Capital Improvement Program

The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a 20-Year plan that is updated each year to plan for improvements to the County's transportation infrastructure. We're always planning ahead with safety and reliability in mind.

The planning process includes identifying, prioritizing and developing funding for projects programmed in the CIP. All projects included in the CIP are reviewed and updated annually, including project scope, cost estimates, anticipated schedules, and revenue projections. Every five years, we make major updates to the CIP to align with the five-year General Plan review and to update the Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) program.

See if a project you are interested in is listed in our program

Major revisions of the CIP and Traffic Impact Mitigation (TIM) Fee Program were adopted on December 6, 2016 (effective February 13, 2017) and December 8, 2020 (effective February 8, 2021).

Explore the Current Traffic Impact Fee rates and find supporting documents

Review the tabs below for a better understanding of the process used to update the CIP and TIF Programs.

General Plan Policy TC-XB and Implementation Measure TC-A

General Plan Policy TC-Xb requires the County prepare an annual updated Capital Improvement Program (CIP) specifying expenditures for roadway improvements within the next 10 years. It also requires a major CIP update every five years, in coordination with the five-year major review of the General Plan, specifying expenditures for roadway improvements within the next 20 years. General Plan Policy TC-Xb is stated in the Transportation and Circulation Element(PDF, 532KB) on page 69.

General Plan Implementation Measure TC-A requires the County to prepare and adopt a priority list of road and highway improvements for the CIP based on a 10-year horizon. The CIP shall prioritize capital maintenance and rehabilitation, reconstruction, capacity, operational and safety improvements. Key criteria used for project consideration and prioritization include: health and safety, project costs and funding, community support, consistency with the General Plan, and on-going maintenance costs. General Plan Implementation Measure TC-A is stated in the Transportation and Circulation Element(PDF, 532KB) on page 76.

Minor Annual Update

General Plan Policy TC-Xb and Implementation Measure TC-A require the County prepare an annual Capital Improvement Program (CIP) specifying expenditures for roadway improvements within the next 10 years.

Annual CIP updates are necessary to accommodate:

  • Revisions in economic activity
  • Changes in roadway priorities
  • Cost adjustments due to material, labor and land needed for right-of-way

The CIP Book includes the following programs: West Slope Road/Bridge (CIP), Tahoe Environmental Improvement Program (EIP), Airport Capital Improvement Program (ACIP), Transportation Facilities Improvement Program (TFIP), and Capital Overlay and Rehabilitation Program (CORP). A diagram of the Annual CIP Update Cycle is included under Supporting Documents.

  • Revisions in economic activity
  • Changes in roadway priorities
  • Cost adjustments due to material, labor and land needed for right-of-way.


Supporting Documents

Annual CIP and TIM Fee Program Update Cycles as required by General Plan Policy TC-Xb and Implementation Measures TC-A and TC-B

Annual CIP and TIM Fee Program Update Cycles steps

Agenda Item - Board of Supervisors/Planning Commission

Please note: These agenda items may not reflect the most current information and are subject to change. For the latest information on agenda items related to this project, refer to the County online agenda calendar:

2018 Annual CIP Update

Date Item File ID Ver. Description
11/14/2017 22 17-1183 1 Community Development Services, Planning and Building Department, recommending the Board approve the proposed 2018 Ten-Year Residential Permit Forecast for development of the 2018 Capital Improvement Program.

2017 Annual CIP Update

Date Item File ID Ver. Description
9/19/2017 12 17-0218 2 Community Development Services, Department of Planning and Building and Department of Transportation, recommending the Board:
1) Approve the 2017 Capital Improvement Program Addenda Update information per the 2017 CIP Addenda Update Table; and
2) Approve the addition of the Sweeney Road at North Fork Cosumnes River Bridge Repair Project, Project 78727, to the 2017 Capital Improvement Program.
6/27/2017 25 17-0218 1 Community Development Services, Planning and Building Department, Long Range Planning Unit, and the Department of Transportation recommending the Board:
1) Adopt the 2017 Capital Improvement Program Book as presented in Attachment 2B;
2) Authorize the addition of two new projects to the 2017 Capital Improvement Program: Cedar Ravine Road at Weber Creek - Bridge Rehabilitation, CIP 77142, and Overlay - El Dorado Hills Boulevard, CIP 72193, as described in Attachment 2A; and
3) Authorize the addition to the 2016 Capital Improvement Program of five additional emergency projects in the Tahoe Basin that address infrastructure problems caused by recent storms, as described in Attachment 2A.

2016 Annual CIP Update

Date Item File ID Ver. Description
9/13/2016 24 16-0368 2 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning and Transportation Divisions, recommending the Board:
1) Approve 2016 Interim Capital Improvement Program update information, per the attached 2016 Interim Capital Improvement Program Addenda Update table;
2) Approve the addition of six projects to the 2016 Interim Capital Improvement Program:
a) 72311 - El Dorado Hills Blvd - Class 1 Bike and Pedestrian Path - Governor to Brittany;
b) 72312 - Merrychase and Country Club - Sidewalks and Bike Paths;
c) 72378 - Silva Valley Parkway/Harvard Intersection Improvements;
d) 71368 - U.S. 50/Silva Valley Parkway Interchange - Phase 1 Landscape;
e) 72143 - Cameron Park Drive Widening - Palmer Drive to Hacienda Road;
f) 72376 - Green Valley Road Widening from County Line to Sophia Parkway; and
3) Approve the addition of ten projects to the 2016 Interim Capital Improvement Program upon receipt of grant funding:
a) Fallen Leaf Road over Glenn Alpine Creek;
b) French Creek Road over French Creek;
c) Garden Valley Road over Johntown Creek;
d) Greenwood Road over Georgetown Creek;
e) Grizzly Flat Road over Steely Fork Cosumnes River;
f) Perry Creek Road over Perry Creek;
g) Cedar Ravine Road over Weber Creek;
h) Luneman Road over Weber Creek;
i) Curve Safety Improvements - Various Locations;
j) U.S. 50/Pioneer Trail Intersection Improvements
6/7/2016 39 16-0368 1 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning and Transportation Divisions recommending the Board adopt the proposed 2016 Interim Capital Improvement Program.
5/17/2016 29 15-0279 3 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning and Transportation Divisions, recommending the Board approve Capital Improvement Program update information, per the attached 2015 CIP Mid-Year Update Table.

Major 5-Year CIP Update

Date Item File ID Ver. Description
12/13/2016 43 14-0245 23 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Board:
1) Approve the Final Passage (Second Reading) of Ordinance 5044 adding a new Chapter establishing regulations for Frontage Improvements on County Roadways, Chapter 12.09 of the Ordinance Code for El Dorado County, California (Attachment 22H);
2) Approve the Final Passage (Second Reading) of Ordinance 5045 amending Chapter 12.28 of the Ordinance Code for El Dorado County, California that provides for a General Plan Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Program, consistent with California Government Code Section 66000 (Attachment 22I).
12/6/2016 46 14-0245 22 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Board:
1) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 189-2016 certifying the Environmental Impact Report (SCH 2016022018) for the proposed Western Slope Roadway Capital Improvement Program and Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Program for El Dorado County (Attachment 22B), subject to the California Environmental Quality Act Findings (Attachment 21D) and Statement of Overriding Considerations (Attachment 21E);
2) Adopt the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan (Attachment 21G), in compliance with California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15097(a);
3) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 190-2016 amending the General Plan Transportation and Circulation Element (Attachment 22C);
4) Approve the 2016 Capital Improvement Program Book as presented in Attachment 22D, consistent with the Board’s tentative approval provided on September 20, 2016 (Item 3);
5) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 191-2016 which incorporates as Exhibit D the updated Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Nexus Study as presented in Attachment 22F, consistent with the tentative approval provided on September 20, 2016;
6) Authorize the Auditor-Controller to create new Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee accounts as shown in the Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Program section of Long Range Planning Division’s Board Memo (Attachment 22A);
7) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign a budget transfer (Attachment 22G), which reduces the budget in the current Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee accounts and reestablishes that budget in corresponding Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee accounts for the same purpose, and authorize the transfer of all equity from the existing accounts to the newly created accounts;
8) Approve the Introduction (First Reading) of Ordinance 5044 adding a new Chapter establishing regulations for Frontage Improvements on County Roadways, Chapter 12.09 of the Ordinance Code for El Dorado County, California (Attachment 22H);
9) Approve the Introduction (First Reading) of Ordinance 5045 amending Chapter 12.28 of the Ordinance Code for El Dorado County, California that provides for a General Plan Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Program, consistent with California Government Code Section 66000 (Attachment 22I);
10) Waive full reading, read by title only and continue the adoption of Ordinances 5044 and 5045 to December 13, 2016, for Final Passage (Second Reading);
11) Receive and File the Draft Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Administrative Manual and Resolution (Attachment 22J), and provide County of El Dorado Page 23 Printed on 12/13/2016 Board of Supervisors Minutes - Final December 6, 2016 comments towards finalizing the documents;
12) Receive and file the Final Outreach Summary Report (Attachment 22K); and
13) Receive and File the responses to public comments.
10/27/2016 2 14-0245 21 Planning Commission: Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division recommends that the Planning Commission approve the Finding of Consistency of the Major Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Update with the General Plan (Attachment 21B) and make the following recommendations to the Board of Supervisors:
1) Adopt Resolution XXX-2016 certifying the Environmental Impact Report (SCH No. 2016022018) for the proposed Western Slope Roadway CIP and Traffic Impact Mitigation (TIM) Fee Programs for El Dorado County (Attachment 21C), subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Findings (Attachment 21D) and Statement of Overriding Considerations (Attachment 21E);
2) Adopt Resolution XXX-2016 amending the General Plan Transportation and Circulation Element (Attachment 21F);
3) Adopt the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan (Attachment 21G), in compliance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15097(a); and
4) Receive and file the Draft Frontage Improvement Ordinance (Attachment 21H) and Draft TIM Fee Program Ordinance and Draft TIM Fee Program Schedule Resolution (Attachment 21I).
9/22/2016 4 16-0927 1 Planning Commission Meeting: Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, providing an information-only workshop to the Planning Commission on the Major Capital Improvement Program and Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Program Update. No actions or recommendations from the Planning Commission are being requested at this time.
9/20/2016 3 14-0245 20 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Board:
1) Provide tentative approval of the 2016 Capital Improvement Program Book;
2) Provide tentative approval of the updated draft Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Nexus Study (Scenario 2);
3) Conceptually review and provide authorization, as required by Board Policy A-3, for the preparation of amendments to the appropriate County of El Dorado Ordinance Code Chapters and include the Frontage Improvements Ordinance and the Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Ordinance; and
4) Receive and file responses to public comments. (Continued from 9/13/16, Item 37)
9/13/2016 37 14-0245 19 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Board:
1) Provide tentative approval of the 2016 Capital Improvement Program Book;
2) Provide tentative approval of the updated draft Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Nexus Study (Scenario 2);
3) Conceptually review and provide authorization, as required by Board Policy A-3, for the preparation of amendments to the appropriate County of El Dorado Ordinance Code Chapters and include the Frontage Improvements Ordinance and the Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Ordinance; and
4) Receive and file responses to public comments. (Continued to 9/20/16, Item 3)
6/28/2016 28 14-0245 18 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign Amendment IV to Agreement for Services 214-S1511 with Kittelson and Associates, Inc., amending Article IX, Article XIX, and Contract Signer designations, and increasing the maximum obligation by $200,000 for a new total not-to-exceed amount $802,960 to amend the draft Major Five-Year Capital Improvement Program and Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee updates as a result of Measure E, pending review and approval by Risk Management and County Counsel. (Continued from 6/14/16, Item 38)
6/14/2016 38 14-0245 17 Community Development Agency recommending the Board take the following actions relating to the Major Capital Improvement Program and Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Program Update currently in process:
1) Tentatively approve the Proposed 2016 CIP Book as presented in Attachments 17B-17L;
2) Tentatively approve the draft Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Nexus Study as presented in Attachment 17M; and
3) Conceptually review and provide authorization, as required by Board Policy A-3, for the preparation of amendments to the appropriate County of El Dorado’s Ordinance Code Chapters, and include the Frontage Improvements Ordinance (Attachment 13D) and the Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Ordinance (Attachment 13G). (Continued to 6/28/16, Item 28)
4/19/2016 39 14-0245 16 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Board review and tentatively approve or receive and file the following relating to the Major Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and Traffic Impact Mitigation (TIM) Fee Program Update:
1) Tentatively approve the updated TIM Fee Project List and the TIM Fee Program Nexus Report;
2) Tentatively approve the updated CIP (non-TIM Fee Funded and TIM Fee Funded) project list and timeline for construction and approve the Unfunded CIP project list;
3) Tentatively approve the proposed General Plan Amendment to the Transportation and Circulation Element related to the update of the CIP and TIM Fee Program;
4) Receive and file a status report on the Programmatic Environmental Impact Report (EIR);
5) Receive and file the updated project schedule; and
6) Receive and file responses to recent public comments.
2/23/2016 42 14-0245 15 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Board consider the following relating to the Major Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and Traffic Impact Mitigation (TIM) Fee Program Update:
1) Provide direction on the percentage allocation of El Dorado County Transportation Commission State/Federal Grant Projection;
2) Provide direction on relief for secondary dwelling units;
3) Approve adjustment for Traffic Signal Operational and Safety Improvement line item, resulting in an additional $45,000,000 reduction to draft TIM Fee Program;
4) Approve inclusion of costs to acquire right-of-way for the Country Club Drive segment between Silva Valley Parkway and Tong Road in the TIM Fee Program;
5) Receive and file the NOP for the Western Slope Roadway CIP and TIM Fee Program Update;
6) Receive and file a brief summary of the land use allocation process; and
7) Receive and file Public Outreach Summary and Report.

2015 Annual CIP Update

Date Item File ID Ver. Description
6/16/2015 40 15-0279 2 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning and Transportation Divisions, recommending the Board adopt the 2015 Capital Improvement Program.
3/31/2015 26 15-0279 1 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division and Transportation Division, recommending the Board incorporate changes outlined in Items 1 through 5 listed below into the proposed 2015 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Staff will return to the Board for adoption of the 2015 CIP Book in June 2015:
1) Approve additions and changes to West Slope Road/Bridge CIP projects for inclusion in the 2015 CIP, as described in Attachment C;
2) Incorporate the 5-Year Tahoe Environmental Improvement Program, as summarized in Attachments C and D;
3) Postpone one project in the Transportation Facility Improvement Program from Fiscal Year 2014/15 to Fiscal Year 2015/16; a) Headington Wash Rack and Sewer Connection Project (CIP No. 88134), pending the outcome of a Department of Water Resources Water-Energy grant application;
4) Continue to fund Fiscal Year 2015/16 Airport CIP projects with Federal Aviation Administration grants and local matching funds (Attachment E); and
5) Continue to use external funds as they become available for projects on the Capital Overlay Rehabilitation Infrastructure Investment Options list (Attachment F).
2/24/2015 42 14-0141 7 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning and Transportation Divisions, recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Approve Capital Improvement Program (CIP) update information, per the attached Fiscal Year 2014/15 CIP Mid-Year Update table;
2) Authorize the reinstatement of one project to the 2014 CIP: CIP #53113 - U.S. 50 High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes (Phase 2A) - Bass Lake Grade to Cameron Park Drive;
3) Authorize the addition of one project to the 2014 CIP: CIP #72119 - Overlay - Gold Hill;
4) Confirm changes to the Road Maintenance Program section of the 2014 CIP Book; and
5) Authorize the Community Development Agency Director, or designee, to execute a Revised Reimbursable Agreement for Federal Lands Access Program funding including an additional local match amount of up to $150,000 for the Ice House Road Surface Rehabilitation Project (CIP #72187), for a total of up to $770,920.

Major 5-Year CIP Update

Date Item File ID Ver. Description
12/15/2015 26 14-0245 14 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign Amendment III to Agreement for Services 214-S1511 with Kittelson and Associates, Inc., amending the scope of work and increasing the maximum obligation by $85,965 for a new total not-to-exceed amount $602,960 to prepare a Programmatic Environmental Impact Report for the Major Five-Year Capital Improvement Program and Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee updates, subject to review and approval by County Counsel and Risk Management.
12/7/2015 3 14-0245 13 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Board consider the following relating to the Major Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and Traffic Impact Mitigation (TIM) Fee Program Update:
1) Determine TIM Fee Zone Geography and TIM Fee Zones;
2) Approve TIM Fee Project List;
3) Provide direction on inclusion or removal of right-of-way, sidewalk, and curb and gutter from the TIM Fee Program and Frontage Improvements Ordinance;
4) Provide direction on the percentage allocation of El Dorado County Transportation Commission State/Federal Grant Projection;
5) Provide direction on relief for secondary dwelling units;
6) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution of Intent 204-2015 to amend the General Plan, pending review and approval by County Counsel and Risk Management;
7) Provide direction for TIM Fee revenue annual transfer of funds from Zone 8 and Zones 1-7 to ensure fair share funding of roadway improvements;
8) Receive and file Draft TIM Fee Ordinance and Resolution;
9) Receive and file TIM Fee Program Environmental Constraints Analysis;
10) Approve in concept the draft CIP project list, and discuss and provide direction on “Unfunded” CIP Projects;
11) Receive and file Public Outreach Summary and Report; and
12) Discuss Project Schedule Information.
10/27/2015 12 14-0245 12 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign Amendment II to Agreement for Services 214-S1511 with Kittelson and Associates, Inc. to allow the use of project contingency and direct expense funding by the project consultant’s sub-consultants, with the required written approval by the County’s Contract Administrator, to assist in the completion of tasks for the Major Five-Year Capital Improvement Program and Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee updates. This Amendment does not change the term or total amount of the contract and is contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management.
10/13/2015 26 14-0245 11 Chief Administrative Office and Community Development Agency recommending the Board provide direction to staff relating to the Major Capital Improvement Program and Traffic Impact Mitigation (TIM) Fee Program Update regarding mechanisms for addressing potentially lower TIM fees during the interim period prior to adoption and implementation of the new TIM Fee Program.
9/22/2015 20 14-0245 9 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Board receive and file the following draft information relating to the Major Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and Traffic Impact Mitigation (TIM) Fee Program Update:
1) Proposed 2035 TIM Fee project list;
2) Proposed 2035 TIM Fee project component assumptions;
3) Status of proposed CIP project list;
4) Alternative funding sources;
5) Updated project schedule;
6) Draft TIM Fee structure; and
7) Proposed California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) document for the TIM Fee Program.
5/5/2015 25 14-0245 8 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Board consider the following relating to the Major Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and Traffic Impact Mitigation (TIM) Fee Program Update:
1) Receive and file information relating to the traffic analysis methodology;
2) Confirm that the four (4) TIM Fee Zone Geography options presented are appropriate for further analysis;
3) Provide input on the land use categories;
4) Receive and file information on the existing and future deficiency analysis results;
5) Provide staff direction on proceeding forward with the 2035 General Plan Land Use Scenario for the purposes of creating a draft CIP list and preliminary TIM Fee structure;
6) Receive and file information on alternative funding; and
7) Receive and file the summary of the initial public outreach and focus groups.
2/10/2015 27 14-0245 7 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Board initiate the Major Capital Improvement Program and Traffic Impact Mitigation Program Updates:
1) Confirm the project purpose and goals;
2) Confirm the baseline assumptions;
3) Confirm the four (4) TIM Fee Zone Geography options presented are appropriate for further analysis;
4) Confirm the approach to public outreach; and
5) Confirm the project schedule.

2014 Annual CIP Update

Date Item File ID Ver. Description
9/16/2014 29 14-0141 6 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Approve Capital Improvement Program (CIP) update information as presented in Attachments 6A and 6B;
2) Approve the reinstatement of three projects to the 2014 CIP:
a) U.S. 50/Missouri Flat Road Interchange - Phase 1B2 (CIP # 71359); b) Radar Signal Controller Upgrade at Intersection of El Dorado Hills Boulevard/Saratoga Way (CIP #73152);
c) Mt. Aukum Road at North Fork Cosumnes River - Bridge Maintenance Project (CIP #77130); and
3) Approve the addition of two projects to the 2014 CIP:
a) Radar Signal Controller Upgrade at Intersection of Silva Valley Parkway at Harvard Drive in El Dorado Hills; and
b) Silva Valley Interchange Traffic Mitigation project. This project will be added upon procurement of funding.
6/24/2014 64 14-0141 5 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning, recommending the Board adopt the 2014 Capital Improvement Program Book.
6/10/2014 87 14-0141 4 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning, recommending the Board receive information and provide direction on the proposed 2014 Capital Improvement Program and Transportation Work Plan.
3/18/2014 23 14-0141 1 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning, recommending the Board receive information and provide direction on the proposed 2014 Capital Improvement Program and Transportation Work Plan.
2/11/2014 37 13-0082 5 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning, recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Approve Capital Improvement Program (CIP) update information, per the attached Fiscal Year 2013-14 CIP Mid-Year Project Status Update table (Attachment 5A);
2) Authorize the reinstatement of six projects to the 2013 CIP;
3) Authorize the advancement of two projects from the 20-Year CIP to the Current Year work plan; and
4) Authorize the use of Accumulative Capital Outlay (ACO) funds in the amount of $81,860 for the New York Creek Trail East - Phase 1 project (CIP No. 97005).

Major 5-Year CIP Update

Date Item File ID Ver. Description
12/16/2014 38 14-0245 6 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning, recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Identify one of the four proposed scenarios as the preferred public outreach scenario for the Major Five-Year Capital Improvement Program and Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Program updates; and
2) Authorize the Chair to sign Amendment I to Agreement for Services No. 214-S1511 with Kittelson and Associates, Inc. to provide public outreach support services for the Major Five-Year Capital Improvement Program and Traffic Impact Mitigation (TIM) Fee Program updates consistent with the Board’s preferred scenario, contingent upon review and approval of the Amendment by County Counsel and Risk Management.
9/30/2014 28 14-0245 5 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Make findings that it is more feasible and economical to engage an outside consultant to provide staff assistance in developing the Major Five-Year Update to the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and Traffic Impact Mitigation (TIM) Fee program; and
2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Agreement No. 214-S1511 with Kittelson and Associates, Inc. for a three (3) year term in an amount not to exceed $599,205. The agreement will provide staff assistance in developing the Major Five-Year Update to the CIP and TIM Fee program, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management.
4/8/2014 12 14-0245 4 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning, recommending the Board approve the Scenario 3 growth forecast as the starting point for initiating the Major Five-Year Capital Improvement Program and Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee updates.
3/25/2014 35 14-0245 3 Community Development Agency (CDA), Long Range Planning, recommending the Board:
1) Receive a brief status update on staff’s efforts to revise the draft growth forecast scenarios per Board direction on February 24, 2014; and
2) Continue the item to a date in the near future. (Continued from 3/11/14, Item 27; Continued to 4/8/14, Item 12)
3/11/2014 27 14-0245 2 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning, recommending the Board consider the following with regards to the El Dorado County's General Plan Travel Demand Model;
1) Receive a staff update on the three scenarios presented at the February 24, 2014 Board workshop; and
2) Continue this item to March 25, 2014 to give adequate time to complete additional analysis, as requested by the Board on February 24, 2014, on the 20-Year growth forecast options for use as a starting point for initiating the Major Five-Year Capital Improvement Program and Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee updates. (Continued from 2/24/14, Item 1; Continued to 3/25/14, Item 35)
2/24/2014 1 14-0245 1 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning, recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Receive information on El Dorado County’s General Plan Travel Demand Model
2) Direct staff to proceed with one of the growth forecast scenarios as the starting point for initiating the Major five-Year CIP and TIM Fee updates; and
3) Receive information on how the County implements General Plan Policy TC-Xa (Measure Y) and associated General Plan Policies TC-Xb through TC-Xi.

2013 Annual CIP Update

Date Item File ID Ver. Description
12/3/2013 31 13-1453 1 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Board approve the proposed 2013/2014 10-year residential permit forecast.
9/24/2013 20 13-0082 4 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Board:
1) Receive and file Capital Improvement Program (CIP) update information per the attached Fiscal Year 2013-2014 CIP Project Status Update table; and
2) Authorize the addition of four projects to the 2013 CIP.
7/30/2013 29 13-0924 1 Community Development Agency (CDA) Long Range Planning Division presenting a workshop to begin the preparation of the 2014 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), and requesting direction on the Board’s preferred growth projection option for the CIP and Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee (TIM) Fee Program updates.
6/18/2013 32 13-0082 3 Community Development Agency, Transportation Division recommending the Board adopt the Division's proposed 2013 Capital Improvement Program.
4/23/2013 41 13-0082 2 Transportation recommending the Board provide direction on the proposed 2013 Capital Improvement Program and Transportation Work Plan (the 2013 CIP Book).
2/5/2013 17 13-0082 1 Transportation recommending the Board receive information on the proposed 2013 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and Transportation Work Plan; and provide direction regarding the same.
1/28/2013 3 12-1578 1 Department of Transportation recommending the Board receive information regarding the Capital Improvement Program, the Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Program, and the Travel Demand Model information for the Adopted 2013 Capital Improvement Programs

Major 5-Year CIP Update

Date Item File ID Ver. Description
12/3/2013 31 13-1453 1 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Board approve the proposed 2013/2014 10-year residential permit forecast.
7/30/2013 29 13-0924 1 Community Development Agency (CDA) Long Range Planning Division presenting a workshop to begin the preparation of the 2014 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), and requesting direction on the Board’s preferred growth projection option for the CIP and Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee (TIM) Fee Program updates.
1/28/2013 3 12-1578 1 Department of Transportation recommending the Board receive information regarding the Capital Improvement Program, the Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Program, and the Travel Demand Model information for the Adopted 2013 Capital Improvement Programs.

2012 Annual CIP Update

Date Item File ID Ver. Description
12/4/2012 29 11-1324 6 Update information for the Adopted 2013 Capital Improvement Programs.
9/25/2012 41 12-1158 2 Department of Transportation recommending the Board approve the proposed 2012/2013 10-year residential permit forecast.
6/19/2012 14 11-1324 5 Department of Transportation recommending the Board adopt the Department’s proposed 2012 Capital Improvement Program.
5/8/2012 15 11-1324 4 Additional information for the Proposed 2012 Capital Improvement Programs.
4/17/2012 33 11-1324 3 Additional information for the Proposed 2012 Capital Improvement Programs.
3/26/2012 1 11-1324 2 Information and direction for the Proposed 2012 Capital Improvement Programs.