Environmental Management

Environmental Management

Eagle Falls


Emerald Bay


Lake Tahoe


Union Mine Treatment Plant


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Jeffrey Warren, Director of Environmental Management

The mission of the Environmental Management Department is to protect, preserve, and enhance the public health, safety, and environment through a balanced program of environmental monitoring and enforcement, innovative leadership, community education, customer service, and emergency response for the citizens of and the visitors to El Dorado County.

Department Units of Environmental Management


Request for Proposals (RFP's), fees, forms.

Environmental Health

Environmental Health
Food facilities, domestic wells, small water systems, septic systems, public pools and spas, tobacco retail licensing, and public health issues.

Hazardous Materials

Hazardous Materials
Implementing the hazardous materials and household hazardous waste programs to ensure that hazardous materials and hazardous waste are properly managed.

Solid Waste

Solid Waste
Implementing the solid waste and recycling programs to ensure the safe handling and proper disposal of residential and commercial solid waste.

Union Mine Landfill & Liquid Waste Treatment Facility

Union Mine Landfill & Liquid Waste Treatment Facility
The wastewater treatment plant currently processes septic tank waste, portable toilet waste, and liquid waste from the landfill (leachate).

  • Please note: The landfill continues to be closed to the public.

Vector Control

Vector Control
Vector / Mosquito control program.


Environmental Management employees do their best to protect and serve the citizens of El Dorado County. We take pride in our leadership and customer service. Please take time today to fill out our online Customer Satisfaction Survey to help us better serve you. 


Would you like to make a field appointment for a test trench inspection, septic system inspection, or well inspection? Make your appointment today.


Need to file a complaint against a facility regulated by Environmental Management or have a general complaint? Please visit our complaint web page.

Parcel Research & Public Records Request

Do you need parcel research for septic, well, or any other related information? Please use our Parcel Research Request Form. For all other records requests, please visit the Public Records Center page for the request.

Additional Information

Algal bloom

Department Head

Jeffrey Warren