Liquid Waste Program Septic Approval Procedure

The following general procedure will apply to all sewage disposal systems, both standard and special design:

  1. Application for building permit will be taken at the Building Division - Permit Center.
  2. The application will be sent to the Planning Division for approval.
  3. The application will then be sent to the Environmental Health Division for approval.
  4. Prior to approval by the Environmental Health Division, all of the following data must be provided:
  1. If the dwelling is served by an individual well or spring, a current well production report is required, accompanied by a plot plan signed by a licensed well driller.
    • If the well was drilled after May 10, 1990, a separate well permit is required and must be finale before this office can approve the Building Permit Application.
  2. The percolation rate must be established by a percolation test performed on the parcel either by an individual percolation test, an accepted subdivision percolation rate, or by a percolation test performed for a parcel map. A registered civil engineer, geologist or registered environmental health specialist must do this test.
    • If the percolation rate is less than 5 min./in., greater than 30 min./in., for deep trenches or greater than 60 min. /in., a special design sewage disposal system is required.
    • Ground slopes in the sewage disposal and replacement area shall not be greater than 30 percent.
  3. The soil profile within the proposed septic system area must be evaluated by a registered civil engineer, geologist or registered environmental health specialist.
    • The soil profile test trench(es) shall be scheduled and reported to this Division. An inspection by this Division may be conducted.
    • Soil depth below the bottom of a leaching trench shall not be less than 5 feet.
    • Depth to anticipated highest level of groundwater below the bottom of a leaching trench shall not be less than 5 feet.
  4. Four legible copies of the sewage disposal system design, no larger than 8-1/2 x 14 ", nor smaller than 8-1/2 x 11', showing the following information on a scale of 1" = 50' or larger:
    • A scaled drawing of the parcel configuration.
    • Frontage road and easements.
    • Distance from house to property lines or road easements.
    • Distance from house to the septic tank.
    • Distance from septic tank to leach lines.
    • Exact length, width and depth of all leach lines.
    • Distance from leach lines to property lines and road easements.
    • The Exact area to be used for 100% replacement.
    • The scale used for the plot plan.
    • The percentage of slope of the ground in the sewage disposal area and 100 % replacement.
  5. North Arrow.
    • The location of all wells (on the parcel or on adjacent parcels), rivers, streams (permanent or ephemeral), ditches, springs, water pipelines, rock outcroppings, hardpan, lava caps, cuts, fills and slopes over 30%.
    • Accurate driving directions to the parcel.
    • Cross-section of the trench.
    • Distribution of effluent.
    • Any special consideration required in the installation of the proposed system.
    • Assessor's Parcel number referenced on all plot plans.
  6. If any of the above data is not provided, approval will be withheld pending the submission of the necessary data.
  7. The Environmental Health Division may conduct an on-site inspection. This would require that the property be staked: four comers of the house, septic tank and leach lines.
  8. Upon approval by the Environmental Health Division, the approval will be entered into the "permits system" computer, and upon issuance of the permit an "approval packet" containing approved plot plans and septic inspections instructions, will be given to the owner/applicant. A copy of the approved Building permits application will be returned to the Building Department.
  9. The Environmental Health Division will inspect all sewage disposal systems.
  10. Leave septic tank and all trenches and tight lines uncovered for inspection.