Due to the large file size of the entire Final EIR, the document has been broken down into smaller file size sections for optimal accessibility and downloading. Printed copies of Chapters 1 through 8 with a CD of the complete FEIR may be purchased for $35 each by calling (530) 621-4650.
The documents below are in PDF format and should be viewed with Adobe Reader.
- Title Page and Chapters 1 through 8(PDF, 32MB) (516 pages)
- Chapter 9 - Responses to Comments - Complete(PDF, 77MB) (1,387 pages)
- Appendix A - Notice of Preparation and Initial Study(PDF, 2MB) (68 pages)
- Appendix B - Comments Received on Notice of Preparation - Complete(PDF, 25MB) (605 pages)
- Appendix C - Mixed Used Design Manual 12-15-15(PDF, 11MB) (90 pages)
- Appendix D - Traffic Modeling Methodology(PDF, 2MB) (33 pages)
- Appendix E - Text Changes to Draft EIR and Recirc DEIR(PDF, 1MB) (67 pages)
- Appendix F - Attachments to Comments
- Part 1, I-52-54 Mulvany(PDF, 11MB) (41 pages)
- Part 2, I-55 Mulvany(PDF, 10MB) (202 pages)
- Part 3, I-Recirc-20 Langley(PDF, 10MB) (545 pages)
- Part 4, O-Recirc-1 Attach C RCU Van Dyke(PDF, 20MB) (265 pages)
- Part 4, O-Recirc-1 Attach A-H RCU Van Dyke(PDF, 10MB) (372 pages)
- Part 5, O-Recirc-1 Attach I-R RCU Van Dyke(PDF, 9MB) (164 pages)
- Part 6, O-Recirc-1 Attach S-Z RCU Van Dyke(PDF, 10MB) (507 pages)
- Part 7, O-Recirc-1 Attach AA-FF RCU Van Dyke(PDF, 11MB) (355 pages)
- Part 8, O-Recirc-1 Attach GG-II RCU Van Dyke(PDF, 10MB) (123 pages)
- Part 9, O-Recirc-1 Attach JJ-VV RCU Van Dyke(PDF, 10MB) (2,096 pages)
- Part 10, O-Recirc-1 Attach WW-ZZ RCU Van Dyke(PDF, 9MB) (99 pages)
- Part 11, O-Recirc-1 Attach AAA-FFF RCU Van Dyke(PDF, 7MB) (102 pages)
- Part 12, O-Recirc-1 Attach GGG-III RCU Van Dyke(PDF, 4MB) (112 pages)