
View a variety of reports covering development and environmental planning in El Dorado County.

Mello-Roos Community Facilities District (CFD) Reports

Review Mello-Roos Community Facilities District Reports and learn how Mello-Roos CFDs are used to finance public infrastructure projects such as roads, parks, and schools in El Dorado County.

Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR)

View the Final Environmental Impact Report documents. You will find comments received during the public review period of the Draft Environmental Impact Report in addition to plan modifications and appendix documents.

View the Draft Environmental Impact Report documents. You will find information from the draft report about the environmental impacts of proposed projects in the County.

Targeted General Plan Amendment & Zoning Ordinance Update (TGPA-ZOU) Report

Access the environmental impact report on El Dorado County's updates to the General Plan. This report is not related to a specific development or project, but rather about policy changes and improving planning processes.