EMS Agency Information

EMS Logo


"The mission of the County of El Dorado EMS Agency is to ensure high-quality emergency care for the residents and visitors through oversight, planning, implementation, and continuous monitoring of the emergency medical services system."

EMS Service Areas



System Organization and Management

Implement and evaluate EMS system

Provide medical direction for EMS system

Ensure on-line medical direction by base hospital

Support clinical advisory groups (MAC, CQIC, EMCC)

Develop and update EMS Plan to assess system and identify needs

Develop and update Trauma Plan Review

Monitor and coordinate EMS system operations

Develop and enforce medical policies, procedures, guidelines, field treatment protocols

Approve ALS services as part of EMS system

Establish exclusive operating areas for ALS transport contractors


Assess personnel and training needs

Approve education programs including continuing education

Accredit and certify prehospital medical personnel

Ensure medical dispatch training and certification for dispatch personnel

Establish defibrillation accreditation policies for public safety and BLS personnel

Establish EMD dispatch priority reference system


Ensure communication linkage capability of EMS system

Establish EMD dispatch priority reference system

Response and Transportation

Develop, negotiate, renew and enforce medical transportation contracts

Evaluate and report provider compliance to contract

Ensure compliance to State and local regulations, policies and procedures

Develop RFP processes to procure transportation service contractors

Ensure EMS staff are trained and vehicles are equipped to ALS levels

Integrate first responders into EMS system

Coordinate air ambulance and rescue services; develop policies and procedures

Plan for mobilization of response and transport vehicles for disaster

Develop multi-casualty response plans and procedures

Facilities and Critical Care

Develop and maintain agreements with acute care facilities

Designate and monitor base hospitals and receiving hospitals

Develop trauma care system

Data Collection and System Evaluation

Provide countywide quality assurance processes to audit prehospital response

Review Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) to ensure appropriate level of response

Review EMD to ensure appropriateness of medical pre-arrival instructions

Establish a data management system to support planning and system evaluation

Develop trauma registry to capture trauma system data

Public Information and Education

Promote community education on injury control, CPR and first aid programs

Promote citizen disaster preparedness activities

Disaster Medical Response

Participate in development of disaster medical response plan and resources inventory

Designate disaster casualty collection points

Ensure EMS personnel are trained/equipped for hazardous materials response

Establish procedures for disaster casualty distribution

Establish procedures for needs assessment for outside assistance

Ensure annual disaster drill is conducted by each hospital



County Service Areas 3 and 7

Administer special taxes and benefit assessments

Process annual assessments onto tax rolls

Handle property owner inquiries and prepare refunds