Bear Resistant Garbage Cans

image of brown bear


El Dorado County Ordinance 5083, the Bear-Proof Garbage Can Requirements Ordinance, establishes requirements for the proper storage of residential and commercial garbage in the unincorporated portions of El Dorado County that lie within the boundaries of the Silver Fork, Tahoe Truckee Unified, and Lake Tahoe Unified School Districts. The ordinance is intended to enhance public health and safety by eliminating conditions that attract bears (and other wildlife) to inhabited areas.

Approved bear resistant garbage can enclosures are required:

  • for all new residential or remodel projects.
  • in areas where it has been determined by the Environmental Management Department that there is a bear or other animal access problem.
  • all new vacation home rentals.
  • all existing vacation home rentals (must comply by October 15, 2018)

All bear resistant garbage enclosures must be front loading (not top), hold 32-gallon trash cans, weigh no more than 50 pounds (loaded) and be approved by your service provider. 

bear box 1bear boxes 2

Approved Bear Resistant Garbage Can Enclosures

El Dorado County Ordinance 4600 requires the installation of bear-resistant garbage can enclosures in conjunction with the construction of all new residential units on parcels that lie within the boundaries of the Silver Fork, Tahoe Truckee Unified, and Lake Tahoe Unified School Districts. Bear-resistant garbage enclosures may also be required if the garbage collection and/or storage site has been inspected by our department and determined to be a bear access problem. The ordinance is intended to enhance public health and safety by eliminating conditions that attract bears to inhabited areas.

A site plan that clearly designates the location and name of the bear-resistant garbage enclosure must be approved by the Environmental Management Department. Bear-resistant garbage enclosures shall be located 10 feet maximum from a county-maintained road or other roads if subject to garbage service pickup. The enclosures shall not be located within a road right of way or easement. The unit must be installed prior to final and/or occupancy approval for all new residential construction. Please contact your local hauler for more information

Approved Bear Resistant Garbage Can Enclosure Vendors

Bear Saver Tahoe Bear Box
 (800) 851-3887
 PO Box 1345
Carnelian Bay, CA 96140
(530) 546-3154
(530) 546-0662 Fax 
Purchase at Langenfield Ace Hardware
(775) 884-9353
 (209) 890-3345


For more information, please visit the following links: 

bear paw El Dorado County Municode - Chapter 8.76 Bear Proof Garbage Can Requirements

bear paw BEAR League 

bear paw Tahoe Donner Association 


Or Contact:

South Lake Tahoe Environmental Management Department
924 B Emerald Bay Rd.
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
(530) 573-3450