About Water Agency

About EDWA
Circular images about Water Agency


Achieving water sustainability for future generations through water resources planning

Working closely with local, regional, state, and federal partners, El Dorado Water Agency uses an integrated water management approach to ensure the county has reliable, accessible, and affordable water to meet urban and agricultural water supply needs. The Agency’s water resource planning is designed to maintain economic prosperity, protect the environment, and support the rural-agricultural way of life.



Working to secure our collective water future

We collaborate with water entities to develop local water supplies and resource management strategies to proactively address long-term water supply reliability, climate resiliency, and regulatory requirements. Our role and responsibilities in countywide water resource development and management are designed to fulfill the county’s General Plan. The Agency does not own any water facilities nor provide water supply directly to any water users.

The Agency’s foundational policy documents include the 1959 Act, which empowers the Agency to develop and manage water resources countywide. Below are key elements of the 1959 Act:(PDF, 4MB)


Secure water supplies and infrastructure
Improve drought preparedness

Manage stormwater resources
Provide flood protection

Implementation of the Act is outlined in EDWA’s 2021-2025 Strategic Plan (SP25+)(PDF, 7MB) and the Water Resources Development and Management Plan.(PDF, 12MB)



Core Values


Anticipate our countywide regional needs and be responsive to our preferred way of life for today and into our future.


Harness our collective energetic and outcome-oriented staff and partners to deliver on shared mission and vision.


Be forward thinking to manage our financial resources to effectively and efficiently execute our goals.


Attract staff who will reflect the Agency's core values and recognize their contributions with equivalent compensation and benefits.


Build a cohesive water community through respect, trust, and open and transparent communication.


Focus on the Agency's mission and goals and adapt to changing conditions.


Our History

Click image for larger version
Water Agency History Timeline