roadway projects, the addition of the Phase II roadway improvement projects, the modifications to the Missouri Flat Road interchange, and the draft Public Facilities Financing Plan for the MC&FP Phase II.

A- Board Memo
B - Approved CRS
C - Resolution to Certify Addendum to EIR Findings
D - Missouri Flat MC&FP II CEQA Addendum
E -Draft Public Facilities Financing Plan
F - Additional Information
G - County Counsel MC&FP Bond Memo
H - MC&FP II Slides
H - Revised MC&FP II Slides
04/16/20 Diamond Springs and El Dorado Community Advisory Committee Meeting Presentation
02/20/20 Missouri Flat MC&FP Focus Group discussed project background, environmental documentation, fiscal impact analysis, draft financing strategy and cash flow analysis. Followed by Public Open House.
02/11/20 22 20-0125 1 Department of Transportation recommending the Board receive information and provide direction on the draft Public Facilities Financing Plan for the MC&FP Phase II (Attachment A).

A - EPS Public Facilities Financing Report dated 1-17-20
B - PowerPoint Presentation
C - Public Comments Received


Date Item File ID Ver. Description
11/05/19 40 19-1394 1 Department of Transportation recommending the Board receive information and provide input on items related to the Missouri Flat Master Circulation and Financing Plan Phase II. Staff is recommending that the Board:
1) Receive and file the draft Technical Memorandum 1-9 Summary Net Fiscal effects of the project (Attachment B);

2) Receive and file the updated MC&FP Phase II project schedule (Attachment C).
A - Board Memo 11-5-19
B - EPS Fiscal Impact Analysis Technical Memo dated 9-10-19
C - Project Schedule
D - PowerPoint Presentation


Date Item File ID Ver. Description
02/06/18 22 18-0086 1 Community Development Services, Planning and Building Department, recommending the Board receive information and provide input on items related to the Missouri Flat Master Circulation and Financing Plan Phase II. Staff is recommending that the Board:
1) Receive and file the draft Technical Memorandum 1-7 Future Traffic Analysis Results and Findings (Attachment B);
2) Receive and file the draft Technical Memorandum 1-8 Capacity Threshold Phasing Analysis and Alternative Screening Evaluation (Attachment C) and the US Highway 50/Missouri Flat Road Interchange Feasibility Study (Attachment D), and provide direction on the proposed Alternatives;
3) Receive information on the Outreach effort; and
4) Receive and file the updated Missouri Flat Master Circulation and Financing Plan Phase II project schedule (Attachment E).

A -Board Memo 2-6-18
B -Draft Technical Memorandum 1-7 2-6-18(Future Traffic Analysis)
C - Draft Technical Memorandum 1-8 2-6-18(Capacity Threshold Phasing Analysis)
D - Draft US Highway 50/Missouri Flat Road Interchange Feasibility Study 2-6-18
E - Project Schedule 2-6-18
F - PowerPoint Presentation 2-6-18


Date Item File ID Ver. Description
03/28/17 37 15-0048 5 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Board authorize Master Circulation and Funding Plan (MC&FP) revenue for the completion of the MC&FP Phase II Study as originally directed by the Board on May 22, 2012 and as authorized on March 30, 2015.

5A - Board Memo MC&FP Funding 3-28-17
5B - 7/5/2016 Caltrans DEIR Comments 3-28-17
5C - Measure J 3-28-17
5D - MC&FP PowerPoint Presentation 3-28-17


Date Item File ID Ver. Description
12/07/15 4 15-0048 4 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Receive and file the history of the funding mechanism forMissouriFlat Master Circulation and Funding Plan (MC&FP) monies;
2) Receive and file the draft Final Missouri Flat Retail Market and Financial Feasibility Analysis Report;
3) Direct staff to proceed with the MC&FP Phase II;
4) Confirm the approach to public outreach for the MC&FP Phase II; and
5) Receive and file the updated MC&FP Plan Phase II project schedule.

4A - Board Memo 12-07-15
4B - MC & FP Tax Increment Financing Info
4C - Draft Missouri Flat Retail Market & Initial Financial Feasibility Analysis (dated 12-07-15)
4D - Public Outreach Approach
4E - Draft Project Schedule
4F - PowerPoint Presentation 12-07-15
03/30/15 2 15-0048 3 Chief Administrative Office, Procurement and Contracts and Economic Development and Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Conduct a workshop on the existing Missouri Flat Master Circulation and Funding Plan (MC&FP) Phase I and the proposed MC&FP Phase II;
2) If the Board determines that MC&FP Phase II should be initiated, consider the following:
a) Make findings that money collected from sales and property tax increment in the MC&FP area can be used to fund staff and professional services in the creation of Phase II of the MC&FP because creation of Phase II is consistent with and will further the achievement of the goals of MC&FP Phase I;
b) Make findings pursuant to Section 3.13.03 of the County Ordinance that it is more economical and feasible to engage an outside consultant to provide the expertise and assistance necessary to develop the MC&FP Phase II, as it requires unique financial, engineering, planning and public outreach expertise of specialists who routinely work in these areas;
c) Direct staff to remove Component 2 (the Business Parks Financial and Market Strategy Report) from the draft Agreement for Services;
d) Award Request for Proposal No. 14-918-090 for consulting services related to the MC&FP Phase II to Economic & Planning Services, Inc. of Sacramento; and
e) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute an Agreement for Services (Attachment 3C) not to exceed $450,000 for a three-year period, subject to review and approval by County Counsel and Risk Management.

3A - Board Memo 3-30-15
3B - MC& FP Background 3-30-15
3C - Draft 15-54128 Agreement
3D - MC & FP Counsel to BOS
3E - MC & FP Map with CIP Info
3F - Measures B & Y 3-30-15
3G - List of Authorized Facilities(PDF, 1MB)
3H - Final MC & FP Master Circulation & Funding Plan
3I -MC & FP Master Circulation & Funding Plan Update
02/10/15 23 15-0048 2 Chief Administrative Office, Procurement and Contracts and Economic Development and Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Make findings that money collected from sales and property tax increment in the Missouri Flat Area Master Circulation and Financing Plan (MC&FP) area can be used to fund staff and professional services in the creation of Phase II of the MC&FP because creation of Phase II is consistent with and will further the achievement of the goals of MC&FP Phase I;
2) Make findings pursuant to Section 3.13.03 of the County Ordinance that it is more economical and feasible to engage an outside consultant to provide the expertise and assistance necessary to develop the Master Circulation and Financing Plan Phase II and the Business Parks Financial and Market Strategy Report, both which require unique financial, engineering, planning and public outreach expertise of specialists who routinely work in these areas;
3) Award Request for Proposals No. 14-918-090 for consulting services related to the Missouri Flat Area Master Circulation and Financing Plan Phase II ($450,000) and Business Parks Financial and Market Strategy Report ($150,000) to Economic & Planning Services, Inc. of Sacramento;
4) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute an Agreement forServices not to exceed $600,000 for a three-year period, subject to review and approval by County Counsel and Risk Management; and
5) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign a budget transfer allowing the funding of the Business Parks Financial and Market Strategy Report to be funded with Economic Development funding. ($100,000 transfer in Fiscal Year 2014/15; 4/5 vote required)
01/27/15 42 15-0048 1 A motion was made by Supervisor Mikulaco, seconded by Supervisor Frentzen to Continue this matter to February 10, 2015.

A - Board Memo 1-27-15
B - MC & FP Map 1-27-15
C - Scope of Work Draft 1-27-15
D - Draft Budget Transfer 1-27-15
E - MC & FP Memo to BOS 1-27-15
F - MC & FP Findings of Fact 1-27-15
G - Presentation 2-10-15


Date Item File ID Ver. Description
04/08/14 12 14-0245 4 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning, recommending the Board approve the Scenario 3 growth forecast as the starting point for initiating the Major Five-Year Capital Improvement Program and Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee updates.
02/24/14 1 14-0245 1 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning, recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Receive information on El Dorado County’s General Plan Travel Demand Model;
2) Direct staff to proceed with one of the growth forecast scenarios as the starting point for initiating the Major five-Year CIP and TIM Fee updates; and
3)Receive information on how the County implements General Plan Policy TC-Xa (Measure Y) and associated General Plan Policies TC-Xb through TC-Xi.


Date Item File ID Ver. Description
07/30/13 29 13-0924 1 Community Development Agency (CDA) Long Range Planning Division presenting a workshop to begin the preparation of the 2014 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), and requesting direction on the Board's preferred growth projection option for the CIP and Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee (TIM) Fee Program updates.


Date Item File ID Ver. Description
05/22/12 43 12-0643 1 Department of Transportation recommending the Board receive information and provide direction on the Master Circulation and Funding Plan for the Missouri Flat Corridor.

Supporting Documents

MC&FP Phase II


Technical Memoranda





MC&FP History

Missouri Flat Corridor Documents

Final Environmental Impact Report

Final Environmental Impact Report U.S. Highway 50/Missouri Flat Road Interchange Project and Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report Missouri Flat Area Master Circulation and Funding Plan - August 2004

Draft Environmental Impact Report

Volume I Draft EA / EIR, U.S. Highway 50 / Missouri Flat Road Interchange and Draft Supplemental EIR, Missouri Flat Area Master Circulation and Funding Plan - December 2003

Notice of Availability(PDF, 49KB)

Missouri Flat Corridor Design Guidelines

The Missouri Flat Design Guidelines for commercial development were adopted by the Board of Supervisors on June 3, 2008, by Resolution 134-2008(PDF, 20MB) (Legistar File 08-0754).  On April 24, 2018, the Board of Supervisors adopted an updated version dated May 2017 by Resolution 074-2018(PDF, 12MB) (Legistar File 18-0542).  

The following revisions were made as a result of recommendations by the Diamond Springs/El Dorado Community Advisory Committee:

  • Section 2.3 "Mountain Architecture" (original pages 2.4 and 2.5) was removed as this style is not consistent with other architectural styles in the Design Guidelines.
  • A photograph that was on page 3.34 of the previous version (renumbered to page 47) with the caption "Building entries should be emphasized with architectural details" was replaced with an image of a more typical retail building entry, as the previous image was deemed not representative of architectural styles in the Design Guidelines.

The purpose of these guidelines is to improve the quality and character of the built environment and create a more pedestrian-friendly atmosphere with enhanced public spaces along the corridor. The Guidelines will be applied to all non-residential development within the corridor, from El Dorado Road to Pleasant Valley Road.

Missouri Flat Design Guidelines(PDF, 15MB) (June 3, 2008) - Updated version adopted 4/24/2018

Workshops and Meetings

  • March 10, 2008 - Public Review Period for Draft Missouri Flat Design Guidelines
  • March 17 , 2007 - Missouri Flat Corridor Workshop #2 (Results of Visual Preference Survey)
  • February 15, 2007 - Contractor’s Open House, Missouri Flat Road Overcrossing, Contract No. 71317
  • February 1, 2007 - Missouri Flat Corridor Workshop #1
  • August 30, 2006 - Public Workshop