SB 1193 Requirements for local Businesses

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California Senate Bill 1193, Civil Code § 52.6 requires specified businesses and establishments to post a notice informing the public and victims of human trafficking of telephone hotlines through which to seek help or report unlawful activity. Human trafficking is a serious issue that involves forced labor and/or sexual exploitation. Human trafficking can happen anywhere, and victims have been identified in our region, including children and other vulnerable people in El Dorado County. Survivors of human trafficking often do not know where to turn for help and community members may not know where to report suspicious situations. SB 1193 helps promote access to essential services to combat human trafficking.


The law is very specific about who must post, what must be posted and how.

DownloadRequiredPublic Notice
(Must be printed on 8.5X14 size paper)

1. Who Must Post a Public Notice
Civil Code § 52.6 mandates the following businesses post the notice:

  • On-sale general public premises licensees under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act
  • Adult or sexually oriented businesses
  • Highway truck stops
  • Bus stations
  • Intercity passenger rail or light rail stations
  • Airports
  • Emergency rooms within general acute care hospitals
  • Urgent care centers
  • Farm labor contractors
  • Roadside rest areas
  • Businesses offering massage or bodywork
  • Privately operated job recruitment centers
  • Hotels, motels and bed and breakfast inns

2. What the Public Notice Must Say
Civil Code § 52.6 requires that the public notice to be posted must be at least 8.5 inches by 11 inches and written in size 16 font.  The public notice must state:

"If you or someone you know is being forced to engage in any activity and cannot leave -- whether it is commercial sex, housework, farm work, construction, factory, retail, or restaurant work, or any other activity -- text 233-733 (Be Free) or call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 or the California Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking (CAST) at 1-888-KEY-2-FRE(EDOM) or 1-888-539-2373 to access help and services. Victims of slavery and human trafficking are protected under United States and California law.

The hotlines are:
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Toll-free. Operated by nonprofit, nongovernmental organizations. Anonymous and confidential. Accessible in more than 160 languages. Able to provide help, referral to services, training, and general information."

The notice must be posted in both English and Spanish, and any other language for which translation is required in the county for purposes of the federal Voting Rights Act.
Download required public notice:
Click here(PDF, 133KB) to download public notice

3. Where Must the Public Notice Be Posted
Civil Code § 52.6 requires that businesses or establishments must post the notice in a conspicuous place near the public entrance of the establishment or in another conspicuous location in clear view of the public and employees where similar notices are customarily posted.

Penalties and Fines
Civil Code § 52.6(e) creates civil liability for a business or establishment that fails to comply with the posting requirement. The penalty for violating this law is $500 for a first offense and $1,000 for each subsequent offense.

For additional information and requirements contact:
California Attorney General's Office
P.O. Box 944255 Sacramento, CA 94244-2550
Phone Toll-free: (877) 433-9069