Housing and Homelessness

El Dorado County Housing and Homelessness Services
3047 Briw Road
Placerville, CA 95667

Phone (530) 621-6300
Fax (530) 663-8472

Homelessness Services

Are you an El Dorado County resident currently experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness? Call The Front Door at (530) 600-2822 for assessment and referrals to eligible Homeless programs.

The El Dorado County Navigation Center is a 60-bed referral-only shelter. Please contact The Front Door at (530) 600-2822 to determine eligibility. 

Food Distribution

County Services

Other Community Programs

Community Stakeholder Information

Contact El Dorado County Homeless Services at homeless.services@edcgov.us.

Housing Services

The El Dorado County Public Housing Authority operates the HUD rental subsidy assistance program (formerly known as Section 8 housing).

Contact the El Dorado County Public Housing Authority at edcha@edcgov.us.

2024-25 HUD CoC Competition

On July 31, 2024, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the 2024-25 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program competition. The full NOFO is available here. A summary of this funding opportunity is available here.

2024-25 Continuum of Care Funding Competition
Local CoC Competition Timeline:

  • August 16, 2024, 5 pm: Agencies interested in applying for CoC funding must submit a Letter of Interest to edc@homebaseccc.org.
  • August 19, 2024, 1:05pm: A mandatory Technical Assistance Workshop for potential project applicants. Invitations to the workshop will be sent to those who submit a Letter of Interest. The competition timeline, project application requirements, and scoring tools will be discussed at the TA Workshop.
  • September 16, 2025, 5 pm: Local competition deadline: Project applications must be submitted to the CoC.
  • TBD: Review and Rank Panel meets.
  • TBD: Preliminary Priority Listing announcement, including projects accepted or rejected.
  • October 28, 2024, 5 PM: Consolidated application posted on the CoC website for public view.
  • October 30, 2024, 5 PM: Consolidated application including project Priority Listing is due to HUD. 

The CoC invites new agencies to apply!

The CoC invites new agencies not previously funded with CoC funds to apply. If you are interested in this funding opportunity, please submit a Letter of Interest by August 16th, 5pm. You are also invited to attend the Technical Assistance (TA) Workshop for project applicants. The TA Workshop will be held on August 19th, 11am. The competition timeline, project application requirements, and scoring tools will be discussed at the TA Workshop. If you are interested in attending, please email your Letter of Interest edc@homebaseccc.org. New and Renewal project applicants must attend the TA Workshop. Please direct any questions to edc@homebaseccc.org.