

The mission of the Environmental Management Department is to protect, preserve, and enhance the public health, safety, and environment through a balanced program of environmental monitoring and enforcement, innovative leadership, community education, customer service, and emergency response for the citizens of and the visitors to El Dorado County.

Use this Departmental Unit to Request for Proposals (RFP's), check fees, and find forms.

Environmental Management Fees


Bids, Purchasing, & Contracts

El Dorado County contracts require certain documents to be attached before contract approval can be obtained. Early preparation of these documents can facilitate a more rapid approval process. Some of the necessary documents include the following:

  • Federal Internal Revenue Service
    Form W-9 – Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification
  • Proof of Liability Insurance at a level consistent with Risk Management Requirements (issued by your insurance carrier)

 Links to "Procurements & Contracts" Information of the El Dorado County Chief Administrator's Office

RFP / RFQ - Current


  •  None at this time

Refund Process

REFUND PROCESS: If you believe you are owed a refund from the Environmental Management Department, please contact one of the Departmental Representatives below:

  • Refunds related to Special District Assessment Fees shown on your property tax bill contact Administration (530) 621-5300 or email
  • Refunds related to food facilities and health permits contact Environmental Health Division at (530) 621-5300 in Placerville area or (530) 573-3450 in South Lake Tahoe area or email
  • Refunds related to the West Slope C.U.P.A. Program, underground storage tanks, medical waste, and hazardous materials fees contact Hazardous Materials Division at (530) 621-5311 or email

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: If you have billed us for goods or services and have questions about our payment to you, please contact (530) 621-5300 or email

Permit Billing Process

Environmental Management Department (EMD) Fees 

Permit Billing Schedule

  • Permits are generally issued on an annual basis. Approximately one month before the expiration date of the permit, an invoice is mailed.
  • Seasonal permits are issued for nine months and are billed one month before the planned effective date of the seasonal permit.
  • If payment is not received by the due date, the facility is considered to be operating without a valid permit. If payment is not received by 30 days after the expiration date, late fees accrue.

Policy on Billing (Late Charges and Delinquency Notices) 

For questions contact Administration at (530) 621-5300 or

Special District Assessment Fees

Below is a table that shows each tax Environmental Management code and a general description on what the special fees pay for. These fees are approved by the Board of Supervisors annually at a Public Hearing.

Tax Code Program Fee per EDU General Description on "What the fee covers."
519 CSA3 Mosquito Program $6.00 Mosquito Abatement - The Mosquito Abatement Program, established in 1963, is applicable to City and County parcels within the Tahoe Basin for Mosquito Control.
Other programs funded through this fee are plague surveillance and the control of yellow jackets.
It is administered by the Environmental Management Department, Vector Control Division.
552 CSA10 Solid Waste $17.00 Solid Waste – This charge is applicable to all West Slope improved parcels and was first adopted in 1988/1989.
This fee is used in conjunction with other revenues to establish and operate a West Slope Solid Waste Litter Abatement Program.
The mission of this Program is to pick up litter for all the west slope, address illegal disposal, promote recycling activities, initiate and oversee, where possible and appropriate, “Adopt a Highway Programs” and work with code enforcement to prosecute violators.
This fee also aids in the operational, post-closure upkeep and overhead costs for the Union Mine Landfill, including ground and surface water monitoring and landfill gas compliance.
Other programs funded through this fee include the Waste Discharge Requirement (WDR), implementation and maintenance of a state mandated Integrated Waste Management Plan (AB939) and for financing waste collection, processing, reclamation and disposal services.
553 CSA10 Liquid Waste $15.00 Liquid Waste – This charge is applicable to each improved parcel on a septic system in the County and has been in effect since 1988/1989.
This charge is used in conjunction with other revenues for the operational and overhead costs of the Union Mine Septage Facility.
554 Litter Abatement $6.00 Tahoe Clean Program and AB939 – Under an Agreement with the City of South Lake Tahoe, unincorporated improved parcels within the Tahoe Basin pay $3.00/EDU for a litter abatement program under the Clean Tahoe Committee’s guidance.
City of SLT residents receive the benefits for this program from a portion of a garbage bill surcharge.
The remaining $3.00/EDU collected from these unincorporated parcels is designated for the AB 939 waste reduction program established in 1990/1991 to plan and implement waste reduction and recycling programs.
567 City SLT Snow Removal $20.00 Snow Removal Equipment –The City of South Lake Tahoe established a JPA in 1989 for the purchase of snow removal equipment within the City of South Lake Tahoe (SLT).
The City of SLT Public Works Department is responsible for the overall program.
Environmental Management administers the collection of parcel fees.
622 CAS10 Hazardous Waste $3.00 Household Hazardous Waste –This program was established in 1989/1990 for the purpose of diverting hazardous waste from the landfills and is applicable to all parcels on the West and East Slope.
This fee is to pay for the disposal and overhead costs of the household hazardous waste collected at 3 fire stations, one-day collection events and 22 certified used oil collection centers.
This fee also partially supports the two additional permanent household hazardous waste facilities at the Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs) in South Lake Tahoe and Diamond Springs.
623 Solid Waste Reduction $3.00  AB939 – This fee was established in 1990/1991 as a result of the state mandates to plan and implement waste reduction and recycling programs.
This charge is applied to parcels within the City of South Lake Tahoe.


What is an EDU?

Equivalent Dwelling Unit - One EDU equals the usage equivalent to a typical single-family dwelling.

I have a septic tank, why am I being charged a solid waste fee?

This fee has nothing to do with a septic tank. Solid waste includes household garbage, trash, refuse, paper, rubbish, ashes, industrial wastes, demolition and construction wastes, appliances, manure, vegetable or animal solid and semisolid wastes, and other discarded waste. This solid waste fee, in conjunction with other revenues, is used to operate a West Slope Solid Waste Litter Abatement Program. It aids in the operational, post-closure upkeep, and overhead costs for the Union Mine Landfill, Waste Discharge Requirement's (WDR) and maintenance of a state mandated Integrated Waste Management Plan (AB939).

I have my garbage picked up by Amador Disposal, Sierra Disposal, American River Disposal, or do not have garbage picked-up at all, why do I have to pay a solid waste fee?

The Solid Waste fee has nothing to do with your garbage pickup. This solid waste fee, in conjunction with other revenues, is used to establish and operate a West Slope Solid Waste Litter Abatement Program. It aids in the operational, post-closure upkeep, and overhead costs for the Union Mine Landfill, Waste Discharge Requirement's (WDR) and maintenance of a state mandated Integrated Waste Management Plan (AB939). The fee is relative to the proportional generator and generation of solid waste in the county and the programs fund relative non-discretionary and mandated solid waste costs.

I pay the septic tank hauler to dump my liquid waste, why do I also have to pay the county to have it dumped?

The liquid waste fee is charged to each improved parcel on a septic system in the County. The Liquid Waste fee pays for the operational and overhead costs of running the Union Mine Septage Facility.

What is CSA10 H.Haz Waste?

County Service Area #10 covers the entire county. Motor oil, paint and pesticides are just a few examples of Household Hazardous Waste. [Household Hazardous Waste Information] This fee pays for the overhead costs of the household hazardous waste collected at the 3 fire stations, one-day collection events, and 22 certified used oil collection centers. This fee also partially supports the two additional permanent household hazardous waste facilities at the Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs) in South Lake Tahoe and Diamond Springs.