Hazardous Waste Generator/Tiered Permitting

Hazardous Waste Generator/Tiered Permitting

Hazardous Waste Forms 
CalEPA Title 27- (Including: Business Activities, Hazardous Materials Inventory, Recycling Materials, Operating Permit App. Onsite Hazardous Waste Treatment, Permit by Rule, Conditionally Exempt, etc.)

If you are a hazardous waste generator, it is your responsibility to identify and manage your waste properly. Tiered permitting is a five-level hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal (TSD) authorization program. The first three tiers are designed to regulate on-site treatment of hazardous waste. On-site treatment under these tiers is limited to relatively small amounts of waste with proven, low risk technologies. The onsite tiered permitting program is presently run by the CUPAs; your local agency can provide information, forms, and assistance. The fourth tier, or "Standardized Permit" is for off-site treatment or storage of wastes that would not require a federal permit, such as waste oil storage or precious metal recovery services. The final tier is that of a full treatment, storage or disposal (TSD).

The above information is from the Department of Toxic Substance Control website. For more general information: Fact Sheets - Department of Toxic Substances Control

All handlers of hazardous waste, including those who generate, store, transport or dispose of hazardous waste, must have an identification (ID) number. Handlers that generate more than 100 kilograms of RCRA waste or 1 kilogram of acutely hazardous waste per month must have a Federal EPA ID number. Handlers that generate less than those amounts or any amount of non-RCRA hazardous waste must have a California ID number. The ID numbers enable regulators to track the waste from its origin to final disposal ("cradle to grave").

To obtain an EPA ID number, please complete and submit the application to USEPA.

To obtain a California ID number please complete and submit the application to DTSC.

All hazardous waste generators must also complete and submit a hazardous waste contingency plan, pay an annual fee and undergo periodic inspections. The required plan components include the Business Owner/Operator Identification and the Emergency Response Procedures/Training Plan/Chemical Locations Map (in the EDC Business Plan(PDF, 96KB))