Emergency Preparedness

Be PreparedBeing prepared is as simple as planning ahead. The following links are not endorsed by this department, but merely starting points to help you get your family ready for emergencies.


Emergency Preparedness Information:

State Seal Be Prepared California

Homeland Security logo 30 Tips for Emergency Preparedness 

Homeland Security logo Federal Emergency Management Agency 

Ready America logo Prepare. Plan. Stay Informed

Home Disaster Kits "Go-Kits"

Ready America logo Get A Kit

American Red Cross Build a Disaster Supply Kit

Make a Plan

Ready America logo Family Communications Plan 

Ready America logo Evacuating

Pet Preparedness 

Ready America logo Preparing for Pet Emergencies  

ASPCA logo Emergency Pet Preparedness


Links to Retail Suppliers of Emergency Kits
(These companies and/or their affiliates are not endorsed in any way by this Department. This list is strictly for your convenience.)