APNs Added to Tax Roll After July 1

Contact the Property Tax Division by phone (530) 621-5470, ext. 4 or email AuditorPropertyTaxDivision@edcgov.us

General Information

The Auditor will add an entirely new ad-valorem tax bill(s) to the current year tax roll when the Assessor indicates an APN should have been on the current/prior assessment roll(s). This happens to several APNs each year due to various reasons. Note that when this occurs, the Assessor often adds multiple prior year assessments to the current year assessment/tax roll.

The added APN is appended to the fiscal year to date list. The sort order is by the month the APN's ad-valorem bill was added to the tax roll.

Districts may review the list to determine if any direct charge(s) should be added to the bill. If the district determines that a direct charge(s) should be levied, please submit a signed Direct Charge Correction Form(s). There will be no Cost Recovery charged to the district by the Auditor-Controller for this type of change (please mark the "request waiver of fee" box and notate the APN was added by the Assessor on xx/yyyy). The district will ensure that any direct charges it authorizes to be added on the current tax year rolls for prior year rolls meet the appropriate statute of limitations.