Regulatory History

Meetings, Staff Reports and Decisions

The El Dorado County Board of Supervisors has been actively engaged in the cannabis issue since 2013. Below is a snapshot of the meetings and decisions the Board has taken since 2013. Also included are Ordinances governing cannabis, cannabis code enforcement procedure and staff reports regarding commercial licensing, personal grows and an overview of the Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act.

2019 Cannabis Agenda Items

9/10/19 – Agenda Item – 19-1152 - El Dorado County Board of Supervisors Meeting
Planning Commission recommending the Board approve the Final Passage (Second Reading) of Ordinances 5109, 5110, and 5111 for proposed amendments (Attachments C, E, and G) to Title 130 Zoning Ordinance for the voter-enacted Measures N, P, Q, R, and S, which authorized the permitting and regulation of commercial cannabis activities in the County (OR19-0001) and adoption and passage of Ordinance 5112.

9/10/19 – Agenda Item – 19-1186 - El Dorado County Board of Supervisors Meeting
The Board of Supervisors approved the Final Passage (Second Reading) of Ordinance 5107 pertaining to Section 130.14.280 of Title 130, Article 9 of the El Dorado County Ordinance Code entitled “Taxation of Commercial Cannabis Activities” renumbered in Chapter 22 of Title 3, with amendments.

9/10/19 – Agenda Item – 19-1290 - El Dorado County Board of Supervisors Meeting
The Board of Supervisors adopted commercial cannabis fees for the unincorporated county for the pre-application, application, monitoring, and renewal process for commercial cannabis.

8/27/19 – Agenda Item – 19-1250 - El Dorado County Board of Supervisors Meeting
The Board of Supervisors adopted the following commercial Cannabis tax rates:

  • Outdoor cultivation - $2 per square foot
  • Mixed light cultivation - $4 per square foot
  • Indoor cultivation - $7 per square foot
  • Nurseries - 4% on gross receipts
  • Manufacturing - Level 1 - 2.5% on gross receipts
  • Manufacturing - Level 2 - 0.0% on gross receipts
  • Retail - 4% on gross receipts
  • Distributor - 2% on gross receipts
  • Testing Laboratories - 0.5% on gross receipts

In addition the Board decided that the commercial cannabis program, medicinal use personal cannabis program, and cannabis civil enforcement program should reside in the Planning and Building Department.

8/12/19 - Ad Hoc Cannabis Committee Meeting
The meeting was to discuss the proposed commercial cannabis tax rates, fees, and pre-application.

7/11/19 – Agenda Item – 19-1021 - El Dorado County Planning Commission Meeting
Ordinances for Manufacturing, Nurseries, and Test Laboratories and minor changes to indoor business zoning

6/25/19 – Agenda Item – 19-0894 – El Dorado County Board of Supervisors Meeting
Board of Supervisors approved an extension to the deadline to have commercial cannabis applications available to September 30, 2019 due to scheduling and logistical issues. In addition, it approved the release for a request for proposals for satellite services for up-to-date mapping data to track illegal cannabis activities and another for project management services for the commercial cannabis permitting process.

6/3/19 - Ad Hoc Cannabis Committee Meeting
The meeting was to discuss the rough draft ordinances for commercial cannabis manufacturing, nurseries and test laboratories

3/5/19 – Agenda Item – 19-0266 - El Dorado County Board of Supervisors Meeting
The Board of Supervisors gave conceptual approval to create new ordinances for the commercial cannabis business types of manufacturing, nurseries, and testing laboratories.

2/25/19 - Ad Hoc Cannabis Committee Meeting
The meeting was to discuss information on the taxation of cannabis.

2/11/19 - Ad Hoc Cannabis Committee Meeting
The meeting was to discuss the creation of draft ordinances regulating manufacturing, testing labs and cannabis nurseries

1/8/2019 – Agenda Item – 19-0025 - El Dorado County Board of Supervisors Meeting
Created a new Ad Hoc Commercial Cannabis Committee and choose two members of the Board of Supervisors to sit on the ad hoc committee. The new ad hoc committee worked on the new ordinances for commercial cannabis manufacturing, nurseries and testing laboratories in public meetings. In addition, it worked with staff on the creation of an administrative process for commercial cannabis.

2018 Cannabis Agenda Items

12/4/18 – Agenda Item - 18-1844 –El Dorado County Board of Supervisors Meeting
Presentation to the Board of Supervisors outlining next steps and an estimated timeline for the development of the County’s Commercial Cannabis Program, pursuant to voter approved Measures.

7/17/18 – El Dorado County Board of Supervisors Meeting
The Board of Supervisors voted for five different commercial cannabis ballot measures be put on the November 2018 ballot. These measures included a tax measure for commercial cannabis, a measure on outdoor and mixed light (e.g. greenhouse) cultivation of medicinal commercial cannabis, a measure on outdoor and mixed light (e.g. greenhouse) cultivation of recreational commercial cannabis, a measure on indoor medicinal commercial cannabis operations (e.g. retail/dispensary, distribution, and indoor commercial cultivation), and a measure on indoor recreational commercial cannabis operations (e.g. retail/dispensary, distribution, and indoor commercial cultivation).

7/11/18 – El Dorado County Agricultural Commission
Staff gave a presentation on the proposed ballot measures for outdoor cultivation of medicinal and recreational cannabis.

6/19/18 – Ad hoc Cannabis Advisory Committee Meeting
The meeting was to discuss the proposed commercial cannabis ballot measures and what date they will go to the full Board of Supervisors to put on the November 2018 election ballot.

5/14/18 – Ad hoc Cannabis Advisory Committee Meeting
The meeting was to discuss the administration of a commercial cannabis program and how commercial cannabis might affect County and other government programs. There were presentations from different stakeholder groups.

5/7/18 – Ad hoc Cannabis Advisory Committee Meeting
The meeting was to discuss tax rates for commercial cannabis. There were presentations from different stakeholder groups.

4/30/18 – Ad hoc Cannabis Advisory Committee Meeting
The meeting was to discuss manufacturing of commercial cannabis. There were presentations from different stakeholder groups.

4/23/18 – Ad hoc Cannabis Advisory Committee Meeting
The meeting was to discuss microbusinesses, nurseries, and testing of commercial cannabis. There were presentations from different stakeholder groups.

3/19/18 – Ad hoc Cannabis Advisory Committee Meeting
The meeting was to discuss dispensaries, deliveries, and distribution of commercial cannabis. There were presentations from different stakeholder groups.

3/12/18 – Ad hoc Cannabis Advisory Committee Meeting
The meeting was to discuss the indoor and mixed light (greenhouse) cultivation of commercial cannabis. There were presentations from different stakeholder groups.

3/5/18 – Ad hoc Cannabis Advisory Committee Meeting
The meeting was to discuss the outdoor cultivation of commercial cannabis. There were presentations from different stakeholder groups on different sides of the issue.

1/31/18 – Ad hoc Cannabis Advisory Committee Meeting
The meeting was on the structure of the future meetings of the ad hoc Cannabis Advisory Committee. The two members of the committee and the public attending the meeting introduced themselves and talked about future meeting format.

1/23/18 - Agenda Item - 18-0080- El Dorado County Board of Supervisors Meeting
The Board extended the County's 45-day temporary ban on commercial licenses for both medical and recreational (adult) cannabis, with the exception of the medical cannabis dispensaries allowed to operate under Ordinance 4999, to a temporary ban of up to two years until December 12, 2019.

2017 Cannabis Agenda Items

12/12/17 - Agenda Item - 17-1238 (Version 2) - El Dorado County Board of Supervisors Meeting
Temporary ban on commercial licenses for both medical and recreational (adult) cannabis, with the exception of the medical cannabis dispensaries allowed to operate under Ordinance 4999, with the Ordinance being in effect for forty-five (45) days from the date of adoption, unless extended by the County Board of Supervisors.

In addition, this item created a new ad hoc Cannabis Advisory Committee (with the two members of the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors making up the members of the ad hoc Cannabis Committee). For more information on the ad hoc Cannabis Advisory Committee please go to the FAQ tab at the top of this page.

11/14/17 - Agenda Item - 17-1238 (Version 1) - El Dorado County Board of Supervisors Meeting
The Board provided conceptual approval for a temporary ban on commercial licenses for both medical and recreational (adult) cannabis, with the exception of the medical cannabis dispensaries allowed to operate under Ordinance 4999 while creating a new ad hoc Cannabis Advisory Committee. For more information on the ad hoc Cannabis Advisory Committee please go to the FAQ tab at the top of this page.

At the meeting, the Board of Supervisors dissolved the ad hoc Medical Marijuana Advisory Committee after it had achieved its goals to bring recommendations on personal medical marijuana cultivation and commercial licenses.

11/7/17 - Agenda Item - 16-0209 (Version 4) - El Dorado County Board of Supervisors Meeting
Final Passage of Ordinance 5067, amending Ordinance Code, Chapter 09.02 - Code Enforcement, and Chapter 130.14.260 - Outdoor Medical Marijuana, to implement civil enforcement procedures for the outdoor cultivation of medical marijuana and existing medical marijuana distribution facilities operating under Ordinance 4999.

11/7/17 – Agenda Item – 13-1153 (Version 2) – El Dorado County Board of Supervisors Meeting
The Board of Supervisors received a presentation from the Drug Free Divide Coalition regarding the protection of El Dorado County's youth and pregnant mothers from the potentially harmful health effects of marijuana. The Drug Free Divide Coalition is a group of El Dorado County residents who are working to keep youth from accessing, using, and abusing alcohol and drugs. The Coalition consists of school staff, parents, youth and people from county businesses, as well as members from non-profit, health and other community agencies.

10/24/17 - Agenda Item - 16-0209 (Version 3) - El Dorado County Board of Supervisors Meeting
First (First Reading) Passage of Ordinance 5067 amending Ordinance Code, Chapter 09.02 - Code Enforcement, and Chapter 130.14.260 - Outdoor Medical Marijuana, to implement civil enforcement procedures for outdoor medical marijuana.

During the first reading of the proposed amendments to Chapters 130.14 and 9.02, the Board voted to remove the proposed registration requirement from Chapter 130.14 and reconsider whether such a requirement is necessary in one year. The proposed registration requirement in section 130.14.260(2)(G) has been removed in its entirety. In addition, the reference to the County's ability to decline to accept registration has been removed from section 130.14.260(2)(I)(3).

10/23/17 - Ad hoc Medical Marijuana Advisory Committee Meeting
This meeting was to discuss the committee's recommendation to the Board of Supervisors on commercial cannabis licensing (both medical and recreational).

10/12/17 - Ad hoc Medical Marijuana Advisory Committee Meeting
The meeting was to discuss the recommended changes to the Board of Supervisors for Ordinance 5067 amending Ordinance Code, Chapter 09.02 - Code Enforcement, and Chapter 130.14.260 - Outdoor Medical Marijuana, to implement civil enforcement procedures for the outdoor cultivation of medical marijuana.

5/9/17 - Agenda Item - 17-0486 - El Dorado County Board of Supervisors Meeting
The Board received a presentation from HdL Companies. A similar presentation was provided to the ad hoc Medical Marijuana Advisory Committee on September 19, 2016, focusing on revenue and enforcement options regarding medical marijuana. HdL is a company that has worked with cities and counties throughout California on cannabis rules and laws (including revenue and enforcement options). During the presentation the Board of Supervisors was provided information on what other jurisdictions in California are doing and what to learn from other states that have allowed cannabis operations.

3/27/17 - Ad hoc Medical Marijuana Advisory Committee Meeting
The meeting was to discuss the County's administrative decision for Proposition 64.

1/10/17 - Agenda Item - 16-0209 (Version 2) - El Dorado County Board of Supervisors Meeting
The Board of Supervisors gave conceptual approval to research and study amendments to County Ordinance Code, Chapter 09.02 - Code Enforcement, and Chapter 130.14.260 - Outdoor Medical Marijuana, to focus on civil enforcement procedures for the outdoor cultivation of medical marijuana. Following this meeting the two members of the ad hoc Medical Marijuana Advisory Committee worked with County staff to study different medical marijuana enforcement procedures around the state to see which ones where successful. Following the research, the ad hoc committee members and staff drafted amended Ordinances to improve the civil enforcement process (fines instead of misdemeanors for most medical marijuana cultivation rule violations and abatement when compliance is not obtained). These proposed Ordinances were approved by the Board of Supervisors on 11/7/17.

2016 Cannabis Agenda Items

12/12/16 - Ad hoc Medical Marijuana Advisory Committee Meeting
The meeting was on the conceptual changes that the ad hoc committee was going to recommend to the full Board of Supervisors. These conceptual changes included civil enforcement procedures.

9/19/16 - Ad hoc Medical Marijuana Advisory Committee Meeting
The meeting was on taxation and fees of medical marijuana. There were presentations to the committee members and the public from County staff, public and consulting firm HdL.

8/22/16 - Ad hoc Medical Marijuana Advisory Committee Meeting
The meeting was on compliance/enforcement procedures regarding medical marijuana rules. There were presentations to the committee members and the public from County staff and members of the public.

6/27/16 - Ad hoc Medical Marijuana Advisory Committee Meeting
The meeting was on medial marijuana niche businesses (e.g. dispensaries, nurseries, manufacturing, etc.). There were presentations to the committee members and the public from County staff and members of the public.

6/20/16 - Ad hoc Medical Marijuana Advisory Committee Meeting
The meeting was on medical marijuana cultivation, which included topics on personal cultivation, commercial cultivation, indoor cultivation, and outdoor cultivation. There were presenters to the committee members and the public from County staff and members of the public.

5/2/16 - Ad hoc Medical Marijuana Advisory Committee Meeting
The meeting was on the structure of the future meetings of the ad hoc Medical Marijuana Advisory Committee. The two members of the committee and the public attending the meeting introduced themselves and talked about future meeting format.

3/15/16 - Agenda Item - 16-0209 (Version 1) - El Dorado County Board of Supervisors Meeting
Presentation to the Board of Supervisors on what was known at the time as the Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act (MMRSA). At the meeting, staff, public, and the Board of Supervisors discussed how the choices allowed under the MMRSA could have significant effects on County departments' operations and the public. This workshop allowed for an open and broad discussion of some of the critical issues and choices. At the end of the meeting, the Board of Supervisors created the ad hoc Medical Marijuana Advisory Committee to study more about MMRSA and the different topics on medical marijuana (e.g. cultivation, niche businesses, enforcement, etc.). Two members of the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors make up the members of the ad hoc Medical Marijuana Advisory Committee. For more information on the ad hoc Medical Marijuana Advisory Committee, please go to the FAQ tab at the top of this page.

The County did not conduct meetings regarding medical marijuana in 2015 due to the major statutory overhauls undertaken by the State of California that resulted in the MMRSA, signed in October 2015 and amended in February 2016. The County decided to wait before pursuing updated medical marijuana Ordinances to ensure that any updates were consistent with the new State laws and regulations.

2013 Cannabis Agenda Items

9/24/13 - Agenda Item - 13-1175 (Version 1) - El Dorado County Board of Supervisors
Ordinance on Medical Marijuana Outdoor Cultivation is the proposed amendment to County Ordinance, Title 17, which regulates the outdoor cultivation of medical marijuana in all zone districts in the unincorporated areas of the County of El Dorado. The Ordinance regulates the outdoor cultivation of medical marijuana by setting standards and regulations including: the maximum size area for cultivation; fencing; separation from youth oriented facilities; setbacks from property lines; limitations on smoke and odor; residency requirements or owner authorization; environmental requirements (water quality, sewage disposal, and use of chemicals); disposal of waste material; collective cultivation on larger lots; abatement and code enforcement; administrative relief provisions and appeal process, including providing for public notice of administrative relief and appeal requests.

5/13/13 - Agenda Item - 13-1174 - (Version 1)
Ordinance on Medical Marijuana Distribution Facility is the proposed amendment to County Ordinance, Title 17, which will prohibit medical marijuana distribution facilities, including dispensaries, collectives and cooperatives in all zone districts in the unincorporated areas of the County of El Dorado. The Board of Supervisors proposes to find that adoption of the Ordinance is not subject to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) and 15060 (c)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines (Title 14, Chapter 3 of the California Code of Regulations).