
Semi Truck and Backhoe

The Department of Transportation is responsible for the funding, planning, designing, building, operating, and maintaining the County Road System (CRS). The County Road System currently consists of approximately 1083 centerline miles of paved roadway, 76 bridges, a multitude of storm drainage systems, and related transportation facilities.

The two primary priorities of the Department of Transportation are:

  1. Public safety - ensuring that our roads are safe for public use with due care in a manner in which it is reasonably foreseeable that they will be used.
  2. Preservation of infrastructure - preserving and maintaining the public's multi-billion dollar investment in our roads, bridges, and other facilities associated with the CRS.

Rubicon Trail

The Rubicon Trail is located in the California High Sierra, due west of Lake Tahoe, approximately 80 miles east of Sacramento, and 35 miles east of Placerville. This world-renowned 4-wheel drive route leads from Georgetown (at California Highway 49) to Lake Tahoe (near Tahoma), a total distance of approximately 22 miles. The trail is a non-maintained County road located in El Dorado and Placer Counties. Parts of the trail pass through the Eldorado National Forest and portions of private lands.

Grading Permits

Attention Commercial Grading Permit Applicants

New Procedures went into place effective July 1, 2021 as follows:

  1. Obtain permit application number from Building Department for commercial grading over 1500 cubic yards.
  2. Submit one copy of grading plans directly to:
    Resource Conservation District (RCD)
    100 Forni Rd, Placerville, CA 95667
    Phone: (530) 303-5329
  3. Pay the RCD fee directly to the agency rather than to the County of El Dorado.

Divisions and Resources

Road Maintenance / Projects
Roadway and bridge maintenance, snow removal, traffic engineering, traffic signals, signs and markings, traffic counts, brushing, and pavement, curb, gutter and sidewalk repair.

Projects / Engineering
Transportation projects including capital projects in the West Slope and Tahoe Basin.

Land Development
Reviews improvement plans for new development projects, new commercial and residential proposals and issue encroachment permits for large-scale projects within the public right-of-way.

Transportation Planning
Reviews transportation impacts of new commercial and residential development through traffic impact studies, maintains the County's Traffic Model, and oversees and implements the Countywide Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) Program. 

Issues grading, utility, encroachment, and oversize vehicle permits. Also authorizes temporary road closures for special events and parades.

Zones of Benefit
County Service Area Zones of Benefit - California Government Code Section 25210 allows for the formation of county service areas in unincorporated areas, providing an alternative method of furnishing additional services and the levy of special taxes or benefit assessments to pay for the services. County service areas do not provide revenue; the zones of benefit provide funding for services.

Traffic Advisory Committee (TAC)
The Traffic Advisory Committee was formed in 1965 by the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors to provide a more efficient and systematic method of determining the necessity of requested traffic control device installations and to investigate and report to the Board on these requests.

Report Road Problems/Issues

(530) 642-4909

When reporting a problem, please include the location, description of the problem, and telephone number where you can be reached.

Learn more about the Liability Claim Form(PDF, 391KB) and information on filing a claim against the County of El Dorado.

Additional DOT Links