Filing a Complaint with the Environmental Management Department

The Environmental Health Division manages the following programs: Liquid Waste, Water Wells, Recreational Health, Food, and Small Water Systems. There are also other public health programs that may involve Environmental Health such as tattoo and piercing parlors, West Nile Virus, and vector control. Please click here to submit a complaint about an Environmental Health program.

All complainant information is confidential. Please be as specific as possible. Please leave a telephone number for an investigating Environmental Health Specialist to contact you - sometimes it is necessary to obtain further information such as specific directions to a site, historical data, or other information.

Liquid Waste Program:

  • A failing septic system, or a septic system illegally repaired or installed.
    • Please call the Placerville office at (530) 621-5300. (On-site septic systems are not allowed in the Tahoe Basin).
  • A break in a public sewer line.
    • On the west slope, please call the Placerville office at (530) 621-5300. If you know it is an EID line, also call (530) 622-4513.
      • If you know it is a City of Placerville line, also call (530) 622-5250.
    • In the South Lake Tahoe area, call our SLT office at (530) 573-3450. If you know it is an STPUD line, also call (530) 544-6474.

Water Wells or Small Water System Programs:

  • An illegally installed or destroyed well.
  • A contaminated well.
    • On the west slope, please call the Placerville office at (530) 621-5300.
    • In the South Lake Tahoe area, call our SLT office at (530) 573-3450.

Recreational Health Program: [Reminder: this office does not regulate private pools and spas]

  • A dirty or unsafe public pool or spa area (e.g., broken drain covers, broken gates or fences, etc.)
  • Unclear water in a public pool or spa.
    • On the west slope, please call the Placerville office at (530) 621-5300.
    • In the South Lake Tahoe area, call our SLT office at (530) 573-3450.
  • Rafting company complaints: unsafe food handling, illegal garbage or liquid waste discharge:
    • Please call the Placerville office at (530) 621-5300.

Food Program:

  • Foodborne illness complaintsClick here for more information, including information that is necessary from the possible victim for a complete and thorough investigation.
  • Other food facility complaints (e.g., illegal food sales, dirty facility, etc.)
    • On the west slope, please call the Placerville office at (530) 621-5300.
    • In the South Lake Tahoe area, call our SLT office at (530) 573-3450.

Other Environmental Health / Public Health programs:

  • Vector Control, West Nile Virus, Tattoo & Piercing Parlors
    • On the west slope, please call the Placerville office at (530) 621-5300.
    • In the South Lake Tahoe area, call our SLT office at (530) 573-3450.

Filing a Complaint with another Environmental Management Department Division: 

Solid Waste Enforcement & Complaints

Environmental Health Specialists enforce the County's Solid Waste Ordinance. This ordinance governs the accumulation, storage, collection, and disposal of solid waste generated on residential, commercial, and industrial properties within the County. Complaints alleging improper solid waste management practices in the county can be lodged by submitting an online complaint.

Solid Waste Ordinance

For more information regarding Solid Waste Enforcement and Complaints, please call: In Placerville: (530) 621-5300; In South Lake Tahoe: (530) 573-3450