Parks Project Updates

Diamond Springs Community Park

The County has begun planning the development of Springs Community Park. A concept has been approved by the Board of Supervisors, which includes ball fields, soccer fields, basketball courts, an accessible playground, restrooms, and a picnic area.

  • Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report and Notice of Public Scoping Meeting for Diamond Springs Community Park
  • Initial Study for the Diamond Springs Community Park Project
  • Notice of Availability of the 45-day Public Review of the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the Diamond Springs Community Park Project
  • Notice of Public Hearing to Approve and Certify the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for the Diamond Springs Community Park Project

  • Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Diamond Springs Community Park Project 
    • Appendix A - NOP and Scoping Comments
    • Appendix B - Air Quality, GHG, and Energy Data
    • Appendix C - Biological Resources Report
    • Appendix D - Archaeological Resources Inventory Report 
    • Appendix E - Geotechnical Engineering Study
    • Appendix F - Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
    • Appendix G - Noise Data
    • Appendix H - Transportation Impact Study

  • Final Environmental Impact Report for the Diamond Springs Community Park Project
  • Findings of Fact
    • Appendix A - NOP and Scoping Comments
    • Appendix B - Air Quality, GHG, and Energy Data
    • Appendix C - Biological Resources Report
    • Appendix D - Archaeological Resources Inventory Report
    • Appendix E - Geotechnical Engineering Study
    • Appendix F - Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
    • Appendix G - Noise Data
    • Appendix H - Transportation Impact Study
    • Appendix I - Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program

Approved Concept Diamond Springs

Forebay Park Renovations

Forebay Park, located in Pollock Pines, is currently undergoing renovations. Below is the conceptual plan approved by the Board of Supervisors.  The Board has allocated $3 million dollar of ARPA/Cares Act Funding for renovation. The renovations will include two asphalt parking lot areas, restrooms, an accessible playground, exercise equipment, ballfield renovations, a disc golf course and walking trails.  This project is currently under CEQA review with construction anticipated for spring of 2024.

  • Notice of Intent for the Forebay Park Improvements Project
  • Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Forebay Park Improvements Project
  • Appendices for the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Forebay Park Improvements Project


Chili Bar Renovation

Chili Bar Put-In, located in Placerville, is currently undergoing renovations. The extent of these upgrades is yet to be determined, as the County is investigating the infrastructure.