Hospital Preparedness Program

The Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP)

The Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) enhances the local health care systems to prepare for and respond to emergencies. This initiative focuses on enhancing the capacity and capabilities of healthcare facilities to respond effectively to emergencies and disasters. Through collaboration, training, and resource coordination, the HPP ensures that hospitals and medical services are prepared to provide high-quality care in times of crisis. Our goal is to maintain a resilient healthcare system that can handle any situation with efficiency and expertise. The HPP is managed by the EMS Agency in El Dorado County.

Amador-Alpine-El Dorado Healthcare Coalition

The El Dorado County HPP Program partners with Amador and Alpine Counties to form the Amador-Alpine-El Dorado Healthcare Coalition. This collaborative effort between the counties of Amador, Alpine and El Dorado expands the capacity of assistance to each other in the event of an emergency. This coalition, along with local hospitals, healthcare providers, Public Health, the Sheriff's Office of Emergency Services, and others work collaboratively together to prepare for and respond to emergencies in our jurisdictions.