On December 7, 2010, the Board of Supervisors (Board) adopted Resolution of Intention No. 179-2010 to initiate an amendment to the Zoning Map to add a Historic Design Review Combining Zone District to selected parcels within the El Dorado/Diamond Springs Community Region, as requested by the El Dorado/Diamond Springs Community Advisory Committee (Legistar File No. 10-1250, Attachment F).
On December 15, 2015, the Board adopted a Targeted General Plan Amendment (Resolution No. 196-2015) which included revisions to Policy requiring all properties located within the historic townsites of Clarksville, El Dorado and Diamond Springs be designated on the zoning maps as a Design Historic (-DH) Combining Zone District (Legistar File No. 11-0356, Attachment No. 28, pg. 11). The Board also adopted Ordinance No. 5030, a comprehensive update to Title 130 (Zoning Ordinance), which included amendments to Section 130.27.060 (Design Review - Historic (-DH) Combining Zone) to update and clarify procedures and regulations for future development within the (-DH) Combining Zone District (Legistar File No. 11-0356, Attachment No. 35).
On April 24, 2018, the Board adopted Resolution No. 072-2018, approving a reformat of the original Historic Design Guide, adopted April 13, 1982, for properties within a (-DH) Combining Zone District (Legistar File No. 18-0542, Attachment D). This document was reformatted for better print quality and because the original document was not available in electronic format.
On August 14, 2018, the Board adopted Ordinance No. 5090 for minor amendments to the Zoning Ordinance (Legistar Fille No. 18-0942, Attachment 9) including additional clarifications to Section 130.27.060 (Design Review – Historic [-DH] Combining Zone).