Code Enforcement Division
RE: 6458 Pony Express Trail, Pollock Pines, CA 95726
APN 009-350-064-000
The purpose of Code Enforcement is to protect the health and safety of El Dorado County residents by enforcing minimum standards for property maintenance as well as procedures for abatement of public nuisances.
Unpermitted construction, substandard housing, unsafe/vacant buildings, VHR violations (except current disturbances), cannabis cultivation (more than 6 plants or unpermitted commercial), planning violations (buildings, fences, and gates within easements), unpermitted special events when a permit is required.
Administrative enforcement of the provisions of the El Dorado County Code and other applicable laws shall be limited to cases where:
- Specific bona fide citizen complaints have been received, or
- Where the violation occurs within the context of the county's oversight and approval of a project, or
- Where the enforcement action is a part of a plan for the uniform enforcement of a provision of the El Dorado County Code or other applicable laws within the county.
No Notice & Order shall be issued pursuant to a citizen complaint until the Enforcement Authority has conducted an independent investigation and determined that there is good cause to believe that a violation has occurred.
El Dorado County Code Enforcement responds to citizen's complaints to protect the health and safety of residents. Though much of the information regarding a complaint is public information, the Complainant's information is kept confidential from the public. Anonymous complaints are not encouraged.
We now have a new special unit (three employees, two officers and a supervisor), who will target VHR enforcement and Ranch Marketing and Wineries as of spring 2024
To define the boundaries, we have developed the officer’s regions of responsibility according to zip codes.
Please see the region assignments in the Contact an Officer section of this webpage to determine the Code Enforcement Officer by zip code you need to contact. The phone numbers listed are direct to the Officer’s desk.
You may leave a voicemail message by calling our general line: (530) 621-5999. The Division’s Admin staff will forward your message to the appropriate officer.
Vegetative Management: Learn more about the ordinance and/or file a complaint.
El Dorado County Planning and Building Department Organizational Chart(PDF, 133KB)