Debris Removal Cost Recovery

During the initial recovery phase of the Caldor fire, property owners were given the option to enroll in the State-sponsored debris removal progam by signing a Right of Entry form to allow for the cleanup at no cost or hire a contractor of their choice to do the work. Those who opted into the State-sponsored program had the debris cleanup paid for by the State, but if they had insurance with a policy that included debris cleanup, they agreed to remit the total amount of that coverage or the amount it cost the State to clean their parcel, whichever was less. Example: if a policy covered $50,000 in debris removal and it cost the State $90,000 to remove the debris, the property owner would remit only $50,000 (the amount of their policy coverage). Conversely, if a policy covered $50,000 in debris removal and it cost the State $30,000 to remove the debris, the property owner/insurance company would remit only $30,000 (the cost of the cleanup).

Starting the week of April 1, 2024, property owners and their insurance companies will be emailed or postal mailed the document examples found in the link below.  

Caldor Fire - Debris Removal Insurance Cost Recovery Program for APN(PDF, 259KB)

These are examples of what property owners who signed a Right of Entry to have the State conduct debris removal services after the Caldor Fire and indicated they had homeowners insurance at the time of the fire will receive via email or USPS. Included are:

  • A sample letter property owners will receive about the debris removal cost recovery and instructions to remit payment they've received from their insurance company for debris removal

  • Frequently Asked Questions about the insurance recovery effort

  • A sample letter the insurance companies will receive


