California Children's Services (CCS) and Medical Therapy Program (MTP)
What is CCS?

California Children’s Services (CCS) is a statewide program that provides case management and medical therapy for children with qualifying disabling, chronic, or life-threatening medical conditions. Through this program, children and youth up to 21 years old can receive the healthcare and services that they need.
View the CCS Program Brochure: English | Spanish
Contact El Dorado County CCS
Mailing Address:
El Dorado County CCS |
941 Spring Street, Suite 3 |
Placerville, CA 95667 |
Main line: (530) 621-6128
Fax: (530) 622-5109
The CCS program has two parts:
Case Management
The Case Management Program is a team of Nurse Case Managers, Medical Office Assistants, and a Care Management Counselor who help families to navigate the referrals and eligibility process, find the right medical professionals, and ensure that they receive the services that they need and that these services are paid for.
Transition planning to adult services for youth turning 21 is facilitated by our Care Management Counselor and is a team effort which includes Case Management and MTP.
Medical Therapy Program (MTP)
The Medical Therapy Program provides medically necessary physical therapy, occupational therapy, and Medical Therapy Conference with a specialist physician to children under 21 years, with diagnosed neuromuscular conditions (e.g. cerebral palsy, spina bifida, muscular dystrophy) or chronic severe orthopedic conditions (e.g. arthrogryposis, osteogenesis imperfecta, rheumatoid arthritis).
Who is eligible for CCS?
A person may qualify for medical care, equipment, and rehabilitation if they meet all four of the following requirements:
- They must be under 21 years of age.
- They are a resident of El Dorado County.
- They have a CCS eligible medical condition.
- They are enrolled in Medi-Cal or meet one of the following:
- Family income of less than $40,000 per year according to the adjusted gross income on your California income taxes.
- If medical care for the child's CCS condition is expected to cost the family more than 20% of the family's yearly income.
- If your child is adopted and has a CCS eligible condition at the time of adoption.
- They qualify for the CCS Medical Therapy Program.
- They qualify for certain diagnostic services offered through CCS.
How do I apply/refer for CCS?
Anybody can refer a child or youth to CCS. Complete an application and submit it to El Dorado County CCS in person or mail at 941 Spring St, Placerville CA 95667, or by faxing it to 530-622-5109.
As a part of the CCS eligibility process, all applicants must either already be enrolled in Medi-Cal or must apply to Medi-Cal to determine if they qualify. Go to El Dorado County Medi-Cal for more information and to apply.
You may still be eligible for CCS even if you are denied Medi-Cal coverage. Call El Dorado County CCS at 530-621-6128 for more information.
Grievances and Appeals
If you have any concerns or disagree with a decision made by the California Children's Services Program, please let us know. You have the right to file a grievance, appeal, or request a state hearing.
View the CCS Grievance, Appeal, and State Hearing Fact Sheet: English(PDF, 772KB) | Spanish(PDF, 741KB)
A grievance is a formal expression of dissatisfaction about matters related to the county CCS program’s roles and responsibilities and may include, but are not limited to, the quality of care or services provided.
View the El Dorado CCS Grievance Policy here. If you have a grievance with services provided through El Dorado County CCS, please review the factsheet above on how to submit a Grievance Form(PDF, 1MB).
An Appeal is a request for DHCS to review a decision made by a designated CCS agency when the CCS beneficiary and/or representative disagrees with the decision.
The Notice of Action that you received with a denial of services has instructions on how to file an appeal. Please refer the factsheet above for more information about the appeals process. You may also request a Fair Hearing without filing a First Level Appeal.