Flood Zone Definitions

FEMA Flood Maps and Zones

Parts of El Dorado County are in flood zones and are subject to flooding.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) creates Flood Insurance Rate Maps. Flood Insurance Rate Maps, or Flood Maps, show which areas are high, moderate, or low risk.

Communities use flood maps to set building requirements on floodplains. Lenders also use flood maps to determine flood insurance requirements.

Flood Zone Meanings:



Zone A is the flood insurance rate zone used for 1-percent-annual-chance (base flood) floodplains that are determined for the Flood Insurance Study (FIS) by approximate methods of analysis. Because detailed hydraulic analyses are not performed for such areas, no Base Flood Elevations (BFEs) or depths are shown in this zone. Mandatory flood insurance purchase requirements apply.


Zone AE is the flood insurance rate zone used for the 1-percent-annual-chance floodplains that are determined for the FIS by detailed methods of analysis. In most instances, BFEs derived from the detailed hydraulic analyses are shown at selected intervals in this zone. Mandatory flood insurance purchase requirements apply.

AE zones are areas of inundation by the 1-percent-annual-chance flood, including areas with the 2-percent wave runup, elevation less than 3.0 feet above the ground, and areas with wave heights less than 3.0 feet. These areas are subdivided into elevation zones with BFEs assigned. The AE zone will generally extend inland to the limit of the 1-percent-annual-chance Stillwater Flood Level (SWEL).



Zone D designation is used for areas where there are possible but undetermined flood hazards.

In areas designated as Zone D, no analysis of flood hazards has been conducted. Flood insurance is optional and available. The flood insurance rates for properties in Zone D are commensurate with the uncertainty of the flood risk.

X (shaded)

Zone X (shaded), formerly Zone B, is used for areas of 0.2-percent-annual-chance floodplain, areas of 1-percent-annual-chance (base flood) sheet flow flooding with average depths of less than 1 foot, areas of base flood stream flooding with a contributing drainage area of less than 1 square mile, or areas protected from the base flood by levees. No BFEs or depths are shown in this zone, and insurance purchase is not required.

X (un-shaded)

Zone X (un-shaded), formerly Zone C, is the flood insurance rate zone used for areas outside the 0.2-percent-annual-chance floodplain. No Base Flood Elevations (BFEs) or depths are shown in this zone, and insurance purchase is not required.