Vacation Home Rentals Division

Welcome to El Dorado County’s Vacation Home Rental (VHR) Information Site. Here you will find the County’s VHR ordinance, recent Board action, public outreach, and other VHR-related information. For general questions, or comments, please email us at Please include the property address or VHR permit number in the subject line.

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MEASURE T is specifically for City of South Lake Tahoe, not the unincorporated parts of El Dorado County. If your home is within city limits, contact the City of South Lake Tahoe.  

Measure T | City of South Lake Tahoe CA

Please use this map to look to see if you are in city jurisdiction. GOTNET - County of El Dorado, State of California


The New VHR Ordinance is now effective as of  11/21/24 (PDF, 6MB)

For VHR Code Complaints you will now call the VHR Code Enforcement Complaint Hotline at 530-573-7999. You can also reach them at 

What's New

The New VHR Ordinance Effective Date is 11/21/24 and can be found on this link and multiple places on our website (PDF, 6MB)

Ordinance Change Highlights

  1. Occupancy is 2 individuals 6 years of age and older per bedroom (no +2).
  2. Local Contacts ALL need to take the new test to be certified. Complaint response procedures and penalties for violations have changed. New testing material will be posted on our website on 11/21/2024.
  3. County-issued signs need to be purchased and posted at renewal & for new rentals before permit will be issued.
  4. Proof of 10 or more nights rented will be required at renewal for VHRs.
  5. Fire inspections require Defensible Space compliance among other changes.
  6. No solid fuel fires allowed county wide. Outdoor burning limited to natural gas and propane.
  7. Hosted rentals require a Hosted Home Rental (HHR) Permit.
    • 2 bedrooms total may be rented. This can be within the main home OR an attached guest house.
    • A lessee can be the host of a Hosted Home Rental, with the owner’s permission.
    • Hosted rentals are subject to 500-ft buffering in the West Slope only.
    • Hosted rentals do not require a bear box.
    • The application fee is reduced. Fire inspections (with a fee based on square footage) will take place every other year.
    • Two forms of ID will be required to prove that the address is their primary residence
  8. Rental rules do not apply to owners, such as hot tub use during quiet hours.
  9. Ranch Marketing and Winery rules are clarified as separate from VHRs and HHRs.
  10. The owner is ultimately responsible for fines from renter violations.
  11. Events are violations and are defined in the ordinance.
  12. Parking must be contained within the parcel (no blocking neighboring driveways). In Tahoe, all vehicles shall be parked on a paved surface.

Apply Online - HDL - Online VHR/HHR Permitting

Please call or make an appointment to go over the process before applying online. See Phone Appointment under Hours.



  • New VHR Permits: $760.00
  • New HHR Permits: $380.00
  • VHR/HHR Sign Fees: $20.83 (pending)
  • VHR Renewals: $380.00
  • Above fees do not include the fire safety inspection fee. That fee is based on the dwelling's size and is required with a new permit and every two years thereafter.
  • VHR/HHR Waitlists: $190.00
  • There is also a $31.00 Technology Fee Surcharge applied to new and renewing VHR applications.
  • Fire Fee Executed Resolution 205-218(PDF, 188KB)

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Trash Complaints

If you have a trash related complaint, please reach out to Clean Tahoe.

VHR Complaints

If you find that a property is violating the VHR Ordinance, please contact the VHR Enforcement Hotline at 530-573-7999. You can also email a complaint to Code Enforcement at Please also check out additional information and resources on the VHR Code Enforcement link