The General Plan applies to the unincorporated areas of the County. California State law requires each jurisdiction to adopt a General plan to guide physical development. The General Plan establishes County policy, and identifies planned land uses and infrastructure. Note: The text arrangement of files in these appendices may differ slightly from that of the printed documents.
(Amended) for Alternative #2, Roadway Constrained Six-Lane “Plus”. The following figures have been revised since release of the Draft Roadway Constrained Six-Lane "Plus" Alternative General Plan:
- Land Use Element
- Circulation Element
- Housing Element
- Public Services and Utilities Element
- Health, Safety, and Noise Element
- Conservation and Open Space Element
(Amended) for Alternative #3, Environmentally Constrained. The following figures have been revised since release of the Environmentally Constrained Alternative General Plan:
- Land Use Element
- Circulation Element
- Housing Element
- Public Services and Utilities Element
- Health, Safety, and Noise Element
- Conservation and Open Space Element