SRO in front of Sheriff office building

Safeguarding Children through Healthy Initiatives, Education, Law enforcement, and Deterrence

Our Mission:

Our mission is to bridge the gap between El Dorado County Schools and the Sheriff's Office through total care and total professionalism. We work closely with school staff and administration to be involved with the children of the community in various aspects within the elementary school ages.

Our Program:

The El Dorado County Sheriff's Office has developed a new Kindergarten through Sixth grade youth engagement program called S.C.H.I.E.L.D. SCHIELD will be visiting elementary schools throughout El Dorado County. This program is intended to create positive relationships between elementary students and the El Dorado County Sheriff's Office. SCHIELD Deputies have been instructed and trained in the newest D.A.R.E. curriculum to assist youth in healthy choice options.

A SCHIELD Deputy will be on schools' campus from drop-off through pick-up times. A SCHIELD Deputy will be highly visible on campus during all school hours, to include recess, breakfast times and lunch times during their weekly activities. The SCHIELD Deputy plans to be active during play and physical education times, as well as within classrooms. A SCHIELD Deputy's primary function will be public relations and community outreach for children, staff, and parents in the Kindergarten through Sixth grade age range.

Contact us:

If you have questions about our program, you may contact us at: