Cannabis Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of El Dorado County permits and/or licenses do I need to engage in commercial cannabis activities in the unincorporated part of El Dorado County?

All commercial cannabis activities require Commercial Cannabis Use Permit, Commercial Cannabis Operating Permit and business license. You will also have to obtain the required State of California licenses.

When should I get an El Dorado County business license from the Treasurer-Tax Collector’s Office?

An El Dorado County business license should be obtained after you have received an El Dorado County Commercial Cannabis Use Permit and Commercial Cannabis Operating Permit along with the necessary licenses from the State of California.

How long is a County Commercial Cannabis Operating Use valid?

The County Commercial Cannabis Use Permit runs with the life of the parcel, unless a shorter time period is specified or the conditions set in place are not met and the permit is revoked. For more information, please click here.

How long is a County Commercial Cannabis Operating Permit valid?

The County Commercial Cannabis Operating Permit is valid for two (2) years from the date of issuance, unless a shorter time period is specified. For more information, please click here.

How long is a County business license valid?

The County business license is valid for one (1) year from the date of issuance, unless a shorter time period is specified by the Treasurer- Tax Collector. For more information, please click here.

After obtaining the necessary permits and licenses from the County and State will I need to get other permits?

Approval of a land use permit (Commercial Cannabis Use Permit) only entitles the use itself and approval of an operating permit only allows the commercial cannabis operations within certain conditions. Separate permits or licenses may also be required including any proposed construction or grading activities. For more information, please visit the Building Department, Agriculture, and Environmental Management. 

Do I need El Dorado County commercial cannabis permits, business license and State of California licenses to grow cannabis for personal use in the unincorporated part of El Dorado County?

Not for personal use. Please click on the following link for more information on personal use rules.

Can I sell personal use cannabis plants or products to others?

Proposition 64 does not allow the sale of homegrown cannabis, whether whole plant, clippings, clones, or any product derived from any part of the plant.

Can I smoke or consume cannabis in public places?

  • It is illegal to smoke or consume medical or recreational cannabis in any public place in El Dorado County. Smoking or consuming medical or recreational cannabis is also prohibited under state law where smoking tobacco is prohibited, which includes but is not limited to hallways and lobbies of apartment buildings and hotels, on the street, in schools, amusement parks, public parks and places of business usually open to the general public.
  • Additionally, consumption or smoking of cannabis is prohibited within 1,000 feet of a school or youth area while children are present, except on private residential property provided the smoking is not detectable by children.

I live in a residentially zoned area. Can I cultivate cannabis for personal use?

  • Up to 6 plants may be grown indoors in any zone, including Multi-Unit Residential zones. No more than 6 plants may be grown per residence indoors or outdoors at any given time and any cannabis grown under the ordinance must be exclusively for the personal use of the residents of the parcel.
  • Any individuals interested in growing cannabis for personal use should read the ordinance to ensure compliance with all the regulations, including setbacks, screening, and odor control.  The link below is the personal cultivation ordinance. Please click on the link to learn all the rules: Personal Cultivation Ordinance.