County-Wide Introduction & Table of Contents(PDF, 33KB)County Wide Organizational Chart(PDF, 14KB)CAO Budget Message(PDF, 246KB)Budget Basics(PDF, 151KB)Schedule 1 - All Funds Schedule(PDF, 11KB)Schedule 2 - Government Funds Summary(PDF, 13KB)Schedule 3 - Fund Balance - Government Funds(PDF, 17KB)Schedule 4 - Reserves/Designations by Government Funds(PDF, 12KB)Schedule 5 - Summary of Additional Financing Sources by Source and Fund(PDF, 17KB)Schedule 6 - Detail of Additional Financing Sources by Fund and Account(PDF, 160KB)Schedule 7 - Summary of Financing Uses by Function and Fund(PDF, 18KB)Schedule 8 - Detail of Financing Uses by Function, Activity and Budget Unit(PDF, 48KB)Fixed Assets(PDF, 24KB)Memberships(PDF, 22KB)Glossary of Budget Terms(PDF, 34KB)Alphabetical Index(PDF, 11KB)
General Government Departments 10 Year History(PDF, 15KB)Board of Supervisors(PDF, 42KB)Chief Administrative Office(PDF, 52KB)Auditor-Controller(PDF, 45KB)Treasurer-Tax Collector(PDF, 54KB)Assessor(PDF, 96KB)County Counsel(PDF, 49KB)Human Resources(PDF, 64KB)Information Technologies(PDF, 55KB)County Promotions(PDF, 25KB)Designated Contributions(PDF, 11KB)General Fund - Other Operations(PDF, 64KB)Recorder-Clerk / Registrar of Voters(PDF, 52KB)
Health & Human Services 10 Year History(PDF, 20KB)Public Health(PDF, 119KB)Mental Health(PDF, 85KB)Human Services(PDF, 127KB)Veterans Affairs(PDF, 42KB)Library(PDF, 85KB)Child Support Services(PDF, 47KB)
Land Use & Development Services 10 Year History(PDF, 19KB)Surveyor(PDF, 39KB)Agricultural Commissioner(PDF, 64KB)Development Services(PDF, 51KB)Transportation(PDF, 174KB)Environmental Management(PDF, 88KB)Air Quality Control Management(PDF, 43KB)University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE)(PDF, 43KB)Fish & Game(PDF, 15KB)
Law & Justice Departments 10 Year History(PDF, 19KB)Grand Jury(PDF, 24KB)County's Court Maintenance of Effort (MOE)(PDF, 31KB)District Attorney(PDF, 63KB)Public Defender(PDF, 44KB)Sheriff(PDF, 191KB)Probation(PDF, 73KB)