Fire Hazard Severity Zones

2022 Fire Hazard Severity Zone Update

Fire Hazard Severity Zone Maps have been updated

2007 Map(PDF, 1MB)

2022 map thumbnail2022 Map(PDF, 3MB)

Please see the most recent updated information regarding State Responsibility Area (SRA) Fire Hazard Severity Zones(PDF, 154KB). The written public comment period now closes on April 4, 2023.

What is a Fire Hazard Severity Zone?

The Fire Hazard Severity Zone Map, required by State law, identifies areas as moderate, high, and very high fire hazard. The proposed 2022 map has been updated using the most recent science and weather data to more accurately reflect the zones in California that are susceptible to wildfire. This map is used to aid in land use planning decisions and preparedness efforts by the State, local officials, and the public. View a video providing the history of the Fire Hazard Severity Zone process.

How do I know which zone I am in?

You can find the zone you are in by entering your address here. You can also compare the current map to the proposed map.

How can I have input?

CAL FIRE is accepting public comment on the proposed map through February 3, 2023. Comment can be made through email at Written comments may also be submitted by U.S. mail to the following address:

Office of the State Fire Marshal
C/O: FHSZ Comments
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
P.O. Box 944246
Sacramento, CA 94244-2460

How can I get more information?

Many questions can be answered by reviewing the CAL FIRE Press Release, and the Frequently Asked Questions documents provided by CAL FIRE and the Insurance Commissioner (cdi-fhsz.pdf ( CAL Fire has received questions regarding the input data behind the FHSZ map, which has been available in the Initial Statement of Reasons (ISOR). In an effort to make it easier to access, they have pulled those model input sources and placed them into a standalone document. If you have further questions, you can email the Office of Wildfire Preparedness and Resilience at