About Us
Parks, Trails, and River Division
El Dorado County has an exceptional array of unique natural and cultural resources that draw visitors from all over the world. The county’s parks, trails, and rivers provide visitors with ways to access and enjoy these resources that have long been recognized for their spectacular beauty.
The county offers a variety of park and recreation facilities providing opportunities for people of all ages to enjoy playgrounds, sports fields, equestrian areas, picnic areas, disc golf, skateboarding, bike pump tracks, community centers, paved and natural trails, river access and beaches, and much more.
The vision for parks, trails, and rivers in El Dorado County is to offer access to a diverse selection of recreation opportunities that provide multiple benefits, including:
- Health and wellness for residents of all ages and abilities;
- Centers for community gathering and events;
- Enhanced sense of place and local identity;
- Protection for El Dorado County’s unique natural and cultural resources; and
- Economic development associated with recreation-based tourism and quality of life.
Goals and Objectives
As identified in El Dorado County's General Plan Parks and Recreation Element:
Goal 9.1 Parks and Recreation Facilities
Goal 9.1 Provide adequate recreation opportunities and facilities including developed regional and community parks, trails, and resource-based recreation areas for the health and welfare of all residents and visitors of El Dorado County.
Objective 9.1.1 County shall assume primary responsibility for the acquisition and development of regional parks and assist in the acquisition and development of neighborhood and community parks to serve County residents and visitors.
Objective 9.1.2 Provide for a County-wide, non-motorized, multi-purpose trail system and trail linkages to existing and proposed, local, State, and Federal trail systems. The County will actively seek to establish trail linkages between schools, parks, residential, commercial, and industrial uses and to coordinate this non-motorized system with the vehicular circulation system.
Objective 9.1.4 Conserve and promote waterways of El Dorado County, particularly the South Fork of the American River, as recreational and economic assets.
Objective 9.1.5 Coordinate future park and trail planning and development with Federal, State, cities, community service districts, school districts, and other recreation agencies and districts to provide increased recreation opportunities through shared use of facilities, continuity and efficiency of operations, and a more coordinated and balanced park system.
Goal 9.3 Recreation and Tourism
Goal 9.3 Aims to increase opportunities to capitalize on the recreational resources of the County through tourism and recreation-based businesses and industries. Associated objectives and policies address the need to protect and maintain existing natural and cultural resources and those recreation businesses and industries that attract tourism.
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