Thriving Economy


 Explore Feasibility of "Waste to Energy" Industries Prepare a report for the Board of Supervisors that identifies best practices, examples of co-generation and/or biomass facilities, identify stakeholders and next steps Chief Administrative Office, Board of Supervisors, Environmental Management Summer 2024
  Appoint an Ad-Hoc committee of the Board of Supervisors to begin initial coordination steps Chief Administrative Office, Board of Supervisors, Stakeholders Winter 2024
Develop a Business Recognition Program  Create a social media-based program that promotes and celebrates our diverse businesses and their stories Planning and Building (Economic Development), Chief Administrative Office, Stakeholders Spring 2024
  Create a unique annual event to recognize EDC businesses in targeted categories and highlight available programs and resources Planning and Building (Economic Development) Summer 2024
Develop a Countywide Economic Development Strategic Plan focused on managed growth and economic stability Gather input from stakeholders/community on items to address in the plan; develop a scope of work including goals, community input and action items Planning and Building (Economic Development) Spring 2024
  Analyze countywide tourism benefits and impacts Planning and Building (Economic Development) Summer 2024
  Prepare a scope of work for the Strategic Plan Planning and Building (Economic Development) Summer 2024
Streamline and Increase Transparency of Projects and Permit Processing Increase the types of permits that can be submitted electronically Planning and Building (Economic Development) Summer 2024
  Gather and review data on "lifecycle" of a permit and identify points that cause the permit process to slow or stop; Revise processes to address those permits Planning and Building (Economic Development) Fall-Winter 2024
  Create a regular report of key statistics and metrics to share with the Board of Supervisors and public Planning and Building (Economic Development) Spring 2024
  Develop an online, map- based tool for the public to easily access information about development projects of public interest Planning and Building (Economic Development) Spring 2024
  Create flow charts and brief "how to" videos/slideshows for the most used processes to help customers successfully navigate Planning and Building (Economic Development), Chief Administrative Office (Communications) Summer 2024