2020-2023 Activities and Meetings

2023 Activities and Meetings

January 2023

Sunday, 1/1 

Briefing on the storm damage at the EOC. 


Monday, 1/2 

Phone calls with Georgetown Fire Chief Brown and Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Don Ashton about washout at Volcanoville Road. 

Wednesday, 1/4 

Virtually listened to EOC Briefing 


Supervisor Hidahl and I met as the members of the Chili Bar ad hoc committee to discuss the RFI project submittals 


Thursday, 1/5 

Virtually listened to EOC Briefing 


Friday, 1/6 

Virtually listened to EOC Briefing 


Attended virtual EDOK meeting.  In addition to their board elections and an update on the Navigation Center, the primary purpose of the meeting was to provide training for our local partners on how to make referrals for housing assistance through CalAIM Medi-Cal through a Community Supports team.  Anthem Blue Cross, CA Health and Wellness, and Kaiser Permanente each gave presentations on their process. 


Sunday, 1/8 

Attended Garden Valley Fire Breakfast.  The power was out on most of the Divide but the fire station had its backup power going to serve hot coffee and breakfast. 


Monday, 1/9 

Virtually listened to EOC Briefing 


Attended my first First 5 El Dorado board meeting.  Approved update to bylaws and accepted a new community member application, both of which will be added to the next Board of Supervisors agenda for approval.  Also gave an update on establishing Community Advisories at each of our Hubs. 


Wednesday, 1/11 

Virtual meeting with staff and Supervisor Thomas to prepare for Ranch Marketing and Winery Ordinance workshop. 


Attended El Dorado Water Agency meeting. 


Monthly meeting with staff regarding Chili Bar project. 


Meeting with EDCTC Executive Director to review draft of SR 49 Confluence study. 


Thursday, 1/12 

Meeting with District IV Human Rights Commissioner. 


Gave the Role of the Chair presentation at the Committee/Commission Welcome Training.  County Counsel gave a Brown Act presentation and an Implicit Bias training module was given for those who have not yet completed that training.  Overall the training session was well received by attendees. 


Friday, 1/13 

Attended Cameron Park CSD 2x2 meeting with Supervisor Turnboo.  Discussed issues of mutual concern, including flooding in Cameron Park. 


Meeting with CPUC Liaison. 


Monthly meeting with DOT Director. 


Virtual meeting with HHSA Interim Director. 


Saturday, 1/14 

Meeting with District IV Park and Recreation Commissioner. 


Tuesday, 1/17 

The Ranch Marketing and Winery Ordinance ad hoc committee, Supervisors Parlin and Thomas) hosted the Ranch Marketing and Winery Ordinance workshop.  Staff is working on an FAQ page to help clarify questions from the workshop.  Next steps are Ag Commission Hearing 2/8, Planning Commission Hearing 3/9, and BOS Hearing 4/11. 


Wednesday, 1/18 

Attended RCRC meeting. 


Attended the annual RCRC Reception. 


Thursday, 1/19 

I gave the opening welcome to the Community Health Improvement Plan Task Force Meeting.  I could not stay for the meeting, but it was well attended and I look forward to the results from this effort. 


Meeting with Treasurer-Tax Collector for update. 


Follow up meeting with the EDCTC Executive Director to further review draft of SR 49 Study. 


Friday, 1/20 

Monthly virtual meeting with Planning staff. 


Monthly meeting with Environmental Management Director. 


Monday, 1/21 

Attended Chili Bar ad hoc committee meeting with Supervisor Hidahl.  Staff working on next steps. 


Wednesday, 1/25 

Attended Cemetery Advisory Committee.  Concerns about changes to virtual meeting attendance rules and how it will impact some committee members. 


Thursday, 1/26 

Supervisor Thomas and I attended the El Dorado County Fire and Diamond Springs Fire Joint Special Meeting regarding their mutual interest in exploring types of mergers.  Very promising and will ultimately include Board of Supervisors involvement and support. 


Monthly virtual meeting with IT Director. 


Monthly meeting with County Counsel. 


Saturday, 1/28 

Food Distribution event with the Georgetown Library and El Dorado Food Bank.  Served approximately 90 families. 


Monday, 1/30 

Virtually attended Taxpayers Association meeting.  Don Ashton was the guest speaker and addressed questions about budget. 


Attended virtual SOFAR Steering Committee. 


Supervisor Thomas and I virtually met with staff to review status of Ranch Marketing and Winery Ordinance updates. 


Met with El Dorado County Transportation Committee (EDCTC) Executive Director and community members to review draft SR 49 Study to be presented at 2/2/23 EDCTC meeting. 


February 2023

Thursday, 2/2 

Meeting with Sheriff Leikauf. 


Meeting with El Dorado Community Foundation Executive Director and County staff to discuss Mosquito Fire recovery efforts. 


Attended El Dorado County Transit Authority (EDCTA) meeting.  The EDCTA Board approved funding to hire a consulting firm to update the Short- and Long-Range Transit Plan to address the changes in travel patterns that have resulted in significant and lingering impacts to transit ridership. 


Attended EDCTC meeting.  Commission heard and made comments on the draft SR 49 Confluence Study that will be brought back at the March meeting for approval.  Additionally, Caltrans gave a presentation on the Road User Charge Pilot Project that is being considered to more equitably replace the gas tax revenues that are used for road maintenance. 


Friday, 2/3 

Attended virtual Mountain Counties Water Resources Agency (MCWRA) board meeting. 


Meeting with Chief Probation Officer. 


Monday, 2/7 

Toured the Temporary Shelter and Navigation Center.  Great to see the collaboration from local community organizations and County departments to bring this effort to fruition and provide support. 



Wednesday, 2/8 

Supervisor Thomas and I attended a Fire and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Ad Hoc Committee meeting.  Staff provided background information to bring us up to speed for next steps. 


Attended El Dorado Water Agency (EDWA) meeting.  Topics included:  

  • Update contract with consultant to develop a value on recreation in the Upper American Watershed and conduct a visitation analysis.  Results will be helpful for use in other studies and projects. 

  • Presentation by General Manager of the Georgetown Divide Public Utilities District (GDPUD) on the impacts and their recovery from the Mosquito Fire 

  • Continued assistance to Grizzly Flats CSD for recovery from Caldor Fire. 


Supervisor Hidahl and I attended the Chili Bar Ad Hoc Committee meeting.  Reviewed the Request for Information (RFI) submittals and will be meeting with the one applicant whose submittal most closely matched the Board’s direction for the project. 


Thursday, 2/9 

Monthly meeting with DOT Director. 


Friday, 2/10 

Meeting with Volcanoville residents and DOT staff. 


Sunday, 2/12 

Attended Garden Valley Fire Breakfast. 


Monday, 2/13 

Virtually attended the Taxpayers Association meeting.  Guest speakers were from the El Dorado County Fire Protection District Board.  Topics were on proposed legislation regarding burden of CalPERS and potential EDCFPD and DSFPD merger. 


Supervisor Laine and I attended a meeting with DOT and representatives of Rubicon Trail User Groups to follow up on Board direction regarding an update to the Resolution and increased communication for closures of the Rubicon Trail. 


Attended a virtual presentation by the Regional Water Authority (RWA) on the Sacramento Water Bank project, which is moving forward. 


Wednesday, 2/22 

Listened to webinar of Bureau of Reclamation Central Valley Project water supply allocations. 


Cemetery Advisory Committee meeting. 


Thursday, 2/23 

Meeting with District 4 Commission on Aging representative. 


Attended virtual SOFAR Biomass Working Group meeting. 


Meeting with Code Enforcement for updates. 


Attended Sierra Nevada Conservancy (SNC) Central Subregion Check-in virtual meeting. 


Monthly meeting with County Counsel. 


Friday, 2/24 

Attended 2x2 meeting with City of Placerville with Supervisor Thomas. 


Saturday, 2/25 

Attended Georgetown Rotary Crab Feed at IOOF Hall. 


Monday 2/27 - 3/2 

Attended Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) conference with Supervisor Thomas and El Dorado Water Agency (EDWA) staff.  


We had meetings with Congressman Kiley, Senator Padilla’s staff, Senator Feinstein’s staff, Congressman McClintock and his staff, Congresswoman Matsui’s staff, and the Bureau of Reclamation staff to discuss potential community funding projects (known as earmarks) and to advocate for projects of local, regional, and state significance, such as: 

  • Alder Creek Reservoir 

  • Project with Cameron Park CSD for drainage improvements in Cameron Park 

  • Grizzly Flats restoration for flood control 

  • Fuels management pilot program using cattle grazing in the Auburn State Recreation Area (ASRA) 

  • The potential to introduce legislation to allow for a pilot program to export wood products from USFS lands to help with forest management, and 

  • A request for river flow stations to monitor and study the impacts of wildfire on the watershed.  


We also made a special thank you to Senators Feinstein and Padilla for their support to fund snowpack monitoring equipment in the Sierras, which will provide for real-time data of snowpack conditions.


March 2023

Friday, 3/3 

Attended virtual El Dorado Opportunity Knocks meeting. Focus was on CalAIM and how providers refer clients for services. I will follow up with staff on how we can promote these services once the programs are established. 


Saturday, 3/4 

Attended Way Too Cool 50K run to congratulate the top winners at the finish line. 


Wednesday, 3/8 

Attended RCRC Board of Directors meeting.  Highlights of meeting included: 

Guest Speaker Stephanie Welch, Deputy Secretary of Behavioral Health, California Health and Human Services Agency (CalHHS).  Many counties expressed the need for sustained funding to continue programs beyond the beginning stages.  There is definitely a need for a statewide, cohesive approach to assisting those with behavioral health needs. 


Guest Speaker Chuck Bonham, Director of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.  He acknowledged that he needs to do a better job of reaching out to counties and connecting us with our regional director. 


Legislative Update:  

Legislation is in the works to allow for non-decision-making committees to meet remotely. AB 817. 


Legislation is in the works to extend the solar exemption for rebuilding homes lost in the 2020 fires and may extend to homes lost after 2020. AB 704. 


RCRC is asking counties to oppose AB 338, which is the same as last year’s AB 1717 by Aguiar-Curry that has an unintended consequence of driving up the costs of projects like those performed by Fire Safe Councils. 


Report out from Closed Session is that RCRC was authorized by the Board to participate in a coalition to support the United State Forest Service in defending against a claim that the aerial application of fire retardant by the Forest Service violates the Clean Water Act. 


Item of concern from the Golden State Connect Authority meeting was that AT&T is requesting to be relieved as the carrier of last resort for Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS). 


Met with District IV Fish and Wildlife commissioner. 


Thursday, 3/9 

Attended the RCRC ESJPA (Environmental Services JPA) meeting.  Did not have enough people in attendance per new meeting requirements so only heard presentations and did not have a quorum to take action. 


Monthly meeting with Human Resources Director. 


Friday, 3/10 

Attended RCRC working group with PG&E regarding the fast-trip switch program and the need for PG&E to better communicate and mitigate the impacts of those unplanned, reoccurring outages.  I plan to participate in the CPUC workshop on 3/17 to make a comment regarding the impacts of the fast trip switch program. 


Meeting with DOT Director. 


Meeting with Cameron Meadows applicants. 


Saturday, 3/11 

Attended Prescribed Fire 101 Workshop with University of California Cooperative Extension at Wakamatsu Farm. 


Sunday, 3/12 

Attended Garden Valley Fire Breakfast.  Met new emotional support dog Roy! 


Monday, 3/13 

Virtually attended Taxpayers Association.  Guest speaker was Realtor Ken Calhoon, who spoke about the challenges of the housing market, including State legislation causing a loss of local control and that older residents don’t have anywhere to move to to downsize with their existing mortgage rate. 


I had the honor to present at the New Employee Orientation and administered the oath of office. 


Thank you to everyone, government, agencies, and the community for coming together to help each other through the challenges of the recent storms. 


Wednesday, 3/15 

Meeting with DOT Director and Supervisor Laine for briefing on proposed Road Closure Resolution.  


Thursday, 3/16 

Chili Bar Ad Hoc meeting with staff to discuss next steps, including electrical, septic sewer system.  The site is proving to be more challenging than originally anticipated, but staff is exploring options to keep moving forward. 


Attended virtual NACo West Region meeting.  Updates on Opioid Settlements, IT resources, and upcoming Behavioral Health opportunities. 


Friday, 3/17 

Monthly meeting with Long Range Planning staff. 


Phone check in with EDCTC Executive Director to start implementation of the recommendations from the SR 49 Confluence study. 


Phone call with Sol Nisbet to confirm that she will accept appointment as District IV CEDAC representative. 


Provided public comment at the CPUC Workshop webinar on the Fast Trip Switch Program (EPSS) to support RCRC and Pioneer Community Energy in the request for the CPUC to regulate the Fast Trip Switch Program and put clear expectations on the utility companies to reduce the number of Fast Trip Switch outages that cause uncertainty and risks to public health. 


Sunday, 3/19 

Meeting with former Supervisor Penny Humphreys regarding roads and Rescue Fire Department updates. 


Monday, 3/20 

Attended First 5 El Dorado Commission Meeting.  Approved the 2021-2025 Strategic Plan.  Received updates on the great work the Commission Advisory Committees are doing to identify community needs so that community members have a voice in making decisions on what services are needed to support parents, families, and children.  An update to the Board is in the works on how the Youth and Families Commission will collaborate with the First 5 Commission to plan for their sustainability. 


Thursday, 3/23 

As our SACOG Alternate Representative, I attended the SACOG (Sacramento Area Council of Governments) meeting Tackling Homelessness Through Transitional Housing.  Great presentations from nonprofits on how they were able to collaborate with local government to build transitional housing projects.  Many different models, one size does not fit all.  I am working with Supervisor Thomas to have a follow up meeting with Nikky Mohana, who was one of the presenters on the panel and has led the WE Empower Housing Project in Sacramento. 


Monthly meeting with County Counsel. 


Friday, 3/24 

As the Fire/EMS Ad Hoc Committee, Supervisor Thomas and I attended a meeting with the Office of Wildfire Preparedness and Resilience (OWPR) Advisory Committee to get an update on their progress toward creating the El Dorado County Wildfire Strategy.  It is important to have a strategy document so that all the involved partners are working within the same framework and the public understands that strategy.  There is an upcoming update to the full board tentatively set for May 2. 


Attended the Cap-to-Cap Water Resources Team Meeting.  It was a lunch meeting for the members to meet each other and review the discussion items for our upcoming Cap-to-Cap advocacy trip to Washington, D.C. 


Saturday, 3/25 

Supervisor Thomas and I attended the celebration to reopen Medic Unit 49 and the pinning ceremony for new paramedics at the Diamond Springs Fire Station.  It is great to see the collaborative efforts between our fire districts to provide outstanding services to our residents. 


Attended the Georgetown Fire Town Hall where Brown shared a debrief from the Winter Storms.  Representatives from PG&E and OES also shared information.  It was good to see increased collaboration and coordination between our agency partners in response to this latest state of emergency.  Chief Brown also mentioned that the 3 fire districts on the Georgetown Divide are once again holding conversations about potential ways to unify their operations. 


Monday, 3/27 

Virtually attended the Taxpayers Association Meeting.  Shiva Frentzen, Executive Director of LAFCO was the guest speaker. 


Attended virtual Golden Sierra Job Training Agency board meeting. 


Tuesday, 3/28 

Attended meeting with staff regarding securing the county-owned properties on the north and south sides of Highway 50 in Cameron Park.  Also discussed potential plans for its use in the future. 


Wednesday, 3/29 

Meeting with Sheriff, Undersheriff, and members of TRIDENT to understand the efforts to keep illegal, deadly drugs like fentanyl out of our county and the region. 


Supervisor Thomas and I had a virtual meeting with our Interim HHSA Director and our Behavioral Health Director to understand the County’s Assisted Outpatient Treatment program in relation to Laura’s Law. 


Thursday, 3/30 

Attended Virtual Webinar: Leading Local: Local Government Women in Leadership. 


Attended California Wildfire & Forest Resilience Task Force webinar. 


Attended Cool Pilot Hill Advisory Committee (CPHAC) meeting where the applicant for the Cool Gas Station project listened to and answered questions from the community regarding the proposed project. 


Friday, 3/31 

Supervisor Hidahl and I, as members of the Chili Bar ad hoc committee, participated in an on-site meeting at Chili Bar Park.  We are experiencing difficulties with constraints on the utilities, such as septic, water, and electricity.  However I appreciate that staff is exploring options to fulfill the Board’s direction for the park. 


Attended the Sheriff’s annual awards dinner.  It was a wonderful event to celebrate the accomplishments of his staff and I enjoyed being able to participate in the festivities.


April 2023

Sunday, 4/2 

Attended the Kelsey Schoolhouse breakfast.  The members sent their appreciation to the Board for the Community Funding grant. 


Wednesday, 4/5 

Meeting with District IV Fish and Wildlife Commissioner. 


Meeting with Treasurer-Tax Collector. 


Chili Bar Ad Hoc meeting with Supervisor Hidahl and staff.  We are approaching some decision-making points with the project and will likely be bringing an item to the Board for a check in. 


Attended Zoom meeting with Jeep Jamboree USA representative to discuss DOT’s Road Closure Resolution, including the Rubicon Trail. 


Thursday, 4/6 

Attended meeting regarding Homelessness Next Steps with Supervisor Thomas and stakeholders.  Now that the Navigation Center and Temporary Shelter are operating, it is time to look at what is needed to help move people out of the shelter once they are able. 


Attended El Dorado County Transit Authority meeting. 


Attended El Dorado County Transportation Commission meeting. 


Attended Coloma Lotus Advisory Committee (CLAC) meeting.  Thank you to our DOT staff for providing the community with updates on local projects, such as the Mt. Murphy Bridge replacement which should begin construction within the next 2 years. 


Friday, 4/7 

Attended El Dorado Opportunity Knocks Continuum of Care virtual meeting.  Primary topics were 1) an update from Behavioral Health Director regarding the Behavioral Health Bridge Housing program to house those experiencing homelessness and serious mental health and 2) action to approve a form letter that interested parties can submit to show their interest in the upcoming round of Homeless Housing and Prevention funds. 


Met with representatives of Health Plan of San Joaquin (HPSJ) to discuss regional preparations for the transition to our new local Medi-Cal managed care model. 


Monday, 4/10 

Met with Supervisor Laine and staff for an update on the upcoming budget discussions. 


Wednesday, 4/12 

Attended El Dorado Water Agency (EDWA) board meeting.  Topic of interest is the study by consultant David Batker on determining a value of our working landscapes so when we request funds for projects or propose a fee for using our natural resources that we have data to support those requests. 


Meeting with Supervisor Thomas, Sheriff Leikauf, HHSA Director, and CAO to follow up on October 2022 BOS direction regarding Sierra Harm Reduction.  We anticipate bringing an item to the BOS in May as follow up. 


Meeting with NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) representative regarding proposed Clubhouse project to support people with mental illness. 


Thursday, 4/13 

As chair of the El Dorado Water Agency, I gave the opening remarks for the Spring 2023 Plenary.  The theme was Adapting to a Paradigm Shift in Water Management and we appreciated Congressman Kevin Kiley for being our guest speaker and showing his support for water and forest management projects in El Dorado County and the region.  We had staff in attendance from the many departments that are involved in these projects and I wanted to extend our gratitude to them for their involvement and collaborative approach to these issues. 


Supervisor Thomas and I had a meeting with Nikky Mohana to follow up on the SACOG Transitional Housing workshop.  We are exploring leads on a next step transitional housing project so that people who are ready can graduate out of the Navigation Center. 


Thank you to DOT Deputy Director of Maintenance Brian Mullens for taking me on a ride along to see the repair work on Mt. Murphy Road prior to reopening. 


Attended Mountain Counties Water Resources Assocation (MCWRA) reception at Blackburn Consulting in Auburn. 


Friday, 4/14 

Attended MCWRA board meeting.  Topic of interest was discussion of proposed State legislation. 


Monthly meeting with Human Resources Director. 


Monthly meeting with DOT Director. 


On site meeting with residents on Lakeview Drive to discuss concerns about PG&E undergrounding project and potential next steps. 


Monday, 4/17 

Virtually attended most of Taxpayers Association meeting.  Andy Nevis gave a legislative update on bills at the State. 


Attended a meeting with EDCTC and Caltrans for an update on their upcoming project on SR 49 in the Confluence.  Discussed several of the SR 49 Confluence Study implementation projects and ways to get those projects completed. 


Meeting with American River Conservancy Executive Director. 


Meeting with Superintendent of Gold Trail Unified School District. 


Attended reception at Folsom Lake College to welcome new President Dr. Art Pimental. 


Wednesday, 4/19 

Attended the annual University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) Advisor Committee meeting with Ag Commissioner LeeAnne Mila.  Discussed the services received by each of the four partner counties (Amador, Calaveras, Tuolumne, and El Dorado) and received budget information and request for increase in county contribution to the program.  Follow up meeting with Chief Administrative Office and Agriculture Commissioner to explore options before bringing to the board. 


Attended Supervisor Laine’s public forum regarding Vacation Home Rentals (VHRs) to hear concerns from the public.  Supervisor Laine pointed out that the issues regarding VHRs and Ranch Marketing venues are similar and the County is working to address these issues for those who are impacted by these businesses. 


Thursday, 4/20 

Attended Biomass Ad Hoc Committee meeting with Supervisor Turnboo.  The team of staff and consultants are making good progress on several projects.  


Attended virtual National Association of Counties (NACO) West Region meeting. 


Meeting with Veterans representative regarding the Veterans Monument. 


Friday, 4/21 

Monthly virtual meeting with Long Range Planning staff. 


Attended virtual El Dorado Opportunity Knocks (EDOK) special meeting.  The Executive Team asked the EDOK board to approve a matching grant to the Tahoe Coalition for the Homeless (TCH).  Concerns were raised regarding the financial health of TCH.  I made a motion to continue the item to allow staff time to do the due diligence on this issue.  After much discussion, the motion passed. 


Monthly meeting with Environmental Management Director.  Included Supervisor Hidahl to discuss the proposed location for a bathroom at Chili Bar Park.  The site appears to meet the 100’ setbacks to locate a vault bathroom on the east end of the parking lot, which would work best for the functional flow of traffic.  Will follow up at next Chili Bar Park ad hoc committee meeting. 


Saturday through Wednesday, 4/22 - 4/26 

Travel to Washington D.C. for Capitol to Capitol (Cap to Cap) 2023.  As part of the Water Resources Team attended meetings with the U.S.F.S, the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water, Wildlife, and Fisheries, Congressman Kiley’s Office, and Representative Huffman’s Office.  Topics included forest management and our proposed biomass projects, watershed protection, support for new water storage projects within the region such as the Water Bank and Alder Creek Reservoir, and thanking offices for their support of projects such as GDPUD’s request for funds for repair work after the storms, instream monitors, and snow station upgrades. 


Thursday, 4/27 

Attended virtual SOFAR Biomass Working Group meeting. 


Monthly meeting with County Counsel. 


Friday, 4/28 

Meeting with Cannabis representative regarding potential changes to our ordinances and the upcoming workshops. 


Monday, 4/29 

Attended a Biomass Energy Technology Summit hosted by Placer County Air Pollution Control District.  I was joined by our own Air Quality Management District (AQMD) staff and our biomass consultant.  Very informative and there is now a broad range of technologies available and funding streams.  Prospects for locating several small facilities is very promising.  Sierra at Tahoe and the Black Oak Mine Unified School District project are making good progress toward completion.


May 2023

Tuesday, 5/2 

Attended the Georgetown Divide Recreation District (GDRD) Volunteer Appreciation event. 


Wednesday, 5/3 

Supervisor Hidahl and I had a quick check in meeting with staff on the Chili Bar project. 


I had a meeting with staff regarding increased funding request from the University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE).  We will continue discussions and bring an item to the Board in the future. 


Supervisor Turnboo and I had a meeting with Eldorado National Forest Supervisor Joe Stout to follow up on the board’s recent discussion about forest management and wildfire suppression. 


Thursday, 5/4 

Attended El Dorado County Transit Authority (EDCTA) special meeting workshop to discuss the Short-Range Transit Plan to address the changing transit needs in the county. 


Attended El Dorado County Transportation Commission (EDCTC) meeting. 


Virtual meeting with Behavioral Health Director. 


Friday, 5/5 

Attended El Dorado Opportunity Knocks Continuum of Care (EDOK CoC) virtual meeting. Topic of interest was reprioritizing reallocation of housing vouchers. 


Meeting with Georgetown Fire Chief for an update on how several of the fire districts on the Georgetown Divide are exploring ways to work together and pool resources. 


Supervisor Thomas and I met with a representative from HomeAide to discuss their process for transitional housing projects, which is our much needed next step for our Navigation Center and Temporary Shelter.  We will be meeting with staff to share information and determine next steps. 


Meeting with Library Director. 


Sunday, 5/7 

Attended Kelsey Schoolhouse Breakfast. 


Monday, 5/8 

Virtually attended Taxpayers Association meeting.  Guest speaker was Congressman McClintock. 


Supervisor Hidahl and I had a meeting with representatives from Pioneer Energy and County staff to discuss options for SB 1383 Compost requirements.  BOS presentation 6/20/23. 


Attended First 5 El Dorado meeting.  We revisited the Board of Supervisors discussion from last fall about incorporating the Hub service delivery model as the gold standard of public service in our County. The Commission is interested in transitioning leadership of the Hubs before June 30, 2025 and would like to explore partnerships with County agencies. With the HHSA reorganization, now is a good time to think about how we might incorporate the hubs and navigators into our County services. 


Wednesday, 5/10 

Attended Strategic Plan Workshop. 


Thursday and Friday, 5/11 and 5/12 

Attended RCRC County of the Chair Board meeting and tour in Butte County.  Toured the Oroville Dam and the Butte Creek dam restoration project.  Coincidentally, the recent earthquakes happened that same afternoon. 


During the Member County Concerns item of the agenda, I did follow up on our board discussion regarding CSAC’s AT HOME initiative.  The response from counties was mixed and staff said they will start a deeper look as the initiative moves forward. 


RCRC is coordinating an effort to review PG&E’s Wildfire Mitigation Plan.  I reached out to Sue Hennike and she will coordinate with our Office of Wildfire Preparedness and Resiliency (OWPR) and Office of Emergency Services (OES) to ensure that El Dorado County is engaged in that process. 


We were also reminded to forward the State Cybersecurity Plan Survey to our IT Directors.  The Survey will be used to compile information for the California Cybersecurity Plan that will be used to distribute State and Local Cybersecurity Grant funds.  I forwarded the Survey to our IT Director this morning. 


Sunday, 5/14 

Attended Garden Valley Fire Breakfast 


Monday, 5/15 

Meeting with staff to follow up on gathering information regarding UCCE’s request for increased funding.  The information will be presented to the Board at the 6/13 budget discussion. 


I attended Governor Newsom’s May Revision - Proposed 2023-24 Housing and Homelessness Budget Overview webinar.  The takeaway from the webinar is that the with the revised budget deficit the Governor is maintaining most of the funding that has been allocated for efforts to house the homeless, such as Homeless Housing Assistance Program (HHAP). 


Phone meeting with AT&T representative to follow up on requests for removing trees that are leaning on communication lines and into roadways.  I was advised to work through our DOT to coordinate that work. 


Supervisor Thomas and I met with our Homeless Next Steps working group and shared information on our lead for a nonprofit to manage a transitional housing project.  Staff will be following up on that lead to explore building a transitional housing project that will be for those who are ready to move on from the Navigation Center/Temporary Shelter with the assistance of supportive services. 


Virtually attended the Cool Pilot Hill Advisory Committee’s design review meeting for the proposed Cool Gas Station project. 


Wednesday, 5/17 

Attended the El Dorado Water Agency meeting.  Approved appointing Rebecca Guo as the Interim General Manager effective June 10. 


Supervisor Thomas and I attended the Office of Wildfire Preparedness and Resilience (OWPR) Stakeholder Meeting to get input on the draft Strategy Wildfire that the working group has been developing. 


Virtually attended the Cameron Park CSD meeting where the proposed closure of Station 88 was considered. 


Thursday, 5/18 

Supervisor Thomas, Sheriff Leikauf, Undersheriff Golmitz, Interim CAO Schmid, and I met virtually with CDPH representatives regarding Sierra Harm Reduction’s operations in El Dorado County.  There will be a Board agenda item to follow up on June 20. 


Meeting with SCLAR Large Animal Rescue regarding preparation for upcoming wildfire season. 


Friday, 5/19 

Monthly meeting with Long Range Planning staff. 


Monthly meeting with Ag Commissioner.  Discussed illegal fruit stands and the challenges to address them. 


Meeting with District IV representatives and Chair of the Commission on Aging. 


Monthly meeting with Environmental Management Director.  Discussed illegal fruit stands and the challenges to address them. 


Sunday, 5/21 

Attended Music on the Divide concert at the Georgetown IOOF Hall. 


Monday, 5/22 

Attended virtual SOFAR steering committee meeting. 


Strategic Plan Workshop. 


Tuesday, 5/23 

Strategic Plan Workshop. 


Wednesday, 5/24 

Supervisor Thomas attended the Special El Dorado Opportunity Knocks (EDOK) meeting on my behalf and the EDOK board approved a MOU for the Navigation Center that will be coming to the Board for consideration and approval. 


Attended meeting with Office of Emergency (OES) regarding standing up a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) for Georgetown and have had a follow up discussion with Georgetown Fire Chief Brown. 


I was the guest speaker at the Marshall Grange for their potluck speaker series and shared items of interest regarding the County. 


Thursday, 5/25 

Attended the Golden Sierra Job Training Agency (GSJTA) regular Governing Board meeting. 


Monthly meeting with County Counsel. 


Friday, 5/26 

I attended one of several meetings and phone calls this week with constituents regarding the Ranch Marketing and Winery Ordinance updates. 


Quick phone call with a constituent who wanted to express his appreciation to me and specifically to Rob Peters for stepping up to review his project materials and move their project forward. 


Phone update with DOT Director for updates, including Mt. Murphy Bridge agenda item on 6/6/23. 


Attended First 5 El Dorado Commission Special Meeting. 


Tuesday, 5/30 

Supervisor Turnboo and I attended an inter-departmental meeting regarding the Pine Hill Preserve properties. 


Wednesday, 5/31 

Monthly meeting with Supervisor Hidahl for Chili Bar updates.  Will bring an update to the full Board sometime this summer.


June 2023

Thursday, 6/1 

Supervisor Turnboo and I met with El Dorado National Forest Supervisor Joe Stout and staff regarding a proposal for the new Grizzly Flats Community Center. 


Attended regular El Dorado County Transit Authority (EDCTA) meeting. 


Attended regular El Dorado County Transportation Commission (EDCTC) meeting. 


Friday, 6/2 

Attended virtual Mountain Counties Water Resources Agency (MCWRA) regular meeting. 


Visited El Dorado County Food Bank. 


Saturday, 6/3 

I carpooled with District IV representative Pat Weddle to attend Fishing Derby at Lake Walton in Georgetown.  Our Fish and Wildlife Commission sponsors the fish at our derbies. 


Sunday, 6/4 

Attended Kelsey Schoolhouse Breakfast. 


Attended Art on the Divide Cooperative Gallery open house. 


Monday, 6/5 

Virtually attended the Taxpayers Association meeting where Parks Manager Vickie Sanders was the guest speaker. 


Supervisor Laine and I met with staff to discuss the Recommended Budget. 


Supervisor Laine and I met with staff to discuss VHRs, including the history of how we got here and potential challenges and improvements.


July 2023

Friday, 7/7 

Attended Taco Night in Pollock Pines with Library Director Bryce Lovell to show him the Community Center facility and discuss potential expansion of the Pollock Pines Hub.  Coincidentally, both Director Lovell and myself grew up in Pollock Pines, and I did inform District 5 Supervisor Brooke Laine of this activity. 


Saturday, 7/8 

Attended the Bear State Property Owners Association (BSPOA) Firewise meeting and picnic in Volcanoville.  I was a guest speaker and gave a brief update on what’s been happening in the County.  I appreciate the community’s efforts to keep themselves engaged and connected with each other for emergency preparedness and prevention. 


Monday, 7/10 

Virtually attended Taxpayers Association meeting.  Guest speaker was Sue Hennike, Deputy CAO, who was accompanied by Emma Owens, Principal Management Analyst, to discuss the county’s budget. 


Tuesday, 7/11 

Meeting with staff regarding updating the bylaws for the Cemetery Advisory Committee.  The Resolution that formed the CAC has not been updated since its inception in 2002, so the Resolution will need to be updated before the bylaws can be updated.  As a result, there will be a Board discussion at some point in the future.  


Meeting with District IV Parks and Recreation Commissioner with the Parks Master Plan Update as main topic of discussion. 


Wednesday, 7/12 

Attended RCRC meetings, which included GSFA and GSCA board meetings.  RCRC established a Property Insurance Ad Hoc Committee, and I am a member of that ad hoc. Staff gave an update on the Governor’s proposal to change Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) funding. 


Thursday, 7/13 

Meeting with staff to follow up on Food Insecurity concerns that have been raised regarding our food banks.  Will have follow up meetings and keep the board updated. 


Meeting with a Cameron Park CSD board member to check in on current issues. 


Friday, 7/14 

Supervisor Turnboo and I, as members of the Biomass Ad Hoc Committee, had a virtual meeting with renewable biofuels firm as part of exploring a biomass facility in the county. 


Virtually attended the monthly RCRC/CSAC meeting with PG&E.  This month’s topic was undergrounding, however I asked about how we can sectionalize our long distribution lines so that outages are less impacting.  I am supposed to get a follow up meeting with a PG&E representative on that. 


Monthly Human Resources Director check in meeting. 


Monthly DOT Director check in meeting. 


Meeting with District IV representative and Chair of the Commission on Aging. 


Monday, 7/17 

Virtual meeting with Placer County Supervisor Gustafson on next steps for establishing an easement from the U.S. Forest Service on the Placer County sections of the Rubicon Trail for operations and maintenance.  As we move forward, I will provide updates and bring agenda items as appropriate. 


Wednesday, 7/19 

Meeting with District IV representative and Chair of the Fish and Wildlife Commissioner.  Discussed how the BOS can better use commissions in an advisory capacity.  Specifically talked about a constituent concern that was raised about deer impaling themselves on spiked, wrought-iron fencing.  After talking with our CAO, I will follow up with the Fish and Wildlife Commission and ask that they research the issue and advise the board on best practices and potential public education opportunities. 


Attended a portion of the El Dorado County Fire Safe Council meeting.  I appreciate the collaboration between all of the councils and community partners. 


Meeting with DOT as follow up to our CIP discussion, which will be brought to the board at our upcoming DOT workshop. 


Thursday, 7/20 

Meeting with Treasurer-Tax Collector for briefing on upcoming agenda items. 


Virtually participated in the Pioneer Community Energy board of directors meeting as the alternate for Supervisor Hidahl. 


Meeting with a group of Georgetown residents to discuss issues in the county. 


Friday, 7/21 

Monthly meeting with Long Range Planning staff. 


On site meeting with Brian Mullens, DOT Maintenance Supervisor, and the Georgetown Divide Recreation District (GDRD) General Manager to discuss the GDRD’s access challenges at the Greenwood Schoolhouse.  I appreciate DOT’s creative and helpful approach to come up with potential solutions so that the public can once again use this public facility and playground.  This is still in the works and I will keep you apprised of our progress. 


Monthly meeting with Environmental Management Director. 


Sunday, 7/23 

Meeting with District IV representative and Chair of the Parks and Recreation Commission.  Main topic of discussion was the Parks Master Plan. 


Monday, 7/24 

Virtually attended the Taxpayers Association meeting.  Richard Ross of the Charter Review Committee was the guest speaker. 


Attended virtual SOFAR Steering Committee meeting.



Wednesday, 7/26 

Attended Cemtery Advisory Committee meeting 


Thursday, 7/27 

Meeting with staff regarding Auburn Lake Trails and Georgetown Divide Public Utility District septic agreement.  GDPUD is looking into next steps. 


Meeting with Cameron Park CSD Interim General Manager for a check in. 


Monthly meeting with County Counsel. 


Friday 7/28 

Meeting with staff regarding the Parks Master Plan process. 


Monday, 7/31 

Phone interview for annual financial audit as the Chair of the Golden Sierra Job Training Agency. 


Virtual meeting with Placer County regarding next steps in establishing an operations and management easement on the Placer County portions of Rubicon Trail.


August 2023

Tuesday, 8/1 

Attended National Night Out at Garden Valley Park. 


Wednesday, 8/2 

Meeting with our largest airport tenant at the Georgetown airport regarding concerns with the management of the airports. 


Thursday, 8/3 

Meeting with Kim Beal from the Realtors Association for feedback on the proposed Anmesty Program.  She highlighted the need to improve TrakIt’s user interface to help Realtors look up properties and decrease the number of purchases with unpermitted issues. 


Attended El Dorado Transit Authority meeting.  Reviewed proposed Code of Conduct for transit riders. 


Attended El Dorado County Transportation Commission meeting.  Followed up on requests for CalTrans to fill potholes on SR 49 at the Confluence. 


Attended Mountain Counties Water Resources Association (MCWRA) reception. 


Friday, 8/4 

Attended MCWRA board meeting. 


Sunday, 8/6 

Attended Kelsey Schoolhouse breakfast. 


Monday, 8/7 

Virtually attended Taxpayers Association meeting.  Guest speaker was Justin Kilcrease, of EDC Adult Protective Services. 


Tuesday, 8/8 

Attended Special Meeting of the EDCTA for Executive Director employment. 


Meeting with DOT Director to follow up on CIP/TIF discussion. 


Attended Summer Divide Chamber of Commerce Mixer at Art On The Divide Cooperative Gallery. 


Wednesday, 8/9 

Chaired El Dorado Water Agency regular meeting. 


Meeting with constituent regarding potential for increasing fire services in the county and its impact on homeowners insurance. 


Thursday, 8/10 

Meet and Greet with new Assistant Director of HHSA. 


Friday, 8/11 

Attended monthly meeting with RCRC, CSAC, and PG&E representatives to discuss vegetation management.  Scheduling a follow up meeting with PG&E representatives to explore how to shorten the distances of line that are impacted by fast trip switch (EPSS) outages. 


Monthly meeting with DOT Director 


Saturday, 8/12 

Attended inaugural meeting of the Divide CERT (Community Emergency Response Team).  Great start to reestablishing this important resource in the community.  Looking forward to supporting this effort to improve communication and collaboration with county services, especially during emergencies. 


Sunday, 8/13 

Had lunch at Wings Café at the Auburn Airport to see how that airport is utilized in comparison to El Dorado County airports.


Monday, 8/14 

Virtually attended Taxpayers Association meeting.  Supervisor George Turnboo was the guest speaker. 


Attended virtual meeting as member of the MCWRA ad hoc regarding proposed changes to the dues. 


Attended First 5 El Dorado meeting.  Highlights of discussion were the uncertainty of the First 5 funding sources and the start of the upcoming Strategic Plan update.  The members appreciated the Board of Supervisors direction in June to look into sustaining the Hubs in our libraries. 


Special thank you to Sara and Amanda in our IT department.  The last program update caused issues with our District IV email accounts and Sara really stuck with us to get it working again. 


Wednesday, 8/16 

Meeting with constituent regarding our Temporary RV Permit ordinance.  He is likely not going to be able to complete his application prior to the December 2, 2023 sunset and would like the Board to extend that sunset date. 


Thursday, 8/17 

Attended RCRC ESJPA meeting.  The compost procurement requirement was brought up during Member County Concerns because other counties are also struggling with the intent of the requirement and the high cost of compliance.  This will be an agendized item at our next meeting. 


Friday, 8/18 

Virtual monthly meeting with Long Range Planning staff. 


Attended staff appreciation BBQ. 


Monthly meeting with Agricultural Commissioner. 


Monthly meeting with Environmental Management Director. 


Monday, 8/21  

Virtually attended Taxpayers Association, guest speaker was El Dorado County Assessor Jon Deville.  Spoke to negative impacts of Prop. 19 and the losses to rural counties, which was supposed to be reimbursed by the State.    


Attended virtual SOFAR Steering Committee meeting. 


Monthly meeting with IT Director. 


Wednesday, 8/23 

Check-in meeting with Assessor. 


Attended California Natural Resources Agency webinar Managing Megafire – Reflecting on a Decade in the New Megafire Era 


Chili Bar Ad Hoc Committee meeting with staff. 


Attended Cemetery Advisory Committee meeting, which was canceled due to lack of a quorum. 


Thursday, 8/24 

Attended virtual SOFAR Collaborative Biomass Working Group meeting. 


Monthly meeting with County Counsel. 


Attended tri-Chamber Legislative Reception. 


Friday, 8/25 

Meeting with Commission on Aging Chair and District 4 representative. 


Monday, 8/28 

Virtually attended Taxpayers Association meeting.  Janelle Horne, EDC Recorder-Clerk was the guest speaker. 


Attended EDC Strategic Planning Workshop.  I advocated to keep “rural” in the Vision Statement for the county since our General Plan states that our county’s rural character is our most important asset. 


Wednesday, 8/30 

Attended virtual meeting of Placer Food Bank Rebrand Focus Group. 


Supervisor Turnboo and I attended a follow up meeting regarding the Code Enforcement Amnesty Program. 


Meeting with Library Director. 


Supervisor Turnboo and I attended a virtual meeting with Zach Browning of the Sierra Institute to follow up on our site visit to Plumas County and explore biomass options in El Dorado County. 


Thursday, 8/31 

Shelley and I attended meeting with PG&E representatives to better understand what is being done to harden the power system and reduce fires and outages.  We are scheduling a follow up meeting because the online mapping tool would not work here at the EDC offices. 


Attended check-in meeting on Chili Bar.


September 2023

Friday, 9/1 

Attended virtual Sierra Nevada Conservancy virtual Central Subregion Check In for briefing on next SNC board meeting. 


Saturday, 9/2 

Attended Shingle Springs Community Center pancake breakfast. 


Sunday, 9/3 

Attended Kelsey Schoolhouse breakfast. 


Tuesday, 9/5 

Attended the inaugural meeting of the El Dorado Regional Fire Authority, which is an agreement between the Garden Valley, Georgetown, Mosquito, and Rescue fire districts in the “Spirit of Cooperation,” which is their motto.  I had the honor of performing the swearing in ceremony of their new board. 


Wednesday, 9/6 

I appreciated the opportunity to visit our first legally permitted cannabis farm in El Dorado County.   


Thursday, 9/7 

Met with representatives from the Summerbrook residential project and asked them to meet with community members to share their proposed changes to the traffic signal on Green Valley Road, which is anticipated to be in front of the Board of Supervisors on 9/26. 


Monthly meeting with DOT Director Martinez. 


Attended EDCTA regular meeting. 


Attended EDCTC regular meeting.  Asked the Director for assistance in navigating the process to move forward with the proposed Lotus Road pathway project from the Coloma Mobility Plan.  Questions have risen from the community on when and how public engagement will begin.  Also asked the Director for assistance with contacting Caltrans regarding the SR 49 potholes. 


Friday, 9/8 

Attended monthly meeting with RCRC/CSAC/PG&E.  Will provide data at next meeting regarding outstanding wood haul requests. 


Attended RCRC Homeowners Insurance Ad Hoc meeting.  Discussed last-minute, proposed legislation that has now died and parts will likely be revived for next year. 


Saturday, 9/9 

Attended Divide CERT Meeting. 


Attended Kelsey Cemetery monument dedication. 


Toured Lotus Road properties to understand site for proposed pathway. 


Sunday, 9/10 

Attended Garden Valley Fire breakfast. 


Monday, 9/11 

Virtually attended Taxpayers Association meeting.  Ken Schoniger presented his perspective regarding the Veterans Monument and oversight. 


Thank you from Mosquito Fire survivor for support to rebuild home.  House was delivered on Friday, 9/8, almost exactly a year from the date of the fire. 


Wednesday, 9/13 

Chaired the EDCWA regular meeting.  Highlights include appointing interim General Manager Rebecca Guo to the General Manager position and securing a scope of work and timeline from the Grizzly Flats CSD so that we could allocate ARPA funds to work on their failing water system. 


Thursday 9/14 

Virtually listened in on Regional Water Authority (RWA) meeting. 


Received a phone call from a constituent asking why the County didn’t support the Georgetown Fire District in its grant application for a Community Resource Center that would have included a county-owned facility for the Georgetown Library.  I’m looking forward to working with staff to secure a county-owned facility for the Georgetown Library. 


Friday 9/15 

Virtual Long Range Planning monthly meeting. 


Supervisor Turnboo and I as the Biomass Ad Hoc Committee met with consultant Greg Stanton to follow up on conversations about a Master Stewardship Agreement for forest management. 


Monthly meeting with Ag Commissioner. 


Monthly meeting with Environmental Management Director. 


Saturday 9/16 

Attended Mosquito Fire Breakfast and was updated by retired Assessor Karl Weiland that the community is appreciative of Shimmick Construction’s efforts to work with the community to mitigate impacts during the Mosquito Bridge construction.  Additionally, DOT’s efforts to keep the road in working order during the construction is a challenge and very much appreciated. 


Monday 9/18 

Attended virtual SOFAR Steering Committee Meeting. 


Attended virtual EDOK Strategic Planning Meeting.


Wednesday, 9/20 

Supervisor Thomas and I attended the El Dorado Water Agency tour of the proposed site for Alder Creek Reservoir.  I appreciated EDWA staff for putting together the tour and inviting legislators who will be partners in supporting the project. 


Thursday and Friday, 9/21 and 9/22 

Attended RCRC Annual Meeting.  During a breakout session three guest speakers shared their lessons learned from participating in the first cohort of CARE Court. All suggested the need to closely work with the courts to coordinate what services will be needed and the need to plan for housing. 


Several emails and phone calls to gather information and community input on the proposed change to the Summerbrook project traffic mitigation. 


Sunday, 9/24 

Attended Georgetown Founders Day. 


Monday, 9/25 

Virtually listened in on Taxpayers Association Meeting where Andy Nevis gave a legislative update. 


Wednesday, 9/27 

Met with Arts and Culture Executive Director to discuss upcoming agenda item to introduce the Poet Laureate. 


Supervisor Turnboo and I as members of the SMUD Ad Hoc Committee met with staff for an update. 


Attended Cemetery Advisory Committee meeting. 


Thursday, 9/28 

Chaired Golden Sierra Job Training Agency meeting. 


Monthly meeting with County Counsel. 


Attended meeting at the Mosquito Fire House for DOT to give an update on the bridge construction and what impacts residents should expect.  To date, progress has been good and the construction company is building a positive relationship with the residents. 


Friday, 9/29 

Attended CSAC Womens Leadership Forum virtual coffee meet up.  County leaders shared information on what is happening in their county. 


Saturday, 9/30 

Participated as a judge at the Marshall Grange Talent Show.


October 2023

Sunday, 10/1 

Attended Kelsey Schoolhouse breakfast. 


Monday, 10/2 

Meeting with District IV Planning Commissioner. 


Tuesday, 10/3 

Virtual meeting with Brandon Sanders, PG&E Government Liaison, for overview of online portal. 


Supervisor Hidahl and I as the Chili Bar Ad Hoc Committee met with staff for an update.  Will be bringing an update to the Board before end of the year. 


Supervisor Thomas and I as the Jurisdictional Reorganization Ad Hoc Committee met with staff for an update on the many jurisdictions that are in discussion for potential reorganization. 


Wednesday, 10/4 

Attended the Mountain Counties Water Resources Association (MCWRA) tour of the French Meadows restoration project.  Tour included stop at GDPUD canal to see challenges caused by fire, stop at South Fork Long Canyon to see an untreated forest landscape that threatens water infrastructure, and stop at the French Meadows Reservoir to see the forest thinning work, including a prescribed burn site, that is being done there to protect the watershed. 


On the way home from the MCWRA tour, stopped by to catch up with Georgetown Fire Chief Brown. 


Thursday, 10/5 

Virtually attended part of the Northern California Regional Meeting of the California Wildfire and Forest Resilience Task Force. 


Attended El Dorado County Transit Authority (EDCTA) meeting. 


Attended El Dorado County Transportation Committee (EDCTC) meeting. 


Attended ribbon cutting of Senator Marie Alvarado-Gil in new El Dorado Hills location. 


Friday, 10/6 

Participated in El Dorado Opportunity Knocks (EDOK) regular meeting. 


Meeting with Code Enforcement. 


Meeting with staff and Chili Bar proposed concessionaire for an update on progress. 


Sunday, 10/8 

Attended Garden Valley Fire breakfast 


Monday, 10/9 

Virtually listened to Taxpayers Association.  Guest speaker was Bob Williams to discuss EDHCSD LLAD Assessment. 


Attended First 5 El Dorado Commission meeting.  Continued discussion of sustainable funding and updating Strategic Plan. 


Wednesday, 10/11 

Traveled to South Lake Tahoe to chair the annual El Dorado Water Agency (EDWA) meeting in Tahoe.  I appreciated that Supervisor Laine was able to join us for lunch and then gave Supervisor Turnboo and I a quick tour of the County facilities in Tahoe so that we could better understand the importance of purchasing the Barton Buildings. 


Thursday, 10/12 

Participated in the Caldor Fire Restoration Project Proposed Action Field Tour coordinated through the SOFAR Collaborative and hosted by the USFS.  It was informative to learn about how the Forest Service is looking at areas of the burn scar to determine which are best to restore to original state, convert to a new state, or preserve as fuel breaks. 


Attended the Mountain Counties Water Resources Association (MCWRA) reception at the Knight’s Foundry in Sutter Creek.  I was approached by one of the docents at the Foundry and he shared that he had recently represented an applicant for a project in El Dorado County and wanted us to know that he felt that both the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors were very welcoming and professional in our deliberations.  He wanted us to know that because he is a former City Council member and knows that we often don’t hear good things about how we conduct business. 


Friday, 10/13 

Attended the MCWRA board meeting in Sutter Creek.  The collaborative advocacy work is helping to influence proposed legislation to be less terrible. 


Monthly meeting with DOT Director. 


Saturday, 10/14 

Attended Divide CERT meeting.  The team is filling out and on its way to understanding its role. 


Monday, 10/16 

Monthly meeting with IT Director 


Participated in the RCRC Ad Hoc Committee on Property Insurance meeting with Insurance Commissioner Lara.  One of our committee members shared that while he is appreciative of the Commissioner’s efforts to bring the insurance companies back to the market, it has been frustrating that we’ve known about this issue for several years and that the Commissioner is just now taking action.  The Commissioner has committed to having his program in place by the end of 2024 to incentivize insurance companies to come back to the market and to incentivize property owners to harden their properties for resiliency. 


Wednesday, 10/18 

Visited the Elections Department at its new location on Ponderosa Road.  Registrar of Voters Bill O’Neill did a great job of working with Facilities to construct the office in a welcoming and transparent layout for the public. 


Stopped by the manufactured homes retailer on Missouri Flat Drive in pursuit of supporting our efforts toward legislation for affordable, preapproved homes.  This retailer is retiring after 50 years of business in El Dorado County, but Supervisor Turnboo and I will visit other retailers soon. 


Thursday, 10/19 

Chaired the RCRC Environmental Services JPA (ESJPA) meeting.  During our discussion with CalRecycle I asked for clarification regarding efforts to implement the SB 1383 procurement requirements.  CalRecycle made it very clear that jurisdictions should document their efforts, whether or not they are wholly successful, as CalRecycle anticipates enforcement first on jurisdictions that make no effort to comply.  There was interest in further discussion of this topic for our next meeting agenda. 


Monthly meeting with Environmental Management Director during our drive to and from the RCRC ESJPA meeting. 


Friday, 10/20 

Monthly virtual meeting with Long Range Planning. 


Meeting with a community group from El Dorado Hills regarding the Central El Dorado Hills project. 


Stopped by the El Dorado County Chamber Film Mixer at the fairgrounds 


Monday, 10/23 

Virtually attended the Taxpayers Association meeting.  Alexia Retallack from Pioneer Energy was the guest speaker.  Alexia spent a lot of time explaining Pioneer’s rates for solar customers. 



Wednesday, 10/25 

Virtually attended RCRC Ad Hoc Committee on Fire Insurance.  Guest speakers were Amy Bach, co-founder and Executive Director of United Policyholders, and Nancy Watkins, principal and actuary at Millman consulting.  The ad hoc is finished with gathering information from industry experts and will begin drafting policies for the board’s approval at its December meeting.   


Attended Cemetery Advisory Committee meeting. 


Monday, 10/30 

Virtually attended Taxpayers Association meeting.  Dean Getz was the guest speaker and discuss the El Dorado Hills CSD concerns.


November 2023

Wednesday, 11/1 

Meet and greet with Grand Jury. 


Monthly meeting with County Counsel. 


Monthly meeting with Sheriff. 


Thursday, 11/2 

Attended El Dorado County Transit Authority meeting. 


Attended El Dorado County Transportation Commission meeting. 


Friday, 11/3 

Meeting with El Dorado County Fire Protection District members for updates. 


Sunday, 11/5 

Attended Kelsey Schoolhouse breakfast. 


Monday, 11/6 

Virtually attended Taxpayers Association meeting.  Pat Dwyer presented the Taxpayer Association’s Fire Committee report. 



Regarding DOT repaving projects (Cameron Park Drive, Green Valley Road, etc.), there is good progress on the re-striping, which is very appreciated with the days getting shorter and darker. 


Regarding Caltrans SR 49 repaving project, the emergency repaving project to fix the potholes is appreciated, however my office has been following up with Caltrans to get the re-striping completed because it is very hazardous on the narrow, windy roads, especially with the daylight getting shorter and darker. 


Wednesday, 11/8 

Participated in virtual consultation with CDPH regarding reauthorization for Sierra Harm Reduction to provide needle exchange services in El Dorado County.  This consultation led to BOS agenda item 30. 23-2095 on 11/14/23. 


Chaired the El Dorado County Water Agency regular meeting. 


Follow up virtual meeting with Placer County to continue exploring options for maintenance of the Rubicon Trail on the Placer County portions.   


Attended El Dorado Hills Chamber Mixer at X-Golf for their ribbon cutting. 


Thursday, 11/9 

Supervisor Turnboo and I attended the Cameron Park CSD to observe their presentation regarding fire and ambulance services.   


Saturday, 11/11 

Attended the Veterans Day breakfast at the Firefighters Memorial Hall in Diamond Springs, which was hosted by our EDC Fire Safe Council because the kitchen in the Veterans Building is still under repair.  Great event!  The Quilt of Valor presentations were made, with 3 Veterans receiving quilts.  Thank you to our EDC Fire Safe Council for hosting this event. 


Attended Garden Valley Fire Breakfast. 


Monday, 11/13 

Monthly meeting with DOT Director. 


Thank you again to Facilities staff for putting the green covers on the lights at the Veterans Memorial to participate in Operation Greenlight to honor our Veterans.  Supervisor Laine has expressed interest in expanding Operation Greenlight to Tahoe and several Supervisors have expressed interest in adding to the lighting at the County Veterans Memorial. 


Thursday, 11/16 

Attended Mountain Counties Water Resources Association (MCWRA) Fall 2023 Water Forum.   


Friday, 11/17 

Monthly virtual meeting with Long Range Planning staff. 


Virtually chaired the Golden Sierra Job Training Agency Governing Board regular meeting. 


Virtually attended the RCRC Property Insurance Ad Hoc Committee meeting.  We drafted a set of Policy Principles regarding property insurance to present to the RCRC board at its December 6 meeting. 


Monday, 11/20 

Virtually attended the Taxpayers Association meeting.  Tom Meyer and Sue Hennike from the Office of Wildfire Preparedness and Resilience (OWPR) were the guest speakers. 


Attended virtual SOFAR Collaborative Steering Committee meeting. 


Monthly meeting with IT Director. 


Monthly meeting with Agricultural Commissioner. 


Monthly meeting with Environmental Management Director. 


Meeting regarding Behavioral Health update. 


Tuesday, 11/21 

Meeting with airport users and staff to discuss rates and upcoming airport study. 


Meeting with staff to follow up on discussion with Placer County regarding Rubicon Trail maintenance. 


Meeting with Cemetery Ad Hoc Committee and staff to discuss board direction. 


Monday 11/27 

Virtually attended Taxpayers Association meeting.  Chief Cordero was the guest speaker regarding EDCFPD and Diamond Springs Fire District annexation. 


Meeting with District IV Parks and Recreation Commissioner. 


Tuesday, 11/28 

Meeting with Environmental Management Director to prepare for RCRC ESJPA SB 1383 webinar 


Meeting with Supervisor Turnboo and Gilmore Hero project for cars to Veterans. 


Received a happy phone call from a constituent to let me know that the lines have been repainted on SR 49.  I followed up and sent Caltrans a thank you email for the emergency paving project and restriping. 


Wednesday, 11/29 

Virtual meeting with Sierra Nevada Conservancy (SNC) Central Subregion representatives and staff to discuss upcoming meeting on 12/8. 


Meeting with El Dorado County Transportation Commission (EDCTC) Executive Director to discuss January Townhall and other transportation matters. 


Thursday, 11/30 

Attended Sheriff’s helicopter unveiling.  The helicopter will be a great tool for the Sheriff’s Office in increasing officer and public safety. 


Attended RCRC November 2024 Ballot Preview webinar. 


Supervisor Turnboo and I, as the Cemetery Ad Hoc Committee, had a meeting with the Chair to discuss the Board’s direction for the Committee.


December 2023

Friday, 12/1 

Attended El Dorado Opportunity Knocks (EDOK) meeting.  I have officially been reappointed as the EDC Alternate, so will attend when I am available to report back to the Board. 


Meet and Greet with newly hired Public Health Officer Dr. Matthew Minton. 


Saturday, 12/2 

Attended Shingle Springs Community Center quarterly breakfast and Christmas event. 


Sunday, 12/3 

Attended Christmas in Cool. 


Monday, 12/4 

Attended Toys, Turkeys, and Twenties at the El Dorado County Food Bank. 


Receiving increased complaints about the traffic signal timing at the Ponderosa interchange.  I have reached out to EDCTC Executive Director Deloria for assistance with working with Caltrans on this ongoing issue. 


Wednesday, 12/6 

Attended RCRC regular board meeting.  I ran for the Region 2 (Butte, El Dorado, Lassen, Modoc, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, and Sierra counties) representative and was selected, so I will be participating on the Executive Committee in 2024 and 2025.  I did bring up our needle exchange program concerns and also loss of local control due to State legislation placing substance use treatment facilities in residential neighborhoods.  I will follow up with staff and a fellow county supervisor who offered to provide guidance. 


Thursday, 12/7 

Attended RCRC ESJPA board meeting.  I was re-elected as the Vice Chair.  I brought up our BOS discussion regarding a Retail Tobacco Ordinance and the interest in potentially banning e-cigarettes.  There was a lot of interest by the members.  There has been past attempts at a Statewide ban and I was told that neighboring counties have shown interest.  I will be following up with other interested parties. 


Attended the ESJPA Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on their afternoon field tour to Visions paint recycling.  It was interesting to see how the paint that is dropped off for recycling is processed. 


Friday, 12/8 

Briefing with Agriculture Commissioner. 


Meeting with staff to consider materials for new siding on Chili Bar store. 


Monthly meeting with DOT Director. 


Monthly meeting with HR Director. 


Sunday, 12/10 

Attended Garden Valley Fire breakfast. 


Monday, 12/11 

Virtually attended Taxpayers Association.  Member Andy Nevis gave a presentation regarding the proposed changes to the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) and the related items that will be on upcoming ballots.  


Attended the ESJPA Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on their afternoon field tour to Visions paint recycling.  It was interesting to see how the paint that is dropped off for recycling is processed. 


2022 Activities and Meetings

January 2022

Monday, 1/3

I appreciate Don Ashton’s concern for the residents on the Divide who were impacted by the extreme snowstorm.  Don drove us up to the Divide area to check in with community leaders who were helping residents in need, deliver supplies from the PG&E Resource Center in Garden to the community distribution hub at the IOOF Hall in Georgetown, and drove out to remote mobile home parks to offer support to residents and property managers.  When the El Dorado County Food Bank truck showed up at the IOOF Hall, Don and I were there to help offload the supplies in preparation for distribution to those in need.

Thursday, 1/6 
Special meeting of the RCRC Ad Hoc Committee on Wildfire and Forest Stewardship.  PG&E had requested to meet with RCRC and we were able to share our concerns and frustrations with how PG&E operates in our communities.  They are focusing on undergrounding their infrastructure, but it was pointed out that they need to communicate realistic expectations or else they are setting themselves up for failure.  Increased communication was the takeaway from the meeting.  And I again asked that using our microgrids in any power outage situation, not just for PSPS events, should be a priority project for them.  I did thank them for bringing in crews from all over to help restore power from the snow storm.


Friday, 1/7

Virtual meeting with Chair of the Cool-Pilot Hill Fire Safe Council (CPHFSC), El Dorado Water Agency (EDWA) staff, and livestock representative to work on details of an application to the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) for a watershed fuels reduction project on the Auburn State Recreation Area (ASRA) land in Cool.  This has been a great project and opportunity to build a working relationship with the BOR.  There is still a lot of work to do, but we are making progress.


Meet and Greet with our new Director of Planning and Building.


Saturday, 1/8

The week was full of phone calls, emails, and text messages regarding the resources available for the community during the snow event.  Looking forward to a debrief on this event to see how we can improve communication in the future.


Sunday, 1/9

Garden Valley Fire breakfast.  Good to see everyone.  I was able to gather information from a resident and convey the message to the Sheriff’s Department that an abandoned vehicle was blocking a roadway.  The Sheriff’s Department was extremely helpful in getting the vehicle removed so that residents could use the road and also get propane delivered.  Thank you to the Sheriff’s Department for that assistance.


Monday, 1/10

Taxpayers Association guest speaker was Duane Wallace, Executive Director of the South Tahoe Chamber.  Duane explained that TRPA is considering a basin use fee and asked that the Board of Supervisors engage on this issue, as the Douglas County Board of Supervisors has done.


Wednesday, 1/12

RCRC virtual meeting. Most noteworthy was the update on the Board of Forestry revised draft Fire Safe Regulations.  Because of concerns that the proposed regulations could negatively impact housing construction and agricultural businesses, RCRC has since filed letters and a writ regarding the flaws in the Board of Forestry’s rulemaking process.  The letters are available here:






Virtual SOFAR Collaborative meeting.  Panel of speakers with progress on bringing biomass facilities to the area.  Our biomass consultant also attended the meeting.


Thursday, 1/13

Virtual RCRC Wildfire and Forest Stewardship Ad Hoc Committee meeting with US Forest Service representatives.  A lot of frustrations from all parties.  With recent budget they now have funds to roll out a 10-year plan of proactive management, including roadside and trails work.


Budget ad hoc meeting.


Friday, 1/14

Supervisor Turnboo and I met with the Andre Pichly, new General Manager at the Cameron Park CSD, and Eric Aiston, outgoing Chair of the CPCSD Board of Directors.  Following up on ARPA request.  They did apply for and receive ARPA funds directly from the State, which the County supported, so their request of the County has decreased.  CAO Don Ashton is going to follow up with the General Manager.


Tuesday, 1/18

Supervisor Thomas and I virtually met with staff regarding the proposal to update the Ranch Marketing Ordinance to comply with the current noise ordinance while also continuing support for additional revenue streams for agricultural businesses.


Wednesday, 1/19

Virtually attended the El Dorado County Fire Safe Council meeting.  Updated them that the County’s Wildfire and Resiliency working group will be bringing an update to the Board probably in March.


Virtual meeting with staff and Parks and Recreation District I and IV Commissioners regarding Parks Master Plan update.  The Parks Master Plan Update effort is being started and looking forward to a very public and inclusive process.


Virtual meeting with District IV representative and 2022 Chair of the Commission on Aging.


Thursday, 1/20

Phone call Meet and Greet with Ron Marlette, new Director at the Upper Room.


Friday, 1/21

Monthly virtual meeting with Long Range Planning.


Phone call with land use counsel for the Grocery Outlet project.


Virtual monthly meeting with Environmental Management Director.


Monday, 1/24

Guest speaker at Taxpayers Association meeting was Brandi Bannister, of the Lake Tahoe Unified School Board.  Shared thoughts on proposal for a bond measure to upgrade schools and the need for sustainability.


Wednesday, 1/26

Virtually participated with staff on an update on Chili Bar Park regarding next steps in the process to follow Board’s direction to move forward with an RFQ or RFP.


Virtually attended the Cemetery Advisory Committee.  Questions and concerns arose regarding the Board’s direction to put a measure on the November 2022 ballot for a cemetery fee.  I will be following up with staff on that, which likely result in a Board agenda item for discussion.


Virtually attended the Mt. Murphy Bridge Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) public meeting.  The community is appreciative of this project moving forward and the Board’s support as we all saw how heavily the community was impacted when the bridge was closed after a DUI drive crashed into the bridge.  Thank you to staff for a thorough presentation, which is available on the County’s website.


Thursday, 1/27

Phone meeting with Laurel Brent-Bumb regarding annual events involving the Chair of the Board of Supervisors.  The events are usually in the fall and I appreciated Laurel reaching out to give me plenty of heads up about these opportunities.


Attended the Governor’s virtual Wildifre and Forest Resilience Task Force meeting.  I was glad to see Mark Egbert there as an attendee and presenter as it is important that El Dorado County be connected to this effort to maximize the funding that we receive for forest management and other projects.


Attended Jody Gray’s retirement celebration at the Marshall Building of the County Fairgrounds.  Great to see so many people come together who share Jody’s love of our county and our fairgrounds.  We wish her the best in her retirement and know that she will still be in the area to be supportive of the Fair’s ongoing success.


Friday, 1/28

The El Dorado County Transportation Commission’s (EDCTC) State Route 49 (SR 49) Confluence study was launched with an on site roadway safety audit.  I spent the day with the consultant’s staff, State Parks staff, EDCTC staff, and Caltrans staff to survey the route from Cool to Auburn.  That information will be used to prepare for the next steps of the study, which I will announce in our District IV newsletter to ensure that it is an inclusive, public process.


Saturday, 1/29

Attended the first burn performed by the recently formed El Dorado County Prescribed Burn Association (PBA).  PBAs are forming throughout the state as another tool in the toolbox toward vegetation management.  I anticipate working with the group to promote the PBA and increase membership, possibly through the Fire Safe Council.  This may be another good connection for the County’s Wildfire and Forest Resiliency Working Group.


Monday, 1/31

Virtually attended the Taxpayers Association Meeting.  Colette Thiel, President of the Shingle Springs-Cameron Park Chamber of Commerce was the guest speaker and presented information on her goals for the Chamber and why chambers are important to communities.


Virtually attended the SOFAR Steering Committee meeting.  I am interested in how SOFAR will interface with the County’s Wildfire and Forest Resiliency Working Group and am looking forward to the Working Group’s report out to the Board in March.


Weekly meeting with Chief Administrative Officer (CAO).


Weekly virtual Agenda Review with staff to prepare for 2/8/22 BOS meeting.



February 2022

Wednesday, 2/2

Virtual meeting with staff from the Governor’s Northern California Office of External Affairs.  They are reaching out to the Chair of each county for a meet and greet to gather a list of priorities for counties.


Monthly meeting with County Counsel.


Thursday, 2/3

Virtual El Dorado County Transit Authority (EDCTA) meeting.


Virtual El Dorado County Transportation Commission (EDCTC) meeting.


Monday, 2/7

Taxpayers Association meeting guest speaker was Mike Posey of Library System & Services advocating for the county to privatize our library services.

Wednesday, 2/9

Attended virtual El Dorado County Water Agency meeting.


Thursday, 2/10

Monthly meeting with Director of Department of Transportation (DOT)


Meeting with staff to discuss updating the agreement with American River Conservancy (ARC) in preparation of an RFQ/RFP at Chili Bar per Board direction.


Friday, 2/11

Virtual meeting with Cool/Pilot Hill Fire Safe Council members to discuss creating an evacuation plan.


Attended ribbon cutting at the Gam Sann Trail Dedication.   The project was a collaborative effort between community members, State Parks, El Dorado County, and other organizations.  Thank you again to the Board of Supervisors for allocating funding for the County’s portion of the project that connects Henningsen Lotus Park to the trail.


 Attended virtual meeting hosted by our Behavioral Health Director to gather input on how to improve crisis services in the county.


Monthly meeting with Human Resources Director.


Sunday, 2/13

Garden Valley Fire Breakfast.


Monday, 2/14

Virtually attended Taxpayers Association meeting.  Guest speaker was supposed to be Sheriff D’Agostini but he couldn’t make it and Jeff Leikauff and John Deville filled in for the Sheriff.


Tuesday, 2/15

Attended Georgetown Republican Women’s lunch meeting.


Virtually attended the El Dorado Opportunity Knocks (EDOK) Special Meeting to review a presentation of the draft 5-Year Strategic Plan to End Homelessness.


Wednesday, 2/16

Virtually attended the El Dorado County Fire Safe Council meeting.


Budget ad hoc committee meeting.


Thursday, 2/17

On site meeting in Cool regarding a potential livestock grazing program on the Auburn State Recreation Area (ASRA) land.  Partners involved include Bureau of Reclamation, State Parks, El Dorado Water Agency, Cool-Pilot Hill Fire Safe Council, and a local ranching representative.  The goal of the program is to provide vegetation fuels maintenance as a tool for fire resiliency.


Friday, 2/18

Monthly virtual meeting with Long Range Planning staff.


Met with District IV Human Rights Commissioner.


Supervisor Thomas and I met with the City of Placerville Mayor and Vice Mayor for the first 2x2 of 2022.  Topics included potential budget items, potential land use items, and the EDOK Strategic Plan.


Met with American River Conservancy (ARC) staff at Chili Bar to review proposed updates to the management agreement of the park.


Monday, 2/21

Virtually attended the Taxpayers Association monthly business meeting.


Wednesday, 2/23

Virtual El Dorado County Transit Authority ad hoc committee meeting to discuss compensation and benefit study.


Virtual meeting with Public Health staff to brainstorm ideas for promoting public health.


Virtual Cemetery Advisory Committee meeting.  Worked on updating bylaws and should have the final version ready for approval at next month’s meeting to send to the Board for adoption.  Also had a discussion regarding the Board's prior direction on a ballot measure to fund a cemetery district.  A recommendation from the committee to discontinue that effort will be on an upcoming Board agenda.


I was the guest speaker at the Georgetown Rotary meeting at the Buckeye Restaurant and gave an update on happenings at the County.


Thursday, 2/24

Virtual Golden Sierra Job Training joint meeting of the Governing Board and the Workforce Board Executive Committee.  Approved appointment of Kyle Zimbelman, El Dorado County Economic Development Manager, to the Workforce Board.  Also had a great discussion about workforce training and I will be meeting with the Workforce Board Chair to follow up.


Attended ribbon cutting at the new Big Brothers Big Sisters office in downtown Placerville.


Friday, 2/25

Met with Library Director Carolyn Brooks to touch base on goals for our libraries, especially the much-loved Georgetown library.


Monday, 2/28

Virtually attended Taxpayers Association meeting and El Dorado County District Attorney Vern Pierson was the guest speaker.


Virtually attended the SOFAR Collaborative Steering Committee meeting to plan the agenda for the 3/9 Collaborative meeting.



March 2022

Wednesday, 2/2

Virtual meeting with staff from the Governor’s Northern California Office of External Affairs.  They are reaching out to the Chair of each county for a meet and greet to gather a list of priorities for counties.


Monthly meeting with County Counsel.


Thursday, 2/3

Virtual El Dorado County Transit Authority (EDCTA) meeting.


Virtual El Dorado County Transportation Commission (EDCTC) meeting.


Monday, 2/7

Taxpayers Association meeting guest speaker was Mike Posey of Library System & Services advocating for the county to privatize our library services.

Wednesday, 2/9

Attended virtual El Dorado County Water Agency meeting.


Thursday, 2/10

Monthly meeting with Director of Department of Transportation (DOT)


Meeting with staff to discuss updating the agreement with American River Conservancy (ARC) in preparation of an RFQ/RFP at Chili Bar per Board direction.


Friday, 2/11

Virtual meeting with Cool/Pilot Hill Fire Safe Council members to discuss creating an evacuation plan.


Attended ribbon cutting at the Gam Sann Trail Dedication.   The project was a collaborative effort between community members, State Parks, El Dorado County, and other organizations.  Thank you again to the Board of Supervisors for allocating funding for the County’s portion of the project that connects Henningsen Lotus Park to the trail.


 Attended virtual meeting hosted by our Behavioral Health Director to gather input on how to improve crisis services in the county.


Monthly meeting with Human Resources Director.


Sunday, 2/13

Garden Valley Fire Breakfast.


Monday, 2/14

Virtually attended Taxpayers Association meeting.  Guest speaker was supposed to be Sheriff D’Agostini but he couldn’t make it and Jeff Leikauff and John Deville filled in for the Sheriff.


Tuesday, 2/15

Attended Georgetown Republican Women’s lunch meeting.


Virtually attended the El Dorado Opportunity Knocks (EDOK) Special Meeting to review a presentation of the draft 5-Year Strategic Plan to End Homelessness.


Wednesday, 2/16

Virtually attended the El Dorado County Fire Safe Council meeting.


Budget ad hoc committee meeting.


Thursday, 2/17

On site meeting in Cool regarding a potential livestock grazing program on the Auburn State Recreation Area (ASRA) land.  Partners involved include Bureau of Reclamation, State Parks, El Dorado Water Agency, Cool-Pilot Hill Fire Safe Council, and a local ranching representative.  The goal of the program is to provide vegetation fuels maintenance as a tool for fire resiliency.


Friday, 2/18

Monthly virtual meeting with Long Range Planning staff.


Met with District IV Human Rights Commissioner.


Supervisor Thomas and I met with the City of Placerville Mayor and Vice Mayor for the first 2x2 of 2022.  Topics included potential budget items, potential land use items, and the EDOK Strategic Plan.


Met with American River Conservancy (ARC) staff at Chili Bar to review proposed updates to the management agreement of the park.


Monday, 2/21

Virtually attended the Taxpayers Association monthly business meeting.


Wednesday, 2/23

Virtual El Dorado County Transit Authority ad hoc committee meeting to discuss compensation and benefit study.


Virtual meeting with Public Health staff to brainstorm ideas for promoting public health.


Virtual Cemetery Advisory Committee meeting.  Worked on updating bylaws and should have the final version ready for approval at next month’s meeting to send to the Board for adoption.  Also had a discussion regarding the Board's prior direction on a ballot measure to fund a cemetery district.  A recommendation from the committee to discontinue that effort will be on an upcoming Board agenda.


I was the guest speaker at the Georgetown Rotary meeting at the Buckeye Restaurant and gave an update on happenings at the County.


Thursday, 2/24

Virtual Golden Sierra Job Training joint meeting of the Governing Board and the Workforce Board Executive Committee.  Approved appointment of Kyle Zimbelman, El Dorado County Economic Development Manager, to the Workforce Board.  Also had a great discussion about workforce training and I will be meeting with the Workforce Board Chair to follow up.


Attended ribbon cutting at the new Big Brothers Big Sisters office in downtown Placerville.


Friday, 2/25

Met with Library Director Carolyn Brooks to touch base on goals for our libraries, especially the much-loved Georgetown library.


Monday, 2/28

Virtually attended Taxpayers Association meeting and El Dorado County District Attorney Vern Pierson was the guest speaker.


Virtually attended the SOFAR Collaborative Steering Committee meeting to plan the agenda for the 3/9 Collaborative meeting.




April 2022

Friday, 4/1

Virtual El Dorado Opportunity Knocks board meeting to update charter and policies.


Meeting with President of EDC NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) to discuss mental health and strategies for treatment in our county.


Meeting with Chair of EDC Commission on Aging.


Meeting with Cool-Pilot Hill Advisory Committee members.


Sunday, 4/3

Breakfast at Kelsey School House.


Monday, 4/4

Taxpayers Association meeting.  Guest speaker representative from John Adams Academy.


Virtual SR 49 Confluence Study stakeholders meeting.


Wednesday 4/6

EDH Chamber - Deliver State of the County Address 

SR 49 Corridor Workshop 


Wednesday 4/7

Ranch Marketing/Winery ordinance discussion

Office Mtg Ron Marlette


Saturday 4/9

Georgetown Divide Fire Safe Council Community Meeting


Sunday 4/10

Garden Valley Fire Breakfast


Monday 4/11

Taxpayers Meeting, Sherman Haggerty, Homeless Housing Solution


Thursday, 4/21

Lunch meeting with Supervisor Thomas, Economic Development, and members of the Greater Sacramento Economic Corporation (GSEC) and the Growth Factory to provide information on their nonprofit business and economic development opportunities in El Dorado County.


Supervisor Thomas and I attended a Town Hall meeting with DOT regarding the construction of the Mosquito Bridge.  An item is coming to the Board soon to accept a bid on the project so that construction can begin this summer.


Wednesday, 4/27

I virtually attended the RCRC (Rural County Representatives of California) meeting.

  • We received a presentation on the new Assist-to-Own program, which is a down payment assistance program for employees of member counties.  I did see an email sent to all employees with information on that program.
  • In addition to ongoing legislative updates, including water, wildfire, and forest management, we received an update on RCRC’s comment letter on the State and Federal 30 by 30 Conservation Efforts.  Concerns have been raised by counties that are a majority of State and/or Federal lands, like El Dorado County, and what is the definition of conservation in the proposed legislation.


Thursday, 4/28 through 5/4

Supervisor Thomas and I traveled to Washington D.C. for Cap to Cap.

  • We attended a tour by SACOG (Sacramento Area Council of Governments) in Northern Virginia to see examples of how planning with intention can lead to good community design
  • In our roles on the Water Agency Board of Directors, we met with several legislative offices and congressional representatives to re-establish relationships after a 2-year hiatus.  One of our main objectives was to lay the groundwork for upcoming advocacy efforts.
  • We also followed up on Caldor Fire recovery efforts as expressed by Supervisor Turnboo, specifically HR5689, which seeks to have FEMA replace water systems that have been damaged by wildfires or are susceptible to wildfire with water systems that are more robust and resilient.



May 2022

Thursday, 5/5
Attended the Biomass ad hoc committee meeting with Supervisor Turnboo.  Our consultant lead Greg Stanton sent an email update to each of the board members with the progress we are making and I am hopeful that we will continue our progress and have a press release to share later this summer.
Friday, 5/6
Virtually attended EDOK (El Dorado Opportunity Knocks) Continuum of Care board meeting.  The board adopted the Strategic Plan with 2 changes:  changed El Dorado to El Dorado County throughout the document and also removed item 2.2 regarding landlord taxes that we requested be reconsidered.
Tour of El Dorado County with RCRC Executive Director Pat Blacklock.  Pat is finishing up his first full year as the Executive Director and is touring each of the 38 member RCRC counties.  We toured areas that relate to RCRC topics, such as broadband, vegetation management, biomass projects, outdoor recreation, and more.  It was a beautiful day and we appreciated his time with us.
Wednesday, 5/11
Attended the 20th Annual Ag in the Classroom Farm Day at the El Dorado County Fairgrounds.  
Met with Supervisor Turnboo at Fairgrounds to explore the option to move Burke’s Junction train to the Fairgrounds.
Attended El Dorado Water Agency meeting.  Approved budget.
Thursday, 5/12
Attended Mt. Murphy Bridge Town Hall meeting.  Thank you to Cal.Net for providing WiFi for the meeting. We appreciate DOT (Department of Transportation), OES (Office of Emergency Services), CalFire, State Parks, Garden Valley Fire Protection District, El Dorado County Fire Protection, and the Gold Trail Grange for this town hall to follow up from our October 20, 2021 Town Hall Meeting regarding the progress on the new Mt. Murphy Bridge project and evacuation information.
Friday, 5/13
Attended Fire Services Ad Hoc meeting regarding the Countywide Wildfire Protection Plan with Supervisor Hidahl and staff.
Virtual monthly meeting with DOT Director.
Monday, 5/16
Virtually attended the El Dorado County Taxpayers Association meeting.  Guests were candidates for Superior Court Judge.
Wednesday, 5/18
As board chair, I gave the State of the County address at the Chamber Luncheon.
Per board direction to get quotes for design of the proposed new Juvenile Hall, I met with the design team and other interested parties.
Thursday, 5/19
Met with Vance Jarrard, Legislative Advocate for the North State Building Industry Association, to follow up on the board discussion regarding traffic impact fees and affordable housing.
Friday, 5/20
Monthly virtual meeting with Long Range Planning Staff.
Monthly meeting with the Director of Environmental Management.
Monday, 5/23
Virtually attended the El Dorado County Taxpayers Association meeting where Mike Sproull, CEO of the El Dorado County Food Bank, was the guest speaker.
Virtually attended the SOFAR Collaborative Steering Committee meeting.
Virtually attended the EDOK COC (El Dorado Opportunity Knocks Continuum of Care) board meeting.  The board approved using funds toward temporary housing and that item will be coming to the Board of Supervisors in June, and their Executive Team will meet often to follow the use of those funds.
Wednesday, 5/25
Attended the Otter Creek School play.  Fun to see the student’s performance.
Attended the El Dorado Hills Welcome Center Industry Open House.  Appreciated the State’s support of the Welcome Center.
Thursday, 5/26
Attended RCRC Wildfire and Forest Stewardship Ad Hoc Advisory Committee meeting.  Finalized draft of update to the Forest and Public Lands Stewardship policies of the Policy Principles to bring to full RCRC board for approval.
Attended the joint Divide and County Chamber of Commerce mixer at Villa Agave, which is in District IV.
Saturday, 5/28
Attended the Fly In at the Georgetown Airport.
Monday, 5/30
It was an honor to read the Board of Supervisors proclamation for the Memorial Day ceremony at the Veterans Memorial.


June 2022

Wednesday and Thursday, 6/1 and 6/2
Attended Sierra Nevada Conservancy (SNC) board meeting in Mono County.  Field tour to see how SNC funding is supporting tourism with wildfire resiliency and tourism projects in Mono County.  At the board meeting, the board approved over $21M in funding to treat over 500,000 acres of land in the Sierra Nevada for the Wildfire Recovery and Forest Resilience Grant Program.  The board also approved the guidelines for the next round of an additional $25M in funding for projects, which is anticipated to be announced for proposals in late June.
Friday, 6/3
Virtually attended the EDOK board meeting.  Presentation on 2022 HUD Continuum of Care Program Competition Policies and Scoring tools with a debrief on how the 2021 Competition went.  HHSA Interim Director Daniel Del Monte reported on the progress of the temporary shelter and navigation center stating that PG&E has been contacted regarding Perks Court as its existing electrical is inadequate.  The contractor will be providing an estimate for construction.  I had to leave the meeting before the Strategic Plan Implementation Teams reported on their progress.
Virtually attended the RCRC Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on Cannabis.  Frustrations throughout the state with getting the legal market going.  Concerns raised at meeting: 
Overregulation appears to penalize the growers who are trying to be legal versus the illegal growers
Inconsistencies between jurisdictions
Counties with a ban have just as many illegal grows as the counties with ordinances to allow a legal market
Lack of support from the State for enforcement allows illegal market to flourish
Ag produce is inspected at the border but cannabis is not, so it comes in from Oregon
Human trafficking is a part of the illegal market
Illegal product not regulated and may contain dangerous THC levels or be laced with other substances, such as fentanyl
Saturday, 6/4
Attended the Georgetown Fishing Derby at Lake Walton with District IV Fish and Game Commissioner Pat Weddle.  Thank you to our Fish and Game Commission for supporting the fishing derbies throughout the county!
Sunday, 6/5
Attended Kelsey Schoolhouse Breakfast.
Tuesday, 6/7
Attended Divide Chamber of Commerce table top event at the Baumhaus Brewery.
Wednesday, 6/8
Attended El Dorado Water Agency meeting.  Approved recommended budget.
Virtually attended the SOFAR Collaborative meeting.
Attended Cameron Park 2x2 with Supervisor Turnboo.
Thursday, 6/9
Meeting with staff and Supervisor Thomas for a status on the Ranch Marketing and Winery Ordinance update progress.
Friday, 6/10
Attended site visit on the Camino Sierra Pacific Industries property for discussion regarding potential biomass project.
Sunday, 6/12
Garden Valley Fire breakfast
Monday, 6/13
Site visit with staff and American River Conservancy at Chili Bar Park.  Thank you to Vickie Sanders for working Boating and Waterways toward a possible grant for a bathroom.
Attended Audit Committee meeting.  Recommended to Board of Supervisors to extend the auditing services contract for an additional 2 years.
Wednesday, 6/15 and Thursday, 6/16
Attended RCRC Annual County of the Chair meeting in Grass Valley, Nevada County.  In addition to the regular RCRC and GSFA meetings, we toured the North Star Museum and the CALFire Air Attack Base.
Friday, 6/17
Monthly meeting with DOT Director.
Monthly meeting with Long Range Planning staff.
Monthly meeting with IT Director.
Monthly meeting with Library Director.
Meeting with Ambulance JPA members regarding anticipated medic staffing shortages.
Taco Night at the Pollock Pines-Camino Community Center.
Saturday, 6/18
Attended Georgetown Town Hall meeting regarding Ambulance Service.
Monday, 6/20
Attended Taxpayers Association meeting.  District Attorney Vern Pierson was the guest speaker.
Wednesday, 6/22
Meeting with the El Dorado Builder/Developer Council of the North State Builders Industry Association to touch base on issues within the County that could impact housing development.
Meeting with staff regarding the progress of updating the (MOU) Memorandum of Understanding with the American River Conservancy (ARC) for management at Chili Bar Park.  Once the updated terms are approved by ARC staff will bring an item to the Board for approval.
Attended presentation with (OES) Office of Emergency Services staff to better understand the roles of entities within the County during an emergency.
Virtually attended meeting with Pioneer Energy staff regarding their efforts to pursue biomass energy within its service boundary.
Virtually attended the Cemetery Advisory Committee regular meeting.
Thursday, 6/23 and Friday, 6/24
Participated in the Mountain Counties Water Resources Association tour of the Caldor Fire footprint with presentations regarding water storage, watershed protection, and water sustainability.  Thank you to the El Dorado County Chamber for providing the connection to the Stay and Play Shuttle Service in conjunction with the El Dorado Hills Holiday Inn Express.
Friday, 6/24
Participated in the virtual meeting of the El Dorado County Transit Authority’s Compensation Study Ad Hoc Committee.
Monthly meeting with the Environmental Management Department Head.
Meeting to follow up on the site visit to the Camino Mill and discuss next steps toward a biomass project in El Dorado County.
Attended the Friday Night Out Aloha Style Event at the Rescue Community Center.
Saturday, 6/25
Attended the Farm Bureau’s Annual Dinner and shared updates from the El Dorado Water Agency on behalf of General Manager Ken Payne, who had a prior commitment.
Monday, 6/27
Attend the Taxpayers Association meeting and Karen Coleman, Treasurer-Tax Collector was the guest speaker.
Attended the Dedication of the Deputy Brian Ishmael memorial highway.
Wednesday, 6/29
Virtually attended Golden Sierra Job Training Agency Governing Board regular meeting.
Meeting with staff regarding project at Chili Bar Park.  An item will be on next week’s agenda to follow up on Board direction.
Thursday, 6/30
Meeting with Mountain Enterprises to better understand their vegetation management work in the County and how they have improved their customer service with property owners.
Monthly meeting with County Counsel.
Meeting with Surveyor regarding Charter Review Committee.


July 2022

Friday, 7/1

Meeting with former Supervisor Penny Humphreys.
Sunday, 7/3
Attended Kelsey Schoolhouse breakfast.
Monday, 7/4
Attended Garden Valley 4th of July Parade and Breakfast
Wednesday, 7/6
Virtual meeting with several county supervisors regarding PG&E’s Fast Trip Switch program and the negative impacts it is having on its customers.  Prepared to make comments at the CPUC Voting Meeting on 7/14.
Meeting within EDCOE staff regarding potential Apprenticeship Program in Early Childhood Education.
Thursday, 7/7
~~SMUD Ad Hoc Committee.  The ad hoc has not met in a while, so we explored ways to generate revenue for road maintenance of Ice House Road as the costs have escalated and the Federal funding appears to have ended.
Friday, 7/8
Phone call with representative resident from the neighborhood that has been negatively impacted by our approval of Mr. Basiri’s fence along Green Valley Road.
Saturday, 7/9
Attended Bear State Property Owners Association annual Firewise Meeting and Picnic in Volcanoville.
Attended Georgetown Divide Rotary BBQ & Brews.
Monday, 7/11
Attended Taxpayers Association meeting.  DOT Director Rafael Martinez was the guest speaker and gave a very thorough and comprehensive presentation on the history of revenue streams for road maintenance.
Attended the public Audit Committee meeting where we approved the county annual audit.
Wednesday, 7/13
Meeting with District IV Representative and Chair of the Commission on Aging.
Thursday, 7/14
Budget Ad Hoc Committee meeting to follow up on Board Direction regarding Prop 172 and the County Budget.
Phoned in to the CPUC Voting Meeting to join Supervisors from other counties that have been negatively impacted by PG&E’s Fast Trip Switch program and their complete lack of communication with customers and local government.  This is related to RCRC’s request for a letter of support for their Motion to the CPUC for regulations on Fast Trip Switch programs.
Virtually attended El Dorado Transit Authority Special Meeting.
Special thank you to our Transportation Commission Executive Director Woody Deloria, for the informative and interactive public workshop on the SR 49 Confluence Study project.  It was well attended and the public is engaged in this process to address issues at the Confluence.
Friday, 7/15
Monthly virtual meeting with Long Range Planning staff.
Virtually attended RCRC Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on Cannabis.
Monthly meeting with Director of Library Services.
Attended Grizzly Flats Fundraiser.
Monday, 7/18
Attended Taxpayers Association monthly business meeting.  Auditor-Controller Joe Harn was there to ask for their support of the TOT Ballot Measures and CAO Don Ashton was there to explain the DOT reorganization.
Wednesday, 7/20
Virtually listened in on the El Dorado County Fire Safe Council regular meeting.
Thursday, 7/21
Virtually attended California Wildfire and Resilience Task Force meeting.
Attended Mosquito Fire Safe Council annual picnic at Dyer Lake Park.
Monday, 7/25
I missed the Taxpayers Association’s business meeting but was advised that the Taxpayers Association of El Dorado County will be a signatory on the statement in support of the TOT ballot measure.
Meeting regarding clean up, maintenance, and future plans for County-owned properties on both the north and south side of Highway 50 in Cameron Park/Shingle Springs.  There will be future board items regarding these properties.
Wednesday, 7/27
Meeting with staff to check in on Chili Bar project status
Monthly meeting with County Counsel


August 2022

Thursday, 8/4

Attended El Dorado County Transit Authority (EDCTA) virtual meeting.
Attended El Dorado County Transportation Commission virtual meeting.
Friday, 8/5
Attended Mountain Counties Water Resources Association (MCWRA) board meeting and strategic planning session in Marysville.
Sunday, 8/7
Attended Kelsey Schoolhouse Breakfast.
Monday, 8/8
Zoomed into Taxpayers Association meeting, guest speaker was a no show so group had discussion on current topics.
Attended SOFAR Steering Committee virtual meeting.
Tuesday, 8/9
Monthly meeting with Human Resources Director.
Wednesday, 8/10
Attended El Dorado County Water Agency (EDWA) regular board meeting.
Receiving emails with inquiries as to why Coloma-Lotus area is being hit with frequent, unplanned outages.  It appears that this area is the latest victim of PG&E’s Fast-Trip Switches, which RCRC, Pioneer Community Energy, and other partners are asking the CPUC to regulate, much like it did with the PSPS program.  The lack of communication with PG&E is very frustrating for ratepayers and local government.
Thursday, 8/11
Met with Treasurer-Tax Collector for briefing on upcoming agenda item.
Met with DOT staff for briefing on upcoming agenda item.
Met with Surveyor for briefing on upcoming agenda item.
Friday, 8/12
Supervisor Thomas and I attended retreat with Wildfire Resilience Advisory Group, which included representatives from CalFire, USFS,  local fire districts, to receive updates on resiliency efforts and discuss ways to share information.
Attended virtual RCRC Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on Cannabis.  RCRC is updating its Policy Principles regarding cannabis since a lot has changed in the last few years.  A follow up packet will be sent to counties for input on the proposed Policy Principles and I will share those with appropriate departments upon receipt.
Monthly meeting with DOT Director.
Attended Taco Night at the Pollock Pines-Camino Community Center.  I shared that the Board has Community Grant Funding available for community centers and will follow up with Supervisor Novasel on that.
Monday, 8/15
Virtually attended Taxpayers Association meeting where several guest speakers provided feedback on the county’s proposed homeless shelter and navigation center.
Attended SMUD Funds Ad Hoc Committee meeting and the group is gathering information for upcoming discussions.
Wednesday, 8/31
Participated in the Virtual Behavioral Health Crisis focus group to discuss mobile mental health services.


September 2022

Thursday, 9/1

Participated in Virtual El Dorado County Transportation Authority Board of Directors meeting.
Participated in Virtual El Dorado County Transportation Commission Board of Directors meeting.
Friday, 9/2
Phone call with Executive Director Woody Deloria in preparation for the SR 49 Workshop on 9/14.
Sunday, 9/4
Kelsey Schoolhouse Breakfast.
Tuesday, 9/6
Participated in the Mosquito Bridge groundbreaking ceremony.  I enjoyed being part of such an historical event in El Dorado County.
Budget ad hoc committee meeting to prepare for 9/20 budget agenda item.
Supervisor Turnboo and I met with Tom Ewing of Sierra Harm Reduction in preparation of their agenda item on 9/20.
Wednesday, 9/7
I canceled my trip to Shasta for the Sierra Nevada Conservancy (SNC) board meeting to stay local to support the Mosquito Fire Response.
Thursday, 9/8
Viewed virtual Little Hoover Commission hearing on SB 1383 Organics Diversion.  The burden that SB 1383 places on small, rural counties was discussed.
Friday, 9/9
Mosquito Fire Cooperators Call for briefing.
Met with District IV Commission on Aging representative for briefing on current issues.
Human Resources monthly meeting.
Department of Transportation monthly meeting.
Attended Mosquito Fire Town Hall.
Saturday, 9/10
Visited the Cameron Park CSD shelter for the Mosquito Fire evacuees.
Sunday, 9/11
Mosquito Fire Cooperators Call for briefing.
Attended Special Prayer Service for the Mosquito Fire Response at the Cool Community Church.
Monday, 9/12
Virtually attended the Taxpayers Association meeting.  Congressman Tom McClintock was the guest speaker.
Over the past week our office has been responding to the many phone calls and messages with questions about the fire and services available to assist evacuees.
Wednesday, 9/21 
Listened in on the American River Basin Study webinar.  The study illustrates the dire water situation in our region but also identifies 6 strategies to help the Sacramento Region adapt to projected weather extremes and changes in precipitation patterns.  Our El Dorado Water Agency General Manager was one of the speakers and provided information on the Alder Creek Reservoir project. 
Thursday, 9/22 
Attended virtual Golden Sierra Job Training Agency (GSJTA) governing board meeting. 
Attended the virtual SOFAR biomass working group meeting.  Sad to hear that the Black Oak Mine Unified School District (BOMUSD) did not get their grant for their biomass project.  However, they are being encouraged to use feedback on their original application to re-apply and the deadline is 9/30. 
Meeting with the Director of Public Health for an update on the Community Health Assessment.  They are getting good responses.  The online survey closes on 9/30 and the team will be at a few more community events through October. 
Participated in virtual meeting with the Governor’s NorCal External Affairs.  They are reaching out to all of the counties in northern California for 30-minute meetings. 
Monthly meeting with County Counsel. 
Friday, 9/23 
Meeting with Public Health regarding flavored tobacco products in our communities and the negative impacts on children. 
Monthly virtual meeting with Long Range Planning staff. 
Sunday, 9/25 
Attended a community resource event for Mosquito Fire survivors at Georgetown Elementary School.  Participants included Ashlee’s Toy Closet, Toys for Tots, Red Cross, Food Bank, a clothing closet, and more. 
Monday, 9/26 
Virtually attended Taxpayers Association meeting.  Guest speaker was Andre Pichly, General Manager of the Cameron Park Community Services District. 
Attended the virtual SOFAR Steering Committee meeting. 
Attended Fair 2x2. 
Special thank you to Carla Hass, El Dorado County Public Information Officer (EDC PIO) on the Mosquito Fire.  We have been in contact throughout the past severals weeks regarding resource information for those impacted by the Mosquito Fire and will continue to do so during the recovery.   
Wednesday, 9/28 
Meet and Greet with the Civil Grand Jury. 
Meeting with Supervisor Turnboo, CAO Don Ashton, and representatives from City Net Outreach to understand their services for providing homeless outreach and navigation center management. 
Friday, 9/30 
Phone meeting with Nevada County Supervisor Heidi Hall regarding Sierra Nevada Conservancy onboarding process. 
Interview with SOFAR consultant regarding role of SOFAR.


October 2022

Sunday, 10/2 
Kelsey Schoolhouse Breakfast. 
Monday, 10/3 
Virtually attended Taxpayers Association meeting, Lexi Boeger advocated for the Hemp Ordinance. 
Mountain Counties Water Resources Agency (MCWRA) Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee virtual meeting. 
Virtual meeting with Supervisor Turnboo, CAO Don Ashton, HHSA Director Evelyn Schaeffer,  Sacramento County Homeless Director, and Sacramento County Supervisor Sue Frost to better understand their challenges in addressing homelessness. 
Tuesday, 10/4 
SMUD Ad Hoc Committee meeting.  Group is preparing for discussion with SMUD. 
Toured Volcanoville with Georgetown Fire Chief Glenn Brown to see devastation from the Mosquito Fire. 
Attended the Divide Chamber of Commerce mixer at the Art on the Divide Art Gallery. 
Wednesday, 10/5 
Participated in the El Dorado County Chamber’s Leadership El Dorado class.  The Board Chair recruits the CAO and Department Heads to give brief introduction to their function in County government and then the Chair runs a mock board meeting for the Leadership Class participants.  This year’s presentations were well received and I appreciate everyone’s participation in making the event a success. 
Thursday, 10/6 
Attended El Dorado County Transportation Commission meeting. 
Friday, 10/7 
Virtual El Dorado Opportunity Knocks (EDOK) Continuum of Care (COC) meeting.  Members appreciated an update on the Board’s direction for the Navigation Center and Temporary Shelter at the Old Juvenile Hall. 
Virtual RCRC Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on Cannabis.  RCRC is updating their Cannabis Policy Principles and will have a draft ready for review.  Enforcement is a common concern among all counties. 
Virtual meeting with a community group that is concerned with trail safety, specifically at the State Parks. 
Monthly meeting with HHSA Director. 
Saturday, 10/8 
Attended the Mosquito Fire Thing fundrasier at the IOOF Hall. 
Sunday, 10/9 
Garden Valley Fire Breakfast. 
Monday, 10/10 
I was the guest speaker at the Sons In Retirement (SIR) luncheon at the Buckeye Restaurant.  Concerns brought up include: 
  • Increasing fees are causing more dumping of sofas and trash along roadside. 
  • Do not want homeless to spread into rural areas. 
  • Appreciated ditching work on Greenwood Road and would like to see more of that. 
Wednesday, 10/12 
Chaired the El Dorado County Water Agency (EDCWA) meeting held annually in South Lake Tahoe.  Presentations by South Tahoe Public Utility District and Tahoe Keys Property Owners Association about their upcoming projects and challenges.  Also had presentations on SB 552 Small Water Systems Drought and Water Shortage Contingency Plan. 
Thursday, 10/13 
Chaired the Rural Counties Representatives of California (RCRC) Environmental Services Joint Powers Authority (ESJPA) meeting.  Discussion about the Jolly v City of Oakland litigation and the impacts it could have on jurisdictions that use franchise fees to fund programs.  We were all advised to check in with our County Counsel on this and I will follow up. 
Monthly meeting with Director of Transportation (DOT) Director. 
Supervisor Thomas and I met with the Recorder-Clerk for an update on her department and trends they are seeing in the industry. 
I was a guest speaker at Sierrama Fire Wise Community kick off meeting.  Good to see another community come together to work on vegetation management and home hardening. 
Friday, 10/14 
Virtually attended the monthly meeting with the Human Resources (HR) Director. 
Virtually attended a meeting organized by RCRC staff with several counties to discuss issues with PG&E and their vegetation management program.  Many residents are having trouble getting PG&E subcontractors to come back and remove the fallen trees and debris, causing a fire hazard or for the property owner to pay for it themselves.  The group is considering options. 
Saturday, 10/15 
Attended the plaque dedication by the Native Sons of the Golden West Parlor No 91 to dedicate the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF) Hall as a California historical landmark. 
Attended the Oktoberfest at the IOOF Hall following the plaque dedication. 
Sunday, 10/16 
Attended Georgetown Founders Day.  It was a beautiful day and the event was well attended.  A special thank you to our Public Health Department for being there to provide information regarding their services and to gather input on their Community Assessment Survey. 
Monday, 10/17 
Participated in the food distribution organized by the El Dorado County Food Bank, Georgetown Fire Chief Glenn Brown, the VFW, and Shingle Springs Tribal Fire.  We helped almost 100 families restock their food pantries, refrigerators, and freezers from the food they lost during the Mosquito Fire evacuation. 
Meeting with county staff and American River Conservancy (ARC).  We discussed proposals to updating our management and lease agreements for Chili Bar and made good progress toward finalizing those agreements. 
Thursday, 10/20 
Attended the Association of California Agencies ACWA Region 3 Program: Water, Wildfire & Wine in Murphys, CA. 
  • During wildfire presentation it was noted there is strong support for biomass in California and support by the legislature.  Much of the support is because a recent report stated that the past 20 years of air quality improvements have been wiped out by the wildfires in 2020 and that didn’t include 2021 or 2022. 

  • Great presentation by Calaveras County Office of Emergency Services (OES) Director about the role of OES during a wildfire and, more importantly, when there is not an emergency. 
Attended the Mountain Counties Water Resources Association (MCWRA) reception following the program in Murphys.  Great networking opportunities. 
Friday, 10/21 
Attended the MCWRA board meeting in Murphys.  Most important item was an update regarding California Water Curtailment litigation regarding the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB).  The California Sixth District Court of Appeals unanimously upheld a trail court’s ruling that the SWRCB lacks authority to curtail pre-1914 water rights due to lack of water availability during drought conditions.  Waiting to see if SWRCB pursues an appeal or legislation to work around the court rulings. 
Monday, 10/23 
Virtually attended the Taxpayers Association meeting.  A subcommittee presented concepts that they would like to pursue with the Charter Review Committee. 
Wednesday, 10/26 
Attended the State Route (SR) 49 Workshop at the Cool Community Church.  The consultant shared many options for relieving traffic congestion at the Confluence, however the community was wanting emergency evacuation planning and seemed frustrated that the study focused on relieving traffic congestion, as originally planned in the scope of the study.  I will be working with the El Dorado County Transportation Commission Executive Director on next steps. 
Thursday, 10/27 
Participated in the Mountain Counties Water Resources Association (MCWRA) virtual strategic planning meeting.  The draft plan should be ready to present to the MCWRA board at the next meeting. 
Phone meeting with State Parks just to keep the lines of communication open as projects evolve since my office receive questions and complaints about State Parks projects. 
Participated in the Community Clean up of County properties in Cameron Park.  Thank you to all of the organizations, businesses, and community members who came out to volunteer their time.  And a special thank you to the many County departments who collaborated to provide support for the event and County employees who participated. 
Monday 10/31 
Virtually attended the Taxpayers Association meeting and Joe Harn, Auditor-Controller, was the guest speaker. 
Virtually attended the SOFAR Steering Committee to prepare for the 11/9/22 SOFAR Collaborative meeting. 
Attended the Dyer After Dark Halloween event hosted by the Mosquito Fire Safe Council.


November 2022

Wednesday, 11/2 
Met with My District IV Commission on Aging representative. 
Thursday, 11/3 
Attended Biomass ad hoc committee meeting.  Great progress toward projects in El Dorado County and an update will be sent to the full board in the near future.  The letters of support from the Board are appreciated. 
Sunday, 11/6 
Attended the last Kelsey Schoolhouse breakfast for the year. 
Monday 11/7 
Virtually attended the Taxpayers Association monthly business meeting. 
Met with my District IV Parks and Recreation Commissioner. 
Tuesday, 11/8 
My husband and I volunteered to assist the Elections Department with picking up ballots to bring to the office for processing.  It was fun to see so many people that we knew and meet new people and be part of the process. 
Wednesday, 11/9 
Monthly meeting via phone with HHSA Director. 
Attended El Dorado Water Agency Board Meeting.   
Virtually attended SOFAR Collaborative regular meeting.  I gave opening remarks about the value of the collaborative as an opportunity to discuss projects with others and network.  I am looking forward to in person meetings again because that was where the real value of meetings took place. 
Virtually attended the Golden Sierra Job Training Agency Governing Board meeting. 
Thursday, 11/10 
Virtually attended the RCRC Ad Hoc Advisory Committee meeting on Cannabis.  The committee wrapped up it edits to RCRC’s policy on Cannabis and will present to the full board in December.  Primary focus of concern is on enforcement to eradicate the illegal market so that the legal market can grow. 
Sunday, 11/13 
Attended the Mosquito Fire Community Debrief Meeting organized by the Georgetown Divide Fire Safe Council.  I appreciate all of the agencies who participated in the meeting and provided information regarding the technical aspects of the fire. 
Monday, 11/14 
Virtually attended the Taxpayers Association meeting.  Guest speakers were 3 elected department heads who gave their perspective on some of the items being discussed by the Charter Review Committee. 
Chili Bar update meeting with staff.  Staff will be bringing an item to the board soon for direction. 
Monthly meeting with DOT Director. 
Wednesday, 11/16 
El Dorado County Water Agency (EDCWA) hosted a Plenary.  It was well attended, and the theme of the plenary was centered around working landscapes.  The groundwork was laid to continue working together to supply water for generations to come. 
Chili Bar Park monthly check-in with staff.  The County received 3 Request For Information (RFI) submittals and staff is bringing an agenda item to create an ad hoc committee to review them. 
Meeting with Treasurer-Tax Collector to review a proposed policy change. 
Meeting with El Dorado County Transportation Commission (EDCTC) Executive Director to follow up on the SR 49 Confluence Study.  Will present draft to the EDCTC board in February. 
Thursday, 11/17 
Virtual meeting to review proposed updates to the EDCWA website. 
Meeting with Assistant CAO and Supervisor Thomas to check in on the County’s Design Standards project. 
Friday, 11/18 
Monthly virtual meeting with Long Range Planning staff. 
Monthly meeting with IT Director. 
Phone meeting with Library Director. 
Monthly meeting with Environmental Management Director. 
Sunday, 11/27 
Attended Music on the Divide at the Georgetown IOOF Hall.  Joe Craven & the Sometimers. 
Monday, 11/28 
Virtually attended the Taxpayers Association meeting.  Assemblymember-elect Joe Patterson was the guest speaker. 
  • Gave a shout out that El Dorado County Elections is one of the best at getting ballots counted in contrast to how long it takes for other counties. 
  • He mentioned how mandates such as SB 1383 increase cost of living. 
Attended SOFAR Steering committee virtual meeting. 
Participated in Ranch Marketing and Winery Ordinance Update discussion with staff to lay out path forward.  Anticipate bringing an item to the Planning Commission in March 2023 and to the Board in April 2023. 
Virtual meeting with Sierra Nevada Conservancy (SNC) Central Region members to prepare for board meeting on December 8-9. 
Tuesday – Thursday, 11/29-12/1 
Attended ACWA (Association of California Water Agencies) Fall Conference in Palm Springs.  Made some great connections with water advocates throughout the State. 
Met with Deputy CAO to prepare for her attendance in my place at the RCRC meeting with PG&E about felled trees and the impacts it has on our residents.


December 2022

Saturday, 12/3
Attended the Georgetown Christmas Parade and VFW dinner. 

Sunday, 12/4 
Meeting with District IV Planning Commissioner. 
Monday, 12/5 
Virtually attended Taxpayers Association meeting.  Discuss was on proposed items to take to the Charter Review Committee. 
Supervisor Thomas and I met with staff for an update on the Design Standards project.  There may be some changes to our path forward, so we encouraged staff to bring an item to the Board for a full discussion as soon as possible. 

Wednesday, 12/7 
Attended RCRC (Rural County Representatives of California) meeting. Highlights include: 
  • We received an update on the Sites Reservoir project and it is gaining momentum as the State tries to address the drought and the State’s water system as a whole. 
  • In October, California Air Resources Board (CARB) did not approve regulations for purchase requirements for public and commercial fleets due to feedback received.  Look for updated version this winter for adoption in Spring 2023. 
  • Counties were reminded to use the toolkit provided in a recent newsletter to challenge the FCC’s broadband speed maps because these maps often overestimate actual broadband speeds.  I have reached out to Kyle Zimbelman on this issue to see what our plan is to engage our communities. 
Thursday, 12/8 
Attended the Sierra Nevada Conservancy (SNC) Field Tour in Mariposa, which was a walking tour of the Mariposa Parkway project that has revitalized the area behind their historic Main Street and along the creek and turned it into a vibrant area for concerts and events while also returning the natural habitat back into its native state. 
Friday, 12/9 
Attended my last SNC Board Meeting as a voting member on the Board.  Each County rotates on the Board and my two-year term is complete.  I plan to keep in touch as the County’s Liaison because there are many opportunities for grants that could potentially align with projects proposed in the county. 
Sunday, 12/11 
Attended Garden Valley Fire breakfast. 
Attended Golden Sierra High School Sober Grad Night brunch fundraiser. 
Monday, 12/12 
Virtually attended Taxpayers Association meeting and they had a discussion about the Tahoe Coalition for the Homeless and also about the County’s plans for a permanent location for a Temporary Shelter and Navigation Center. 

Wednesday, 12/14 

Meeting with staff regarding Ranch Marketing and Winery Ordinance update. 


Monthly check in with staff regarding Chili Bar project. 


Thursday, 12/15 

Monthly meeting with DOT Director. 


Special Golden Sierra Job Training Agency meeting. 


Virtual biomass working group meeting. 


Monthly meeting with HR Director. 


Friday, 12/16 

Monthly meeting with Planning staff. 


Virtual Community Health Improvement Plan steering committee meeting. 


Monthly meeting with IT Director. 


Monthly meeting with Library Director. 


Monthly meeting with Environmental Management Director. 


Monday, 12/19 

Virtually attended Taxpayers Association meeting to elect officers. 


Thursday, 12/22 

Tour of the Divide Wellness Center. 


Meet and Greet with Senator Alvarado-Gil 


Friday, 12/23 

Met with Supervisor Laine and toured District IV.  Pointed out areas where issues will be coming to the Board. 


Saturday, 12/31 

Briefing on the storm damage at the Emergency Operations Center (EOC).


2021 Activities and Meetings

January 2021

Wednesday, 1/6/21
Participated in COVID Cooperators Call
Zoom update with HHSA and Public Health regarding upcoming staffing changes.  Also followed up on Karen Mulvany’s public comments about vaccination of medically vulnerable residents, specifically people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).  In a follow up phone call with Karen on Friday, she was pleased to report that she had received correspondence from County staff on implementing the vaccination of this vulnerable population.  Thank you to HSSA and Public Health for their prompt follow up.
Friday, 1/8/21
Monthly meeting with DOT Director Rafael Martinez.  Thank you!
Phone meeting with Chuck Bacchi, Ag Commissioner and Farm Bureau Board Member, regarding various items, including potential updates to the Ranch Marketing Ordinance.  Now that I’ve discussed the potential updates to the Ordinance with Planning Staff, Farm Bureau Members, and impacted residents, I will be reaching out to Charlene Carveth, our Ag Commissioner, for follow up.
Monday, 1/11/21
Good Governance Workshop:  Thank you to fellow Supervisors for great discussion.  Special kudos to CAO Don Ashton for keeping the meeting moving along and making it relevant.
Meeting with staff regarding proposed Mira Loma Apartments in Cameron Woods, which you have been hearing about in Open Forum.  After much research and discussion we decided that I will be working with staff to bring an agenda item to you for direction to staff.
RCRC and Hemp Ad Hoc tomorrow, 1/13/21
Wednesday, 1/13
RCRC Board of Directors Meeting.  Adopted 2021-2022 Policy Principles, which guide the organization’s priorities for the year.  This year will focus heavily on wildfire and forest resilience, which was highlighted in our discussion of the Governor’s proposed budget.
Hemp Ad Hoc Advisory Meeting - Chart of what other counties use for buffers and setbacks.  Considered what might work best for El Dorado County.  Next meeting is 2/3/21.
Thursday, 1/14
Meeting with staff for briefing on upcoming Zone of Benefit agenda item.  Came in very handy in subsequent conversation with Zone of Benefit board members
Meeting with new CalFire Unit Chief Blankenheim.
Friday, 1/15
Monthly meeting with Planning staff.
Budget ad hoc meeting.
Monthly meeting with the Environmental Management Director.
Tuesday, 1/19
Briefing from Treasurer on County Investment Update.
Wednesday, 1/20
With growing interest in prescribed burns for vegetation management, I attended a virtual meeting of the Amador-Calaveras Consensus Group (ACCG) and they had panelist presentations on prescribed burning.  
Phone meeting with the Transportation Commission Executive Director.  Update that as soon as the grant funding is received from CalTrans, we will begin the process for the Highway 49/Confluence study.
Receiving emails regarding parking at Cronan Ranch, so had Zoom meeting with District 4 Parks and Rec Commissioner and BLM to discuss plans for improving the parking lot.  
Thursday, 1/21
Fire/Emergency Medical Services (EMS) ad hoc committee meeting.
The District 1 Parks and Recreation Commissioner had wanted to meet and get more familiar with recreation in District 4, so I took a site tour of park sites along the river in Coloma with D1 and D4 Parks and Rec Commissioners.
Friday, 1/22
Phone meeting with member of Coloma-Lotus Fire Hydrant Initiative group.  The group is proposing to use the Coloma-Lotus Irrigation Ditch to feed 6 water tanks with fire hydrants to this 40 square mile area that currently has no fire hydrants.  Public awareness and support for this project is growing.


February 2021

Wednesday, 2/3
Zoom meeting with Placer County Supervisor Gustafson and members of Protect American River Canyons (PARC).  PARC is advocating for a project to remove bridge debris from the North Fork American River.  The bridge debris is from 1964 when the State Route 49 Bridge collapsed due to the failure of Hell Hole Dam while it was under construction.  This area of the river is becoming increasingly popular for recreation and the bridge debris is a hazard that was originally going to be hundreds of feet underwater when the Auburn Dam was proposed.  I will be bringing a letter of support for the project to the Board for approval.
Golden Sierra Job Training Agency Governing Board meeting.  The Agency is working to expand their virtual services.
Hemp Ad Hoc Advisory Committee meeting.  Reviewed survey of zoning, parcel size, setbacks, and crop size.  Next meeting on 2/24 and will include discussion of testing, security, and fees.
Thursday, 2/4
Broadband ad hoc.  Thank you to staff for background information to bring new members up to speed.
Transit Authority and Transportation Commission meetings.
Follow up meeting with Coloma-Lotus Fire Hydrant Initiative group.  They are doing a lot of research and preparation for grant applications for their project proposal to fill water tanks for hydrants from the existing irrigation ditch.
Friday, 2/5
First meeting of the SMUD Ad Hoc Committee.  Thank you to staff for the background information, which led to great conversation about next steps and priorities.
Meeting with Josh Pane who is representing the Mohanna Family about potential project concepts for property on Bass Lake Road.
Monday, 2/8
Listened in on the Taxpayers Association’s Zoom meeting where Ted Gaines was the guest speaker.  He spoke about how Prop 15 was narrowly passed by the voters and is going to cause some issues for implementation.
Wednesday, 2/10
RCRC Special Zoom Meeting to appoint Patrick Blacklock to RCRC President/CEO.  In the afternoon had an online retirement party for Greg Norton.
Virtual EDWA Meeting.  First meeting of 2021 with the new board.  I was the only returning board member from 2020, so I was appointed as Chair and Supervisor Thomas was appointed Vice Chair.  We approved applying for a grant to form a group to address issues in the Upper American River Watershed and also approved a collaborative agreement to work with County staff to create a GIS data portal for information sharing and transparency.
Virtual meeting with Sheriff regarding AB1185.
Zoom meeting with Cameron Park CSD General Manager and two Board Members to touch base on issues in Cameron Park.
Thursday, 2/11
Virtual meeting with staff to discuss bringing an item to the Board regarding the Cameron Woods/Mira Loma zoning issues that residents have brought to our attention during Open Forum.
On site meeting at Station 74 regarding the Coloma Lotus Fire Hydrant Initiative, which relates to the Community Grant funding on today’s Consent Calendar.  Thank you for that support!
Virtual meeting with It staff to follow up on our Board discussion about the Performance Evaluation system.  Updates have been made and we received tips on how to use the system next time.
Friday, 2/12
Virtual New Boardmember Introductory meeting for the Sierra Nevada Conservancy Board.  First meeting of 2021 is 3/4/21.
Budget ad hoc meeting to discuss policy change to include road maintenance funding goal.
Monthly phone meeting with DOT Director.
Wednesday, 2/17
Weekly COVID Cooperators phone call.
Monthly phone meeting with HHSA Director.
Thursday, 2/18
Virtual Fire ad hoc meeting.  Continuing effort to sustain fire service in El Dorado County.
Friday, 2/19
Virtual Monthly Planning Dept meeting
Monday, 2/22
Virtual SOFAR Collaborative Steering Committee meeting
Appreciated joint meeting with City of South Lake Tahoe and 56-acre project discussion.
Phone call monthly meeting with Environmental Management Director.

Wednesday, 2/24

Hemp Ad Hoc Meeting #3.  I would like the meeting materials sent out earlier so that we have time to review them prior to meeting.

Hemp meeting finished early, so I was able to join the Cemetery Advisory Committee meeting.  Good to see everyone.  District 5 is looking for a representative if anyone is interested.

Thursday, 2/25

Virtual meeting with Aging on Commission representatives.

Monthly virtual meeting with County Counsel.

Friday, 2/26

As a follow up to SMUD Funds ad hoc meeting, phone call with Jeff Marsolais, Eldorado Forest Supervisor, and invited him to join us in next SMUD Funds ad hoc meeting to discuss potential revenue sources for maintaining Ice House Road and other roads in the Upper American River Project (UARP) area.

Zoom meeting with Sierra Nevada Conservancy (SNC) staff to prepare for the Board meeting on 3/4/21.

Budget Ad Hoc Zoom meeting regarding TOT (Transient Occupancy [Hotel] Tax) apportionment to Veterans Affairs Commission


March 2021

Monday, 3/1

Zoom Taxpayers Association meeting - guest speaker Assemblymember Frank Bigelow

Zoom meeting with representatives of the Lake Valley Fire Protection District regarding their TOT study and request

Agenda Review

Zoom meeting with representatives to discuss Community HUBS

Wednesday, 3/3

COVID Cooperators call update

Supervisor Thomas and I met virtually with our DOT Director regarding the proposed reduction in force.

Tour of Bass Lake with EDHCSD and EDHPromise Foundation regarding proposed park plans.

Thursday, 3/4 

Sierra Nevada Conservancy Virtual Board Meeting.  Preparing to quickly fund projects if the Governor’s Budget is passed.  Good discussion about connecting communities with funding and received an update on the Tahoe-Central Sierra Initiative which is being looked at as a model.

Joined the Zoom Transportation Commission (EDCTC) meeting late, but did confirm that the funding for the SR 49 Confluence study is in the acceptance process.

Monthly meeting with District 4 Planning Commissioner.

Phone meeting to check in with Georgetown Divide Fire Safe Council liaison.

Friday, 3/5 

Phone meeting with Tahoe City Councilmember Bass to follow up on 56-acre project conversation.

CSAC/RCRC Redistricting webinar.  Many new requirements, very labor intensive, advised to hold first public meeting sooner than later using estimates.  Will be follow up webinar.

Phone meeting with CDPH representative for input and updates.

Phone meeting with Adam Clark regarding Alternate Public Defender agenda item.

Zoom update with Treasurer-Tax Collector.

Monday, 3/8 

Taxpayers Association meeting guest speaker Jack Frost regarding Reopen California Now.

Wednesday, 3/10

RCRC Board of Directors meeting.  Staff is engaged in water, CPUC, and forest management issues and legislation.  Discussion about concerns with the Board of Forestry’s proposed Fire Safe Regulations Update.  Local governments have asked the Board to slow down the process and seriously consider how the proposed regulations will restrict housing development and add to the housing shortage.  We were asked to send a letter of support, but received the template too late to add to our Board agenda.


SOFAR Collaborative meeting.  Formed a biomass ad hoc committee and assigned Supervisor Turnboo to participate on the ad hoc.


Thursday, 3/11

Environmental Service Joint Powers Authority (ESJPA) Board of Directors meeting.  Most pressing topic is implementation of SB 1383 Organic Waste Reduction.  This is a State mandate that must be implemented but the State is not providing funding.  It is anticipated that the costs will be passed on to the consumers.  See the 2-4-2020 BOS meeting, agenda item #13, File #20-0139, to review CalRecycle’s presentation and Board discussion.


Phone call meeting to catch up with Parks and Trails Manager.


Phone call meeting with DOT Director regarding possible grant for roadside vegetation management.


Monday, 3/15

Zoomed the Taxpayers Association meeting.  CAO Don Ashton was the guest speaker and was very responsive to questions.


El Dorado Transit Authority budget ad hoc committee meeting.


Agenda review



Wednesday, 3/17

Joined the El Dorado County Fire Safe Council Zoom meeting but could only stay for a little bit because had to join the Hemp Ad Hoc committee meeting.


Hemp Ad Hoc committee Zoom meeting.  Very informative guest speaker who is an expert on odors and verified many of our concerns about odors as a nuisance to neighbors.  Requested an expert in pollen travel for next meeting.


Monthly phone update with HHSA Director.


Zoom meeting for briefing with Supervisor Turnboo and SACOG on Green Means Go program.


Supervisor Hidahl and I were sworn in as the representative and alternate on the Pioneer Community Energy Board.


Budget Ad Hoc meeting with Law & Justice Departments


Thursday, 3/18

Budget Ad Hoc meeting with General Government Departments and with Land Use Departments


Friday, 3/19

Monthly Zoom meeting with Planning staff


Monthly phone call with Environmental Management


Budget Ad Hoc meeting with HHSA Departments


Monday, 3/22

Taxpayers Association monthly Zoom Business Meeting


Phone meeting with El Dorado Water Agency General Manager

FYI - The Board of Forestry moved their Fire Safe Regulations proposal forward to submit to the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) on a 6-2 vote, despite requests to delay approval and convene a working group of local government planning and fire safety experts.

Wednesday, 3/24

Meeting with Fish and Game Commissioner.


Zoom meeting with staff for briefing on Right of Way process.


Office meeting with Mr. Basiri regarding his request for a fence in county right of way.


Thursday, 3/25

Zoom meeting with Shaunda Crane of Marshall Medical about onsite health services in vulnerable populations.  She is working to create a Community Health Workers program to assist with serving our vulnerable and remote populations.


Listened in by Zoom to El Dorado County Fire Protection District’s Strategic Plan update.  Thank you to Chief Cordero for reaching out for the invitation.


Monthly meeting with County Counsel


Friday, 3/26

Zoom meeting with HHSA staff to follow up on inquiry regarding suicide prevention in EDC.


Phone call meeting with USFS staff regarding plans for this year’s fishing derby in Georgetown.  Planning for a very structured event to mitigate for COVID with a contingency to cancel if COVID tiers change.


Saturday, 3/27

Attended open house for the Chili Bar Park study.  Looking forward to hearing results.


Monday, 3/29

Carolyn Brooks was the guest speaker at Taxpayers Association meeting.


SOFAR Steering Committee meeting.


Agenda review.


Wednesday, 3/31

Staff briefing on El Dorado Hills Fire and Rescue Fire annexation.


Cemetery Advisory Committee Zoom meeting.



April 2021

Thursday, 4/1
Zoom meeting with Bill Roby at El Dorado Community Foundation.
Transit Authority Zoom meeting.
El Dorado County Transportation Commission Zoom meeting.  The SR 49 Confluence Study was adopted into the Overall Work Plan.
Monday, 4/5
Taxpayers Association monthly business meeting.
Agenda review.

Wednesday, 4/7
Golden Sierra Job Training Agency (GSJTA) Governing Board meeting on Zoom.  Reports show that employers are having a tough time finding employees as a result of extended unemployment through September.  Anticipate flood of people wanting services after unemployment benefits end in September.
Supervisor Turnboo and I had a Zoom meeting with John Kahling in DOT regarding background and potential improvements to the Cameron Park interchange.
Thursday, 4/8
Budget ad hoc meeting with Supervisor Hidahl.
Meeting with a constituent offering to assist with updating the Ranch Marketing Ordinance and looking forward to much-needed improvements in the Ordinance.
Friday, 4/9
Fire District ad hoc meeting with Supervisor Hidahl.
Monthly Zoom meeting with DOT Director.
Zoom meeting with the steering committee regarding proposed Gold Rush National Historical Park.
Saturday, 4/10
Meeting with officers of the Georgetown Preservation Society regarding a proposal for design standards for the Georgetown Rural Center.
Monday, 4/12
Guest speaker at Taxpayers Association of El Dorado County.
Pioneer Community Energy Governing Board Orientation with Supervisor Hidahl.  I appreciated their follow up meeting with me to explain SB 612 for our letter of support on 4/20/21 BOS agenda. 

Wednesday, 4/14
COVID Cooperators phone call
Several phone calls and meetings regarding Board’s actions at 4/13/21 meeting
Meeting at Cronan Ranch with CAO, CLAC Chair, and Parks and Recreation Commissioner.  Looking forward to the Parks presentation that is coming to the Board soon on this parcel.
Thursday, 4/15
Hemp Ad Hoc Meeting - slow progress.
Zoom meeting with Pioneer Energy staff to better understand SB 612 and letter of support.
Friday, 4/16
Monthly Zoom meeting with Long Range Planning staff for briefings.
Saturday, 4/17
Guest speaker at Travois Homeowners Association meeting.
Monday, 4/19
Attended Taxpayers Association meeting by Zoom.  The guest speaker was Bill O’Neill, EDC Registrar of Voters.
Wednesday, 4/21
EDC Fire Safe Council business meeting
Golden Sierra Job Training Agency Special Meeting 
Meeting with Deputy County Counsel to get information on Zone of Benefits
Thursday, 4/22
Meeting with Supervisor Turnboo and DOT Director Martinez to review additional data regarding Zone of Benefits that will be brought to the board in the upcoming weeks
Monthly meetings with County Counsel, Environmental Management, and HHSA.
Friday, 4/23
Supervisor Turnboo and I met with VHR advocates from Tahoe
Meeting with my Human Rights Commissioner to discuss potential direction of the commission.
Zoom UCCE meeting
Saturday, 4/24
Tour of the 56 Acres project in Tahoe with Tahoe City Manager, staff, and 2 council members
Monday, 4/26
Taxpayers Zoom meeting, Phillip Mosbacher, County Surveyor, was the guest speaker
SOFAR Steering Committee Zoom meeting
Meeting with Ken Payne, El Dorado Water Agency
Agenda Review
Phone meeting with constituent with concerns about Ranch Marketing Ordinance enforcement.  
Tuesday, 4/27
SNC film crew for funding impacts video
Joint Special Meeting with Tahoe City Council regarding 56 Acre project
Hemp Ad Hoc committee meeting.  Will be bringing and agenda item with a recommendation to the board on 5/18/21
Wednesday, 4/28
RCRC Board of Directors meeting.  Several legislative updates.  Most interesting was taking a Support position on AB 428, which is to set a minimum cap on terms for County Supervisor as a response to San Bernardino County’s voters passing Measure K, which limits Supervisor to one term, which limits continuity and experience in office.
Thursday, 4/29
Budget ad hoc committee meeting with Supervisor Hidahl
Supervisor Turnboo invited me to join his lunch meeting with Kimberly Pruett of Congressman McClintock’s office.


May 2021

Saturday, 5/1
Thank you to fire teams for quickly responding to and containing the Salmon Fire on Salmon Falls Road.  Good reminder to everyone to have their evacuation plans and To Go bags ready.
Monday, 5/3
Taxpayers Association monthly business meeting
Participated in the Parks and Recreation Commission’s parks tour of District 4.  I appreciated everyone’s interest and look forward to the upcoming discussions about parks projects in District 4.  Thank you to Julia McIver, my commissioner, for working with Parks Manager Vickie Sanders for arranging the tour and putting together the maps and information.
Wednesday, 5/5
Public Health COVID Cooperators Call
Thursday, 5/6
Transit Authority and Transportation Commission meetings
Friday, 5/7
Phone meeting with a Zone of Benefit participant and explained the new data that will be presented by DOT.
On site meeting at Chili Bar Park with interested party to follow up on the upcoming site study and potential clean up day at the park
Meeting with Marshall Medical representatives
Saturday, 5/8
Meeting to catch up with one of our Ag Commissioners
Monday, 5/10
Taxpayers Association guest speaker was EID Director Brian Veerkamp
Participated in Zoom meeting with Deputy CAO Aaron Magezi and RCRC Chief Economic Development Officer Barbara Hayes.  EDC is seen as a leader in bringing broadband to its rural communities and Barbara met with us to gain insight into how we got where we are.
Appreciate staff communication and responsiveness with the many constituent concerns that are being worked on with my office.
Wednesday, 5/12
El Dorado Water Agency Board Meeting - approved Recommended Budget 2021-2022
SOFAR Collaborative Meeting
Presentation about Tahoe Central Sierra Initiative Blue Print and review of requests for letters of support for grant applications
Cemetery Advisory Committee
Working on bylaws and membership on committee
Thursday, 5/13
Zoom meeting with Don Ashton and my Human Rights Commission representative to brainstorm ideas for the Commission
Implicit Bias Training
Zoom meeting with National Historical Park group.  Looking at National Park to include the Golden Chain.
Friday, 5/14
Monthly meeting with DOT Director.
Zoom meeting regarding the Bureau of Reclamation’s 5-year Fire/Fuels Reduction Management Plan for the Auburn State Recreation Area.  Appreciated that Kimberly Pruett from Congressman McClintock’s office and Ken Payne from the El Dorado Water Agency joined us.
Saturday, 5/15
Attended the Mosquito Community Town Hall, hosted by the Mosquito Fire Safe Council.  Great presentations and information by partner agencies such as the US Forest Service, CalFire, and EDC OES.  First opportunity for me to meet the new fire Chief.  He is working on rebuilding their volunteer program and having great success with 13 volunteers to date.  Residents expressed their appreciation for the Board’s continued support of the new Mosquito Bridge.
Sunday, 5/16
Attended first anniversary celebration of Main Street Mercantile.  Members of the Georgetown Preservation Society had historic displays and demonstrations during the event.  Members expressed that they are ready to get going on the Design Standards for Georgetown.  Thank you again to the Board for allocating funding for that effort.
Monday, 5/17
Taxpayers Association guest speakers were Library Commissioners Barbara Raines and Steve Ferry.
Zoom Meeting with PG&E and CAO Don Ashton
Supervisor Thomas and I met to discuss potential changes to the Ranch Marketing Ordinance and anticipate working through the Ag Commission
Tuesday, 5/18
Attended Coloma Lotus Advisory Committee (CLAC) Zoom meeting.  Jeff Horn from Bureau of Land Management (BLM) attended and shared that they have applied for a grant to consider purchasing the 60+ acres of County property at Cronan Ranch, which would include building additional parking there.
Wednesday, 5/19
Ambulance Service Strategic Plan meeting
Monthly phone call meeting with Don Semon, HHSA Director
Thursday, 5/20
Attended Wildfire and Forest Resilience Task Force webinar.  Focus is on implementing the Wildfire and Forest Resilience Action Plan that was created by the Governor’s Forest Management Task Force over the past few years.  Emphasis is on regional projects to protect communities.
Friday, 5/21
Monthly Zoom meeting with Long Range Planning staff
Monthly and last meeting with Greg Stanton, Environmental Management Director
Saturday, 5/22
Chili Bar clean up.  Thank you to Parks Manager Vickie Sanders for organizing the event, to the dozen volunteers who showed up to weed whack, rake, trim, and haul vegetation and debris, and to El Dorado Disposal for donating bins for the clean.  The results of the clean up are amazing!
Attended Four Corners Land Owners Association Fire Safety Day.  Great turnout of residents and first responders to share fire safety messaging.
Monday, 5/24
Attended Taxpayers Association Zoom meeting.  Guest speaker was Kevin Loewen, General Manager of EDHCSD.
SOFAR Steering committee Zoom meeting.
Tuesday, 5/25
Phone meeting with EDCTC Executive Director regarding Caltrans study for the SR 49 Confluence congestion and potential changes with announcement of the Auburn shuttle pilot program and additional parking restrictions on Old Foresthill Road.
Site tour with Deputy CAO Aaron Magezi to walk the trail from Wild Chaparral to Palmer Drive regarding trash and homeless issues on County property.
Phone meeting with BLM staff regarding Cronan Ranch potential projects.
Wednesday, 5/26
I was the guest speaker at the Zoom meeting of the North State BIA El Dorado Builder/Developer Council.  Good conversation about constraints and trends in housing development, including potential for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs aka granny flats)
Attended Community Action Council Zoom meeting.  Approved the 2022/2023 Community Action Plan and Needs Assessment.
Thursday, 5/27
Attended Broadband ad hoc committee meeting.  Great progress and EDC is in good position to maximize available funding opportunities.
Monthly meeting with County Counsel.
Meeting with Supervisor Turnboo and Congressman McClintock.  The congressman is very supportive of forest management, including livestock grazing.
Friday, 5/28
Site tour of the Confluence and see potential locations for shuttle stops for loading/unloading visitors.
Saturday, 5/29
Attended the Fly-in at Georgetown Airport.  Great turnout, people flew in to camp.  Looking forward to more opportunities for events at the airport.
Monday, 5/31


June 2021

Tuesday, 6/1
Thank you to our fire and emergency responders for the quick response to the Hotchkiss Fire in Georgetown.  Contained at 5 acres.
Agenda review.
Wednesday, 6/2
Virtual meeting with Placer County regarding congestion and traffic at the Confluence.  Appreciate their collaboration on this issue at our shared boundary.
Golden State Job Training Agency Zoom meeting.  I did share concerns about the need to prepare the workforce for the State’s plan to increase pace and scale of forest management projects.
Great meeting with co-chairs of the Cool-Pilot Hill Fire Safe Council regarding a potential project to use livestock grazing for vegetation management on the ASRA lands.  Additionally, CPHFSC will promote the El Dorado County webpage of information regarding livestock grazing.
Thursday, 6/3
Sierra Nevada Conservancy Zoom meeting.  Approved projects with early action funding from the governor’s budget.  More projects to approve at July 15 meeting.
EDC Transit Authority meeting.
EDC Transportation Commission meeting.
Parks final Zoom meeting with consultant for the Chili Bar study.  Looking forward to that information being brought to the BOS for discussion.
Monthly phone meeting with Planning Commissioner.
Friday, 6/4
EDC first Redistricting meeting.  Great information and tools for the public to engage in the process.
Monthly Zoom meeting with DOT Director.
Meeting with Commission on Aging representative.
Sad to have missed the Fire Academy Cadets Graduation due to car troubles.
Sunday, 6/6
Attended the Art on the Divide Garden Party.  Beautiful day for a garden event.
Monday, 6/7
Congressman McClintock was the guest speaker at the Taxpayers Association meeting.
Corresponded with RCRC regarding 
Great job by staff to prepare information for Budget Hearing - thank you!
Wednesday, 6/9
Zoom meeting with Caltrans, State Parks, City of Auburn, Placer County and other agencies regarding solutions to traffic and parking congestion on SR 49 at the Confluence.  Follow up meeting is set for next week.
Water Agency virtual meeting.
Thursday, 6/10
Attended Foothill Interfaith Collaboration meeting where Supervisor Hidahl was one of the speakers.  Working to collaborate on ways to serve the community.
Saturday, 6/12
Volunteered at the Hangtown Wagon Train Days Living History event.
Monday, 6/14
Taxpayers Association guest speaker was Jack Sweeney.
Wednesday, 6/16
Attended most of the EDC Fire Safe Council virtual meeting.  There was a discussion about livestock grazing for vegetation management so I shared our EDC webpage of Livestock Grazing information.
Thursday, 6/17
RCRC Board of Directors meeting in Mammoth Lakes.
  • During Member County Concerns I brought up the issue of the online retailer redistribution of sales tax that will negatively impact counties, including El Dorado.  Senator Glazer will be bringing legislation to track how much sales tax is redistributed and then will use that data to support legislation to stop the sales tax redistribution.
  • Guest speaker Wade Crowfoot, Secretary of California Natural Resources Agency, presented emerging natural resources issues and county engagement efforts.
  • Guest speaker Josh Fryday, Chief Service Officer of California Volunteers, presented the importance of volunteer and civic engagement throughout the state.
  • The annual photo contest begins on July 1 and the rules are available on the RCRC website.
  • We took a tour of Mammoth Lake and learned about their efforts to accommodate recreation tourists.
Saturday, 6/19
Volunteered at the Jr. Livestock Auction at the fairgrounds.
Monday, 6/21
Taxpayers Association guest speaker Robert Williams, regarding EDHCSD LLAD Special Assessment, which the Board may hear about
Wednesday, 6/23
Cemetery Advisory Committee didn’t have a quorum, so we couldn’t take any action.  Currently working on updating bylaws, so having a quorum is essential.
Met with residents who are concerned about the threat of wildfire and the lack of information regarding evacuation routes and plans.  This seems to be a growing concern in the county.
Thursday, 6/24
RCRC ESJPA (Environmental Services Joint Powers Authority) Zoom meeting.  Biggest item of concern seems to be implementation of SB 1383 (Organics diversion) and how to comply in the rural counties.  Madera County Board of Supervisors had an agenda item to increase fees to accommodate SB 1383 and the fees would almost double so they delayed that item for now.  Illegal dumping is increasing and a big concern as fees increase due to more stringent regulations.
Friday, 6/25
Monthly meeting with Long Range Planning staff.  Appreciate the updates and opportunities to follow up on issues.
Appreciated meeting with Treasurer Tax-Collector for briefing on agenda item.
Spending a lot of time regarding Ranch Marketing Ordinance and Parks this week.
Monday, 6/28
Taxpayers meeting was a business meeting to discuss issues
Wednesday, 6/30
Virtual meeting with CalTrans to follow up on Auburn State Recreation Area (ASRA) Confluence congestion concerns.  CalTrans is working on a quick, interim fix and will put out a press release with more information when available.


July 2021

Thursday, 7/1
Met with members of the American River Community Coalition regarding concerns related to ASRA.
Monthly meeting with County Counsel.
Friday, 7/2
Zoom meeting with Planning staff regarding what to do with Code Enforcement cases that are not health and safety issues and appear to have no resolution.  Could become a Board discussion.
Phone meeting with El Dorado Water Agency Executive Director regarding potential watershed projects in the ASRA.
Wednesday, 7/7
Zoom meeting with staff regarding update on posting Cemetery database to County website
On site meeting with American River Conservancy Executive Director in anticipation of the Chili Bar Park study discussion upcoming on 7/27
Thursday, 7/8
Phone meeting with Parks Manager for updates.
Veterans Affair meeting in Georgetown - first in person meeting in over a year.
Meeting with members of the Georgetown Preservation Society about upcoming Design Standards effort for rural centers.  They are looking forward to it and ready to get started.
Friday, 7/9
After receiving inquiries about the future of the old Bass Lake Golf Course, on-site meeting with new property owners and their plans for Sonny’s Farm using regenerative farming, including a  potential residential project on the farm.
Monthly meeting with Human Resources Director.
Monthly meeting with Department of Transportation Director.
Monday, 7/12
Taxpayers Association meeting.  The guest speaker was EDC FPD board member Paul Gilchrest.
Interdepartmental Zoom meeting with staff and Supervisor Thomas regarding potential updates to the Ranch Marketing Ordinance and the best way to go about that will likely be a Board item in the near future.
Wednesday, 7/14
Fair ad hoc meeting, first meeting this year
Thursday, 7/15
Sierra Nevada Conservancy virtual meeting.  Staff prepared 15 shovel-ready projects for board review and approval for funding with $19M of the State Early Action Wildfire and Forest Resilience Budget.  Two of the projects are in El Dorado County comprising over 1600 acres of the total 11M acres.  Detailed information available at:  https://sierranevada.ca.gov/what-we-do/2021-early-action-projects/#project1314
Legislative Reception hosted by the El Dorado County and El Dorado Hills Chambers.  Appreciated the opportunity to network with policy makers and organizational leaders.
Friday, 7/16
Good Governance Workshop.
Saturday, 7/17
Bear State Property Owners Association and Volcanoville Fire Safe Council picnic.  Good to see everyone and have the opportunity to give a brief update of county issues.  Encouraged to hear the Sheriff give an update that he is looking into a new emergency communication tool using FM radio since communication has been an issue during power outages.
Monday, 7/19
Taxpayers Association meeting, guest speaker was EDC Auditor-Controller Joe Harn.
Joint meeting with Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors regarding Housing Element Update.

Wednesday, 7/21
Attended virtual EDC Fire Safe Council meeting.  I asked about funding for the chipper program and the FSC is optimistic that they will be getting grant funds to restart the program this fall.
Phone conversation with Georgetown Divide FSC for updates on funding and projects in their area.
Friday, 7/23
Meeting with Long Range Planning staff.  May be policy updates coming to the Board to help with Code Enforcement regarding egregious cases.
Virtual meeting with the Heritage Carson Creek team.
Monday, 7/26
Virtually attended the Taxpayers Association's monthly business meeting.  They created a subcommittee to look at county governance.
Virtual meeting with the Crossings project applicant.

Wednesday, 7/28
Monthly phone meeting with HHSA Director
Virtual Cemetery Advisory Committee meeting.  Had a quorum and are making progress on updating bylaws.


August 2021

Monday, 8/2
Taxpayers Association guest speaker was Vern Pierson, EDC District Attorney
Tuesday, 8/3
SOFAR Steering Committee Zoom meeting.  The group is very interested in the County’s hiring of a consultant for our biomass effort.
National Night Out - Rescue, good to see everyone.  Watched a demonstration of the fire simulator equipment which will be useful in planning fire suppression strategies and also where to create fuel breaks for maximum protection of our communities.
National Night Out - Garden Valley, enjoyed seeing everyone.  Our Georgetown Library staff had a booth with interactive children’s activities and shared that they are very appreciative of the Board’s actions to increase services to serve all age groups as they are reaching a much broader population now.
Wednesday, 8/4
Special Redistricting meeting - good information.  The public seems ready to start working on maps as soon as the data is available.
Thursday, 8/5
Attended a meeting with Supervisor Turnboo at Sierra Pacific Industries (SPI) mill site in Lincoln.  Regional partners, including Congressman McClintock, Placer and Nevada County Supervisors, and an RCRC representative, were there to brainstorm on how to increase forest management to protect our communities and watershed from wildfire.  Looking forward to continued conversations and progress on this effort.
Friday, 8/6
Meeting with Placerville & Sacramento Valley Railroad representative.
Zoom meeting with Cameron Park residents interested in a potential park on undeveloped property.  Shared ideas on how to approach a park project proposal.
Saturday, 8/7
Attended 20 Mile Taste fundraiser for Ag in the Classroom at Rainbow Orchards.  El Dorado Water Agency is a sponsor of Ag in the Classroom and it was great to see so many people out despite the smoke to support the program. 
Monday, 8/9
Taxpayers Association meeting guest speaker was Clive Savacool, SLT Fire Chief
Wednesday, 8/11
El Dorado Water Agency Meeting.  Briefing on drought resiliency plan for West Slope.  Continued agreement for work on the El Dorado Water Reliability project.
Virtual meeting with Cool-Pilot Hill Fire Safe Council and Water Agency General Manager regarding vegetation management on Bureau of Reclamation lands in the Auburn State Recreation Area.
Meeting with Parks & Recreation Commissioner.
EMS/Fire Ad Hoc meeting.
Thursday, 8/12
Broadband Ad Hoc meeting.
Virtual meeting with Norma Santiago as a follow up to SOFAR Collaborative discussion about EDC effort toward a biomass facility.
Friday, 8/13
MORE Grand Opening.  The facility renovation is wonderful and will serve its clients well.
Virtual monthly meeting with DOT Director.
Monday, 8/16
Taxpayers Association guest speaker was Bill O’Neill, EDC Registrar of Voters.  Linda Webster accompanied Bill and they did a great job of presenting information and answering questions regarding voting and redistricting.
SMUD FERC Ad Hoc Committee meeting.
Virtual meeting of Wildfire and Forest Resilience Task Force.  Common complaint among counties is the lack of urgency or focus on taking action, mostly status quo of just talking about plans and funding.
Tuesday, 8/17
Meeting with Karen Coleman, Treasurer Tax-Collector.  Appreciate briefings on upcoming agenda items.
Wednesday, 8/18
Virtual RCRC (Rural County Representative of California) meeting.  Highlights include:
RCRC Board created a new Joint Powers Authority, the Golden State Connect Authority, to expand broadband access and affordability in rural counties.
Discussion about the items included in the draft Strategic Plan.  I asked that ‘a reliable electric grid’ be included in the infrastructure goals for rural counties.
RCRC has been very engaged in the CPUC hearings regarding PG&E, and have advocated that PG&E be more transparent about PSPS (Public Safety Power Shut-off) event decision-making, among other things.
GSFA (Golden State Finance Authority) break-out session included a presentation regarding increasing homeownership, primarily through down payment assistance, and more information will follow.
Thursday, 8/19
Virtual RCRC Environmental Service Joint Powers Authority (ESJPA)
Following ESJPA meeting, virtual meeting with GSNR (Golden State Natural Resource) staff regarding potentially leveraging their resources in our effort toward a biomass facility.  
Shelley and I had a phone meeting with our PG&E Representative to get answers about the 3 unplanned power outages in 8 days on the Divide.  We included that information in our District 4 newsletter and RCRC asked for that information in their advocacy with the CPUC.
Friday, 8/20
Monthly meeting with Human Resources Director
Monthly meeting with Environmental Management Director
Monday, 8/23
Taxpayers Association meeting no guest speaker, talked about various county issues.


September 2021

Wednesday, 9/1
Budget Ad Hoc Committee meeting
El Dorado Hills and Rescue Fire Departments meeting
Thursday, 9/2
Sierra Nevada Conservancy Governing Board meeting
El Dorado Transit Authority meeting
El Dorado County Transportation Commission meeting
Friday, 9/3
Garden Valley, Georgetown, and Mosquito Fire Chiefs meeting
Meeting with IT Director
Wednesday, 9/8
El Dorado Water Agency meeting
Thursday, 9/9
Discussion with CAO and Supervisor Thomas about Ranch Marketing Ordinance
Friday, 9/10
Special Board of Supervisors meeting regarding Caldor Fire recovery
Saturday, 9/11
Music on the Divide at the Georgetown School Amphitheater.  Beautiful day.  I spoke with several people about the PG&E unplanned outages and spent a lot of time the following week addressing those concerns with our PG&E representative and the CPUC.
Also spent a lot of time addressing concerns about the upcoming Auburn State Recreation Area (ASRA) General Plan update proposal that will be on the State Parks Commission agenda 9/30.
Monday, 9/13
Meeting with CAO and Greg Stanton to onboard him as our consultant for the biomass effort.
Friday, 9/17
Long Range Planning staff monthly meeting
Human Resources Director monthly meeting
Environmental Management Director monthly meeting
Saturday, 9/18
Attended Cops & Rodders event at Cameron Park Airpark and saw former employee John Tibbels who used to run the video equipment in the board room for many years.  It was really good to see him and invited him to come by and say hi now that the board room is open again.
Attended Forest Forum Annual Blanket Party.  The Forest Forum is very supportive of the County’s effort to bring healthy forest management practices back to our lands.
Sunday, 9/19
Spent the day in Georgetown at Founder’s Day.  Several people asked me to do something about the PG&E outages and I let them know that I was advocating for them and I encouraged them to attend the CPUC meeting on 9/23.
Monday, 9/20
Taxpayers Association meeting.  Our CAO gave the group a briefing on the county’s budget.  Brian Veerkamp, Executive Director of the ambulance JPA was the guest speaker and gave a presentation.
Wednesday, 9/29 through Friday 10/1
RCRC Annual Meeting in Monterey
I met a new contact in our effort for a biomass project and have connected him with our consultant.
I asked for an update on the online sales tax issue.  It is going to be a several year effort and Senator Glazier is providing support.
I brought up the frequent, unplanned power outages that we are experiencing in parts of El Dorado County and there may be an opportunity to collaborate with other counties that are also experiencing frequent, unplanned power outages due to PG&E’s installation of fast trip switches.
Thursday, 9/30
ttended the virtual State Parks Commission meeting and made a public comment regarding concerns about the proposed Auburn State Recreation Area (ASRA) General Plan Update.  The Commission made an amendment to its Resolution to approve the Plan to develop more transparent fire planning before they approve any development such as campsites.


October 2021

Monday, 10/4
Taxpayers Meeting Auditor-Controller Joe Harn was the guest speaker.
Tuesday, 10/5
SMUD Ad Hoc Committee meeting.  Good discussion regarding next steps on potential revenue streams to assist with Ice House Road maintenance.
Wednesday, 10/6
Heads up to board - Discussions starting regarding Rasmussen Pond property.  I’ve had conversations with neighbors, potential developer, and the Cameron Park CSD to stay engaged as this process develops.
Thursday, 10/7
Attended virtual Transit Authority meeting.
Attended virtual El Dorado County Transportation Commission meeting.
Attended virtual meeting hosted by Sierra Nevada Conservancy regarding assistance with applying for FEMA grants for hazard mitigations, such as roadside vegetation management.  I appreciated that DOT staff also attended and I will follow up with them for feedback on potential next steps.
Friday, 10/8
Shelley and I joined DOT staff and residents at the Mt. Murphy Bridge for the load testing to reopen the bridge with weight restrictions.  May need Board assistance with reaching out to other agencies to speed up process for the bridge replacement project.  We are planning a Town Hall on 10/20 for a follow up with the community.  Thank you to DOT for their diligent work and aggressive schedule to reopen the bridge and constant stream of communication with the community.
Saturday, 10/9
Community outreach in Volcanoville and Coloma to gather input regarding redistricting maps.  Corresponded with contacts in Mosquito, Shingle Springs, and Cool to gather more input.
Monday, 10/11
Taxpayers Association Monthly Business Meeting.  I suggested that the Taxpayers Association engage in the Juvenile Hall discussion as it will impact the County’s budget for many years.

Wednesday, 10/13

Attended California Middle Mile Project webinar hosted by RCRC and presented by CPUC staff.

Thursday, 10/14

Attended open forum at Planning Commission to congratulate James Williams on his 6 years of serving as the District 4 Planning Commissioner.

Grand Jury Meet and Greet.

Redistricting Special Board meeting.

Friday, 10/15

Monthly Zoom meeting with Long Range Planning Staff.

Meeting with Town & Country Village project applicants in preparation for 10/19 BOS J6 hearing.

Monthly meeting with Environmental Management Director.

Saturday, 10/16

Attended Garden Valley Community Association’s volunteer appreciation event at Garden Valley Park.

Monday, 10/18

Attended Taxpayers Association meeting and guest speaker was Robert D’Agostini of J&R Logging, who discussed challenges of forest management.

Attended El Dorado West Republican Women Federated’s Annual Meet Your Elected Officials Luncheon.

Attended California Middle Mile Project webinar hosted by RCRC and presented by CPUC staff.
Wednesday, 10/20
Attended El Dorado County Fire Safe Council meeting.  Group was pleased to hear that the Board is supporting RCD with additional funding for staffing and that the Board allocated a position to focus on biomass.
Mt. Murphy Bridge Town Hall meeting.  Thank you to both Department of Transportation (DOT) and Office of Emergency Services (OES).  DOT clarified that the Draft EIR is now moving forward and they anticipate breaking ground on the Mt. Murphy Bridge replacement project in 2024.  In the meantime, follow up meetings with DOT and OES will be announced in District 4 newsletter and Facebook.
Thursday, 10/21
RCRC ESJPA virtual meeting.  I am following up with the CAO and Environmental Management to clarify whether or not El Dorado County has exemptions regarding SB 1383 
Friday, 10/22
Virtual meeting regarding North Fork American River Bridge Debris Removal Project with Protect American River Canyons (PARC), Placer County staff, and Senator Dahle’s office on next steps to work with Caltrans, the Bureau of Reclamation, and State Parks to remove the dangerous remains from the State Route 49 bridge that collapsed in 1964.   https://www.parc-auburn.org/debris-removal-project.html
Meeting with District 4 Fish and Game Commissioner and recent topic of concern is wildlife collisions with vehicles and their economic and safety impacts.
Saturday, 10/23
Appreciated joining Supervisor Turnboo’s meeting with Congressman McClintock with Caldor Fire victims to discuss strategy for appealing the FEMA individual assistance denial.
Monday, 10/25
Virtual Cap to Cap started. 
Wednesday, 10/27
Attended virtual Cap to Cap Water Resources Team Meeting with Representative Ami Bera’s office to discuss importance of forest management to protect watershed and prevent the air pollution that comes with catastrophic wildfire.
Attended Cool-Pilot Hill Advisory Committee meeting to launch their community engagement in the Rural Center Design Standards.  They wanted to get a head start and prepare for working with the consultant.
Thursday, 10/28
Attended Golden Sierra Job Training Agency regular meeting of the Governing Body.  Discussion about workforce shortages.
Attended virtual Cap to Cap Air Quality and Water Resources Team Meeting with Congressman McClintock’s office to discuss importance of forest management to protect watershed and prevent the air pollution that comes with catastrophic wildfire.
Attended virtual Cap to Cap Air Quality and Water Resources Team Meeting with U.S. Forest Service office to discuss importance of forest management to protect watershed and prevent the air pollution that comes with catastrophic wildfire.
Attended Caldor Fire Pasta Fundraiser at the Fairgrounds.
Friday, 10/29
Attended virtual Cap to Cap Air Quality and Water Resources Team Meeting with Congressman LaMalfa’s office to discuss importance of forest management to protect watershed and prevent the air pollution that comes with catastrophic wildfire.  I had shared concern with the recent frequent, unplanned PG&E outages that were escalated to the CPUC.


November 2021

Monday, 11/1
Attended Taxpayers Association meeting, CAO Don Ashton and Chief Probation Office Brian Richart were guest speakers and shared information regarding the proposed new Juvenile Hall in Placerville.
Tuesday, 11/2
Attended Pioneer Energy Community meeting.  The community participants asked great questions and the Pioneer representatives made it clear that people who are unsure as to whether or not their energy bill will decrease with Pioneer can call and ask for a comparison to decide whether to opt out.
Wednesday, 11/3
Attended Cemetery Advisory Committee meeting and the group reviewed the draft bylaws.  It is anticipated that the updated bylaws will be approved at the next meeting and then brought to the Board for approval.
Thursday, 11/4
Virtually attended the RCRC Wildfire and Forest Stewardship Ad Hoc committee meeting.  Discussion focused on home hardening and defensible space.  Napa County reported that their vegetation management program was well received by residents and is now in its 12th year, so they may be a good resource for a successful model.  Most of the rural counties have federal forestlands in their county so our next meeting will include a guest speaker from the federal government.  Additionally, the Calfire guest speaker announced that all 24 counties that applied for the California Fire Safe Council grant for a staff person, including El Dorado, were approved and that they are reaching out to others that did not apply.  They are also in the process of expanding the grant beyond the 18 months time period as they realize the importance of this position.
Virtually attended the Transit Authority meeting.  Nothing to report.
Virtually attended the El Dorado County Transportation Commission meeting and the list of stakeholders was approved to work with the consultant on the State Route 49 Confluence study.  Appreciate that the project is moving forward.
Friday, 11/5
Attended Fair Ad Hoc committee meeting.  Agenda items will be coming to the Board soon.
Supervisor Turnboo and I had a meeting with Mark Luster from Sierra Pacific Industries to follow up on the tour and discuss the potential for a mill and/or cogeneration plant in El Dorado County.
Attended SMUD Ad Hoc committee meeting.  Still early and nothing to report.
Sunday, 11/7
Huge thank you to staff and the volunteers who came out to the Carriage Hills property at the end of Palmer Drive.  Great progress was made on cleaning up the area and there will be more clean up events scheduled in the future.

Monday, 11/8
Attend the Taxpayers Association’s monthly business meeting.  Nothing to report.
Met with District 4 representative on the Commission on Aging, Liz Powell.  Liz will be the Chair of the Commission next year and will be reaching out to each of the Supervisors for a meeting to discuss plans for the Commission.
Attended the Cameron Park CSD’s Parks subcommittee meeting.  The Rasmussen Pond property and the proposed housing development was presented by the Save Rasmussen Pond group.  General Manager Jill Ritzman did a great job of explaining to the residents the relationship between the CSD and the County and that the County has authority of land use, not the CSD.  The community would like to preserve this property as a natural park and is exploring ways to do that.
Wednesday, 11/17
Fair 2x2 meeting.  Making great progress on draft updates to agreement with the Fair Association and that should be coming to the Board sometime soon, after the Fair Association Board takes a look at it at their 12/8 meeting.
EDC Fire Safe Council.  A lot of interest in the County’s biomass effort to support vegetation management and fuels reduction projects.  Collaborating with County on FEMA Hazard Mitigation grants for potential projects.  Free chipping program is funded and open with information on website.
Phone update with Jeff Horn at BLM that Cronan Ranch parking has been expanded in collaboration with Vickie Sanders at County Parks, and Marshall Seaborn and Kevin Gilliland at County Facilities.  I appreciate the ongoing communication with all parties to continue making improvements at this shared site.  There will likely be a Board item for further improvements at Cronan, but those are still in the making and a ways out.
Attended and listened in on the Amador-El Dorado Forest Forum panel on Biomass in El Dorado County.  Supervisor Turnboo was a speaker and our consultant Greg Stanton attended and gave a brief update and made some great contacts.
Thursday, 11/18
Webinar: California Wildfire & Forest Resilience Task Force
Friday, 11/19
Monthly meeting with Long Range Planning staff.
Saturday, 11/20
Attended Georgetown Fire Department’s 40th Anniversary Celebration of paramedic ambulance service to the Divide.  It was a beautiful day and drew great crowds, so my husband and I ended up staying for the day and attended the annual Thanksgiving Senior Dinner hosted by the Native Sons of the Golden West Parlor No. 91.  It was wonderful to catch up with everyone.
Monday, 11/22
Attended Taxpayers Association meeting.  County Auditor-Controller Joe Harn was the guest speaker.
Virtual meeting to review EDC Transit Authority (EDCTA) annual audit in preparation of approving the audit at the 12/2 EDCTA meeting.
Tuesday, 11/23
Meeting with EDC Water Agency General Manager Ken Payne and local cattle ranchers to follow up on the effort to develop a program with the Bureau of Reclamation for vegetation management using livestock on the Auburn State Recreation Area (ASRA) lands.
Monday, 11/29
Taxpayers Association meeting.  EDC Assessor Karl Weiland was the guest speaker and shared information regarding Prop 19 implementation and potential legislation to address unintended consequences of Prop 19.
Toured the Rio Bravo Biomass Facility at Thunder Valley Casino in Lincoln with Pioneer Community Energy representatives.  The Rio Bravo operations manager shared a presentation and emphasized the need for more biomass facilities if we are going to be effective in forest management and fuels reduction.
While at the tour I shared with Pioneer representatives the many inquiries we were getting regarding EDC joining Pioneer beginning in January 2022.  As a result, Pioneer is holding an additional webinar on December 14 and updated its website with a page of information specifically for El Dorado County and Placerville.


December 2021

Wednesday and Thursday, 12/8 and 12/9

Attended RCRC meeting in Merced County, seat of the 2020 RCRC Chair.
Approved several administrative matters, such as election of officers and the budget.  Most noteworthy was approval of a 3-year strategic plan that aligned really well with many of the same goals that we have in our plan.
Also convened the first Board of Directors meeting of the newly formed Golden State Connect Authority (GSCA).  Good to see this concerted effort to advance the investment and delivery of broadband to rural California.  Thank you to the Board for approving the Joint Powers Agreement so that El Dorado County is member of this organization.
Friday, 12/10
Monthly meeting with Human Resources (HR) Director.
Monthly meeting with Department of Transportation (DOT) Director.
Meeting with Treasurer-Tax Collector.
Sunday, 12/12
Garden Valley Fire Breakfast.  Good to catch up with everyone on several issues, including Bayne Road Parking Sign Survey.
Monday, 12/13
Taxpayers Association monthly business meeting.
Meeting with Consultant Greg Stanton for an update on his research regarding a biomass facility in EDC.  He is making great progress in contacting interested parties and potential partners and anticipates having an update to the Board early next year.
Wednesday, 12/15
Zoom meeting with the AKT/Lennar group about potential projects in El Dorado County.  The Focus of these is to create housing with technology to allow seniors to live in their own home longer.
Thursday, 12/16
Golden Sierra Job Training Agency Governing Board meeting.  Placer County Supervisor Suzanne Jones is now the Chair and I have moved to the Vice Chair position.  Our Economic Development Director Kyle Zimbelman has joined the GSJTA Workforce Board.  Thank you to Kyle for stepping into that role.
Wednesday, 12/29
Submitted a comment from my office to the Bureau of Land Management to show support for the proposed Statewide Wildland-Urban Interface Fuels Treatments Programmatic Environmental Assessment.
Week of 12/27 - 1/1
Many phone calls and emails with constituents and the Emergency Operations Center to connect people with services and resources to assist those in need due to the extended power outages and being homebound from the extreme snowstorm.


2020 Activities and Meetings

January 2020

Thursday, 1-2-20
Monthly meeting with my planning commissioner and District 1 planning commissioner joined us for a bit.

Wednesday, 1-8-20

EDCWA - Going to Washington D.C.

Meeting with Sheriff - appreciated his time to help me understand more about his department and how I can better interact with him and his department

Thursday, 1-9-20

Met with residents about Vineyards project

Friday, 1-10-20

Met with staff about Vineyards project

Soup and Sandwiches at Camino Pollock Pine Community Center

Saturday, 1-11-20

Cowboy Honor Ride in Auburn to pay respects to Deputy Brian Ishmael.

Sunday, 1-12-20

Garden Valley Fire Department Breakfast - good to see everyone in the new year.  Lots of projects to bring to my attention and get status.

Met with a few residents near the Vineyards project.

Monday, 1-13-20

Good Governance meeting - good discussion.

Human Rights Commission - Discussing their work plan for the commission



Wednesday, 1-15-20

RCRC Monthly meeting

RCRC Sponsored Legislation - We had to take a roll call vote on this one because it was a contentious topic.  Due to cannabis overproduction in California, RCRC is following recent Oregon legislation and proposing legislation to allow for cannabis and cannabis products to be transported across state lines.  This cannot occur until there is a liberalization of federal law. The vote was 17 Ayes, 13 Noes, and 1 Abstain. I voted with the Ayes because the voters directed us to build our legal cannabis market so that we can eradicate the black market in El Dorado County, and this legislation is intended to build the legal market.

During the Member County Issues and Concerns it was brought up by several counties that they are asking others to join them in declaring a state of emergency regarding vegetation management so that we can have leverage as a region for obtaining State grant monies, much like we did with the Tree Mortality state of emergency.  We will be having an agenda item soon to discuss the potential state of emergency. 

RCRC - Evening - Annual installation of officers and Rural Leadership Awards

Thursday, 1-16-20

Meeting with GDPUD General Manager, 2 Board of Directors, and Don Ashton to increase communication between our agencies

Budget ad hoc meeting

Christmas Parade Committee meeting - We debriefed to prepare for 2020.  I mention this because it was good to see that the County had several entries in the 2019 parade and Toys for Tots really appreciated the use of County space.

Friday, 1-17-20

Meeting with Commission on Aging representative - Discussed Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) from CPUC decision.  Liz and I discussed ways to distribute the information to our low-income and medically sensitive residential customers. Keeping an eye on it.

Saturday, 1-18-20

Georgetown Fire Department Town Hall regarding Homeowners Fire Insurance - Great turnout.  I addressed a question regarding County’s Vegetation Management ordinance. Next Town Hall is March 21.

Monday, 1-20-20

El Dorado West Republican Women Federated annual luncheon in Cameron Park - Guest speakers were Congressman McClintock and Assemblyman Kevin Kiley.  Major topic was the negative impacts to independent contractors from AB5, and the efforts to repeal it.

Cool Community Hall Association monthly potluck - Asked for Vegetation Management speaker so Shelley sent them the hotline to get connected.

Tuesday, 1-21-20

Georgetown Republican Women’s Luncheon - Guest speaker was Cindy Garcia, Board of Director for GDPUD.  

Snowline Hospice photo exhibit Vanquishing the Invisible honoring women veterans.

Wednesday, 1-22-20

Rubicon Oversight Committee meeting - Large turnout and Vickie did a great job of updating everyone on what’s coming this year and why.

Thursday, 1-23-20

I was asked to attend the monthly Coloma Lotus Advisory Committee (CLAC) meeting.  Good news from El Dorado County Fire Protection District - they will be providing 24/7 coverage during the peak season at the Coloma Lotus Fire Station 74.

Friday, 1-24-20

Meeting to catch up with Chair of the Behavioral Health Commission.  Very hopeful for a good result from recruitment for Mental Health Director.

Saturday, 1-25-20

EDCAR El Dorado County Association of Realtors annual breakfast to support troops.  Great turnout and saw a lot of familiar faces.

Department Meetings with Planning, Environmental Management, and County Counsel, and briefings on Cemeteries, Airports, and Cannabis.


Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Tour of proposed Vineyards project site with Supervisor Hidahl, our Planning Commissioners, and staff.  I appreciate the applicant working with us to make that happen.

Community meeting hosted by the Divide Action Coalition, which has created a non-profit called American River Community Coalition.  First responders and insurance professionals on the panel to address safety issues regarding the proposed Auburn State Recreation Area plan.

Compliment received from a resident who had a great experience with CPS.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Attended the celebration of 100 Years of Votes for Women cosponsored by the El Dorado County Democratic Women at Oak Ridge High School.  State Controller Betty Yee was the guest speaker.


February 2020

Monday, February 3, 2020

Fair 2x2 with Supervisor Veerkamp.    Preparing for our special meeting with Board of Supervisors and Fair Board in Marc

Wednesday, 2-5-20

Golden State Job Training Agency Board meeting - Beginning of year administrative duties

Meeting with EDCTC Executive Director Woody Deloria to prep for meeting and talk strategy for Highway 49 at the Confluence.

Thursday, 2-6-20

Met with my Planning Commissioner - lots going on in District 4 to catch up on.

EDCTC meeting.  Approved final version of Active Transportation Plan for County and City of Placerville.

Friday, 2-7-20

Met with a resident who is having troubles because of the Mineral Resources Overlay from the TGPA/ZOU.  The number of these is starting to grow. Contacting Planning staff.

Saturday, 2-8-20

Chocolate Affair

Sunday, 2-9-20

Garden Valley Fire breakfast - caught up on several projects with residents during breakfast.

Music on the Divide at Georgetown IOOF Hall - 26th annual Young Musician’s Concert.  Very talented students.

Monday, 2-10-20

Tree Mortality Task Force has changed its name and focus to Governments for Forest Health.  I am checking in with staff about our Tree Mortality reimbursement because the billings weren’t received and the deadline is approaching.

Forest Management Task Force - lots going on and I will follow up with Supervisor Veerkamp to make sure we are plugged in

Wednesday, 2-12-20

EDCWA - Updates

SOFAR - Presentation on forest resiliency.  Sue Hennike gave an update on the Vegetation Management Ordinance.

Thursday, 2-13-20

Briefing from HHSA staff on smoking ordinance.

Meeting with Treasurer-Tax Collector Karen Coleman

Fair is coming up so meeting with my Fair Board representative

Friday, 2-14-20

Phone meeting with Placer County Supervisor Gustafson regarding ASRA

First monthly update with DOT Director Rafael Martinez

Tuesday, 2-18-20

Two residents joined me to meet with the Director of State Parks regarding ASRA.  Went very well and I’m looking forward to continued discussions.

Meet & Greet with our IT Director Tonya Digiorno.  Lots of great ideas and seems to have a good understanding of our IT department and systems.

Briefing with Assessor Karl Weiland.

Supervisor Frentzen and I had a meeting with DOT staff about the potential Rodeo Drive off ramp.

El Dorado County Fire Protection District held a community meeting to explain their plans for staffing Coloma Lotus Station 74 this year and into the future.

Wednesday, 2-19-20

Met with a Georgetown resident who is pulling together information to help us with a potential ordinance for travel trailers as living space.

Met with Laura Scwartz in Facilities with update on Senior Nutrition program in Greenwood building and hoping to get a newspaper article out about that for residents.

Supervisor Hidahl and I attended a Pavement Workshop hosted by our DOT staff at the request of the Taxpayers Association.  Good information and questions shared.

Fair 2x2 meeting looking at the MOU.

Our Vegetation Management staff gave a Learn to be Fire Wise presentation at the Cool Community Hall.  Well attended and lots of great questions. Kristine Guth handled it all very well.

Friday, 2-21-20

Long Range Planning Staff monthly briefings - thank you.

Met with Howard Penn and Kyle Zimbleman and plan for Coloma-Lotus Valley economic study is coming along.

Monthly Environmental Management update with Greg Stanton.

Saturday, 2-22-20

Annual Cameron Park Fire Department Crab Feed.  Well attended and fun.

Tuesday, 2-25-20 through Friday, 2-28-20

Traveled with Supervisor Veerkamp and EDCWA staff to Washington D.C. to meet with legislators and directors regarding Alder Creek Reservoir.  Well received and it was a great learning experience for me.



March 2020

Monday, 3-2-20

Meet & Greet with Chief Cordero

Meeting with Supervisor Frentzen and CPCSD General Manager

Tuesday, 3-3-20

Meeting with Veterans Commissioners and Supervisor Veerkamp to discuss future funding of commission

Wednesday, 3-4-20

Meeting with my Fair Board representative and Commission on Aging representative to brainstorm ideas so that the Commission on Aging can have a booth at the County Fair on Senior Day.

Read with the children during story time at the Georgetown Library on Dr. Seuss’s birthday.

Meeting with my Human Rights Commissioner about their Work Plan.

Meeting with a CLAC representative about annual meeting.

Vegetation Management meeting with Garden Park residents - they are one of the two County Emphasis Areas (CEA).

Thursday, 3-5-20

Monthly meeting with my Planning Commissioner.

EDCTC - Receive and file on Work Plan.  Proposed legislation to require an SB 1 Gas Tax website with fiscal information for transparency.

Annual River meeting hosted by the CLAC.  Thank you to Creigthon Avilla for covering for Parks Division and to Sergeant Thompson for attending on behalf of the Sheriff.

Sunday, 3-8-20

Garden Valley Fire breakfast.

Monday, 3-9-20

Taxpayers Association discussed sales tax for road maintenance.

Fair 2x2 working on MOU.

Supervisor Veerkamp and I met with SMUD representatives to make sure we’re collaborating on vegetation management and potential tourist revenues.  Interim Forest Supervisor Liz Berger joined us.

Human Rights Commission - left early but I think that they are ready to take the 2 Supervisors off of their roster and continue moving forward toward creating a Work Plan.  Their annual presentation to the BOS is tentatively set for April 21.

Youth Commission annual dinner meeting.  Enjoyable evening and good to hear all the good things that the Commission is working on.

Wednesday, 3-11-20

Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) meeting 

            No longer sponsoring interstate cannabis export bill due to controversies.

            Joined Los Angeles County and CSAC to support AB 2612 (Maienschein) for $200M annually to support organic and solid waste recycling.  Asking for letter of support.

            Working with Senator Brian Dahle on SB 1191 requiring CalRecycle to consider whether a jurisdiction made good faith efforts to implement organic waste reduction program (SB 1383) before imposing a compliance order or penalities.

            Asked to send in letter of support for County Fair allocations.

Golden State Finance Authority (GSFA) meeting during lunch break.  After much discussion, voted to make loan to Golden State Natural Resources (GSNR) for $10M toward wood pellet facilities, which will use woody biomass fire fuels from forests.

Barbara Hayes reported that the Economic Development group is working on Broadband and took a trip out of state to explore alternate models.  Sounds promising and we may want our Broadband consultant to reach out to Ms. Hayes.

Cautioned that Housing Element may be affected by recent and sudden defunding of Mortgage Credit Certificate program.  GSFA sent letter for re-funding of program to State Treasurer Fiona Ma.

After RCRC meeting, the RCRC Homeowner’s Insurance Ad Hoc Committee met with representatives for 2 different proposed pieces of legislation.  Both bills are still being worked on and the ad hoc committee decided to take a watch approach for each bill for final language.

Thursday, 3-12-20

Environmental Services Joint Powers’ Authority (ESJPA)

            Presentation of Model Tools for implementing SB 1383.  However, regulations are not finalized yet because the Office of Administrative Law sent the regulations back to CalRecycle for clarification.  Uncertainty about what this will do to implementation timeline.

Appreciated briefing from Treasurer Tax-Collector Karen Coleman on proposed policy changes that will be on our agenda next week.

Appreciated monthly meeting with DOT Director Rafael Martinez.

Monday, 3-16-20

Budget ad hoc committee met with General Services departments

Wednesday, 3-18-20

Budget Ad Hoc committee meeting with Land Use Departments

Phone meeting with EDCTC Executive Director Woody Deloria to follow up from the last EDCTC meeting with the status of Pine Hill Preserve trail.   EDCTC staff has been working with our Planning staff to start the process. This trail will be a Class 1 paved trail and can also be used as an evacuation route in an emergency.

Thursday, 3-19-20

Budget Ad Hoc committee meeting with Law & Justice Departments

Friday, 3-20-20

Fire Advisory Committee meeting - discussed drafting a response to Garden Valley Fire Department’s recent requests to El Dorado County

Lots of phone calls and emails about COVID-19

Meetings are now using teleconferencing and/or social distancing

3-25 through 4-2, including weekend

Increase in complaints about congestion and parking at Confluence due to out of town visitors violating Stay at Home orders.

Monday, 3-30-20

Complaints intensified due to State Parks closure of their fee parking areas, which increased congestion in the limited free parking area along Highway 49.

Tuesday, 3-31-20

No BOS meeting, so I went to Confluence to witness first hand.  Spoke with CHP officer who was enforcing No Parking.  Explained that the small free parking area was not closed down.



April 2020

Wednesday, 4-1-20

Golden State Job Training Agency Governing Body meeting on telephone.  Decrease in people physically coming into job centers due to Stay at Home orders, but huge increase in requests for assistance with unemployment filings and filing of WARN notices by employers - Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification.  They are in triage mode to help people as best they can.

I sent an email to CalTrans and State Parks asking for assistance to close ALL of the parking so that the one remaining open parking area wasn’t causing congestion on Highway 49 and attracting park visitors against Stay at Home orders.  Great response from all involved.  They had been working on it, but several agencies were involved in this particular area.  All parking was closed down by Friday, 4-3-20.  Received emails of appreciation from residents, however looking for permanent solution.

Thursday, 4-2-20

Participated in a couple test Zoom meetings.  Staff did a great job of working out bugs.

El Dorado County Transportation Commission Zoom meeting (EDCTC).  Quick meeting,  approved adding Federal Advocacy Services to budget and approved advocacy agreement.

Special EDC BOS meeting to approve acceptance of Emergency Homeless Funding.

Friday 4-3-20

Zoom meeting with representatives from EDCTC, Placer County, CalTrans, and State Parks to work toward a permanent solution for the parking problems at the Confluence.  Everyone was in agreement that this needs to be addressed and I think we’re on our way to a work plan to come up with solutions.  EDCTC will be looking into Caltrans grant funding programs to secure planning funding to look into issues and opportunities on SR 49 from Cool to the Confluence.  Specific elements will include parking, truck traffic, and pedestrian safety.  The effort will be led by EDCTC and will be a partnership with El Dorado County, Caltrans, Placer County Transportation Planning Agency (PCTPA), City of Auburn, Placer County, and State Parks.  I am looking forward to working on this much needed project.

Tuesday 4-7-20 BOS Meeting Comments

Thank you to staff for adjusting to physical distancing and working from home, and to all of our community partners for coming together to provide services to our businesses and residents.  A special thank you to Kim Dawson and our IT staff for working to make our virtual meetings possible.

Lastly, I appreciate Don Ashton, CAO, keeping our weekly 1-1 meetings on the phone so that I can keep up with all that is going on during this challenging time, and his help with fielding inquiries from constituents.

Wednesday, 4-15-20

County Counsel briefing on Cannabis ordinance update

Thursday, 4-16-20

Parks briefing regarding Monroe Trail and Chili Bar Study funding

Friday, 4-17-20

Monthly meeting with Planning staff over Zoom.  Thank you for keeping those meetings.

Quick phone check in with Budget ad hoc committee

Monthly meeting with Environmental Management Director over phone.  Thank you for updates and for handling Quintette water supply issues.

Monday, 4-20-20

Participated in Taxpayers Association’s Zoom meeting where Auditor-Controller Joe Harn was the guest speaker.

Receiving lots of emails and phone calls about illegal parking on roads surrounding closed State Parks.  Drove out to investigate the situation at Bayne Road near Marshall Gold Discovery State Park in Coloma and Pedro Hill Road near Cronan Ranch.  DOT advised that residents work with CHP to address illegal parking.  May need to continue working on improved signage as these are ongoing issues that are increasing as we attract more tourists to the area.

Also increasing emails and phone calls about when we are opening up the County.  Reached out to staff and other Supervisors to have a consistent County message.

4-22-20, Wednesday

Follow up meeting with staff from Assemblyman Bigelow and Senator Dahle’s office to touch base regarding Auburn State Recreation Area.  I shared with them the EDCTC grant application for a study of parking on the Confluence.

4-23-20, Thursday

Monthly meeting with County Counsel

4-24-20, Friday

Webinar by the Governor’s Testing Taskforce - Strategy for testing explained.

Week of 4-27-20

Increase in phone and email complaints about parking near parks and trails.

            Contacted DOT, State Parks, U.S. Forest Service for assistance.

4-27-20, Monday

CAO Don Ashton was the guest speaker at Taxpayers Zoom meeting.

4-28-20, Tuesday

Phone calls and emails letter to Governor to begin Phase 2

Phone meeting with developer for the proposed Grocery Outlet in Cool

4-29-20, Wednesday

Staff briefing on Cannabis ordinance

4-30-20, Thursday

Phone meeting with lead of Cool/Pilot Hill Advisory Committee regarding Planning Commission meeting for Dollar General on 5-28-20 and Grocery Outlet virtual meeting with developer on 5-5-20.



May 2020

Friday, 5-1-20

Many constituent phone calls to follow up on Governor letter and parking near parks.

Agenda review with EDCTC Executive Director Woody Deloria and discussed bicyclists on rural roads.

Tuesday, 5-5-20

Cool Pilot Hill Community Advisory Committee virtual meeting with the Grocery Outlet developer.

Wednesday, 5-6-20

Phone meeting with PG&E representative regarding the microgrid in Georgetown.

Briefing with the Treasurer Tax Collector.

Thursday, 5-7-20

Phone meeting with member of American River Community Coalition to request an update on Auburn State Recreation Area project

EDCTC virtual meeting.  

I voted against funding an online map promoting bicycle routes on rural roads because our office receives a lot of complaints about bicyclists on narrow, winding, rural roads.  

Executive Director gave an update that the grant application was submitted for the Highway 49 Confluence road study.  

The Caltrans representative will get back to me with an update on the status of the Cameron Park undercrossing widening as that was supposed to be completed this summer.

Friday, 5-8-20

Special Board Meeting for COVID Attestation by Public Health Officer to move into Stage 2 of reopening.

Phone meeting to follow up with Grocery Outlet developer

Monthly phone meeting with DOT Director

Saturday, 5-9-20

Shelley and I drove by many of the District 4 parking hotspots to see how the parking situations at parks were doing.  Met property owner and neighbors at Traverse Creek and was glad to meet them and see their progress on protecting their private property.

Monday, 5-11-20

Taxpayers Association virtual meeting Treasurer Tax Collector Karen Coleman was guest speaker.

Watched Placer County’s Special Board meeting for their Attestation Statement.  Many of the same conversations that we had at our Special Meeting.

Tuesday, 5-12-20

Phone call with Barry Smith at State Parks, they are preparing to reopen parks in phases.

Wednesday, 5-13-20

El Dorado County Water Agency Board of Directors virtual meeting.

  • Approved moving forward with Fairgrounds Drainage Feasibility Study
  • For the Irrigation Management Services 2020 Growing Season - Approved reducing the cost share amount for each site from $500 to $400
  • Approved entering into contract for Upper American River Basin Regional Drought Contingency Plan
  • Provided feedback to consultant on new logo design
  • Received presentation and approved 2020/21 recommended budget

SOFAR forest collaborative virtual meeting.

Friday, 5-15-20

Phone call with Elections Department Director to discuss options for November election.  Thank you, Bill.

Fielded several COVID-19 related questions from industries that want to reopen and events that may be cancelled, such as graduations.  I appreciate staff’s help in responding to these questions with accurate and consistent information.

Monthly phone meeting with the Environmental Management Director.  Thank you for updates, Greg.

Monday, 5-18-20

Taxpayers Association virtual meeting.  Supervisor Veerkamp was the guest speaker and did a great job explaining the current budget and COVID-19 situations.  Thank you to Supervisor Hidahl for bowing out so that I could attend and not violate the Brown Act.

I listened in on the virtual Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting for a proposed bed and breakfast in Coloma.  Sounds like a good opportunity but is a long ways out and there is still plenty of work to do there.

Thank you to all of the agencies that have been working to resolve issues with parking and safety near our parks.  While we understand that people want to recreate, we need to be able to do it safely and in a manner that does not negatively impact nearby residents.  We are working together for long term solutions in several locations.  Everyone’s patience is appreciated.

Wednesday, 5-20-20

Monthly meeting with Don Semon, HHSA Director

Wednesday, 5-27-20

CSAC webinars:  
Housing, Land Use and Transportation Policy

AENR (Agriculture, Environment, and Natural Resources) Policy
Government Finance and Administration Policy

Thursday, 5-28-20

Emails and phone calls started because the Planning Commission approved Dollar General in Cool

Virtual meeting on EDC Water Agency logo rebranding

Monthly meeting with County Counsel

Friday, 5-29-20

Phone meeting with All About Equine horse rescue applicants



June 2020

Monday, 6-1-20

Virtual Taxpayers Association meeting - Jody Gray, Fair Association, guest speaker

Virtual meeting with State Parks, County Parks, Public Health Officer, and CAO to discuss status of river rafting industry reopening steps

Tuesday, 6-2-20

Virtual Town Hall with river rafting outfitters - thank you to State Parks, County Parks, County Public Health Officer, and our CAO

BOS Special Meeting

Phone call with Chair of the Cool Pilot Hill Community Advisory Committee about Planning Department processes

Wednesday, 6-3-20

Virtual Board meeting of the Governing Body of the Golden Sierra Job Training Agency.  They are finding that clients are liking the added accessibility of online services.  Unemployment claims are slowly decreasing.

Budget ad hoc committee meeting to prepare for today’s agenda item on the budget

Thursday, 6-4-20

Monthly meeting with my Planning Commissioner

EDC Transportation Commission meeting - approved Work Plan

Friday, 6-5-20

Briefing on EMS and Fire services from Sue Hennike in anticipation of upcoming discussions

Phone meeting with resident concerned about how Zones of Benefit program works

Follow up virtual meeting regarding the EDC Water Agency logo rebranding

Attended Historical Society meeting for a little bit

Saturday, 6-6-20

Meeting with resident concerned about lack of public’s understanding and accessibility to County’s planning processes during COVID, especially with the Dollar General project

Monday, 6-8-20

Participated in webinars for Government For Forest Management and the Governor’s Forest Management Task Force

            Potential for additional Tree Mortality funding

Wednesday, 6-10-20

EDCWA meeting - finalized new logo and budget

Monthly phone meeting with Planning Commissioner

Friday, 6-12-20

Cannabis briefing

Monthly meeting with DOT Director

Monday, 6-15-20

Taxpayers Association Zoom meeting - Monthly business meeting

Site visit to Shoo Fly Road Defensible Space project with CCC and Georgetown Divide Fire Safe Council members

Tuesday, 6-16-20

Ad hoc Fire meeting

Ad hoc Housing meeting

Wednesday, 6-17-20

RCRC Zoom meeting

  •             Last meeting was March 11, so lots to talk about
  •             During Member County Concerns, I brought up request for clarification on Reopening Guidelines when the Governor’s Stay In Place order is still in effect
  •             Executive Committee voted to waive membership dues for 2020
    •                El Dorado County is $13,000
    •                Will receive an invoice with $0 balance due
  •             We spent hours discussing a draft letter to the Governor requesting that he remember to consider the unique character of rural counties when making his orders and reopening guidelines
  •             Legislation positions
    •                No position on Rental Affordability Act
    •                No position on SB 10 Bail Reform Referendum
    •                Support position on Public Safety Ballot Initiative: undoes some of Prop 47
  •             Budget discussion - much has changed since meeting
    •                “most mysterious budget ever”

Golden State Finance Authority meeting during RCRC meeting at 10:00am

  •             Mortgage business was strong during COVID
  •             Approved resolution for GSFA to file applications for Rural Development Opportunity Fund to support broadband infrastructure for rural counties
  •             Approved resolution to implement Revolving Loan Fund for Member Counties as “gap” funding for when a grant has been awarded but need up-front monies


Meeting with DOT Director regarding potential Rodeo Drive off ramp

Budget ad hoc meeting

Phone meeting with Human Rights Commission chair

Thursday, 6-18-20

Phone meeting with District IV Human Rights Commission representative

Friday, 6-19-20

Monthly Zoom meeting with Long Range Planning staff

Monthly phone meeting with HHSA Director

Monthly phone meeting with Environmental Management Director

Monday, 6-22-20

Taxpayers Zoom meeting - guest speaker Assemblyman Kevin Kiley

Special Board of Supervisors meeting regarding potential budget cuts

Wednesday, 6-24

Phone call to check in with residents near the former Tribal Gun Range.

Thursday, 6-25

ESJPA (Environmental Services JPA) meeting.  Approved draft budget with membership fees reduced by 50%.  Lots of discussion about implementing legislation.

Participated in meeting with Sheriff and County residents regarding policing policies in El Dorado County.  Spoke with one of the participants afterward and we plan to sign up for the Sheriff’s Citizens Academy to better understand his department's operations.

Monthly meeting with County Counsel.

Friday, 6-26

The Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for the ASRA (Auburn State Recreation Area) General Plan update was published at the end of the day.  In anticipation of the FEIR, I had a phone meeting with Kimberly Pruitt of Congressman McClintock’s office.  We will be holding a Zoom meeting with all involved agencies in that area to follow up on the FEIR.  Kimberly reminds us that the Plan did not entitle any projects and each project within the Plan will have to go through its own environmental process, including NEPA because it is on Federal land.

Phone meeting with the Planning and Building Director.

Monday, 6-29

Taxpayers Zoom meeting.  Laurel Brent-Bumb of the El Dorado County Chamber was the guest speaker.

Phone meeting with EDCTC Executive Director Woody Deloria.  Will include him in ASRA Confluence Zoom meeting with McClintock’s office.  Got clarification on the Cameron Park undercrossing widening project - part of the full interchange project, so he is going to look into whether it can be done separately.

Meeting to check in with Supervisor Veerkamp and our Forest Management team.



July 2020

Wednesday, 7/1/20

Tried to participate in Virtual Town Hall on SB 743, Vehicle Miles Traveled, but it was poorly organized and started off as a sales pitch about how great SB 743 is going to be for our State.  I don’t know if anyone else participated, but it seemed to be a waste of time and so I didn’t stay for the whole webinar.

Thursday, 7/2/20

Supervisor Frentzen and I had a video meeting update with Environmental Management and El Dorado Disposal

Monday, 7/6/20

Listened in on Taxpayers Association monthly business meeting

CAO and I had a phone call with RCRC to get clarification on a couple State issues

Tuesday, 7/7/20

Had a socially distanced outside meeting with members of the Mosquito Fire Safe Council.  It was good to catch up with what is going on there.

Wednesday, 7/8/20

To follow up on Board direction from the 6/30/20 meeting, I participated in a meeting with Supervisor Novasel and staff regarding the Human Rights Commission.  We decided that Supervisor Novasel will take the lead on the Commission and I will receive correspondence so that I’m in the loop.

Missed EDCWA meeting because Human Rights Commission meeting went long and we were at a criti al point in the discussion.

Attended the Ag Commission meeting.  I’ve been in touch with the Cattleman’s Association and there was a presentation regarding promoting using livestock grazing for Vegetation Management.  The Commission created an ad hoc committee to explore that possibility and I look forward to supporting their efforts.

Thursday, 7/9/20

Zoom meeting organized by McClintock’s office including agencies involved in the Auburn State Recreation Area to follow up on the release on the FEIR for the ASRA General Plan update.

Friday, 7/10/20

Monthly meeting with DOT Director.

Saturday, 7/11/20

Attended socially distanced outdoor meeting for the Volcanoville Firewise Community Council.  Well attended.  Gave update on items in the County.  It was really good to see everyone!

Monday, 7/13/20

Listened in on Taxpayers Association meeting, guest speaker was David Wolfe regarding ballot measures

Huge thank you to our Clerk of the Board for working diligently to help the community feel comfortable with using Zoom for public comment

Supervisor Veerkamp and I participated in Budget ad hoc in the morning

I was the guest speaker at the Republican Central Committee last night

Generally, responding to lots of emails with COVID questions and receipt of Dollar General public comments

Week of 7/15 to 7/21/20

Phone calls with residents and agencies, especially about next steps regarding Auburn State Recreation Area General Plan Update, including setting up meetings with the Cattleman’s Association for potential livestock grazing on ASRA and elsewhere in the County.


Wednesday, 7/15/20

Weekly COVID Cooperators Call


Monthly meeting with HHSA Director


Friday, 7/17/20

Monthly Zoom meeting with Long Range Planning Staff


Monday, 7/20/20

Taxpayers Association Zoom meeting, Vern Pierson guest speaker

Wednesday, 7/22/20

Supervisor Veerkamp and I participated in the Emergency Housing Ad Hoc committee.  I appreciate the progress that staff is making on this issue and I look forward to when we can bring something to the Board.


Meeting with cattle ranchers and Cattlemen’s Association representatives regarding potential livestock grazing programs in El Dorado County and particularly in the Auburn State Recreation Area.  Many follow up emails and phone calls to prepare for meeting with Bureau of Reclamation


Thursday, 7/23/20

Monthly meeting with County Counsel


Friday, 7/24/20

Meeting with Georgetown Fire Chief Glenn Brown


With fire season upon us our office is getting more requests for information about evacuation routes.  I need assistance on where to direct them for information.

Wednesday, 7/29/20

Fire ad hoc meeting to discuss Grand Jury report response.


Thursday, 7/30/20

Fire ad hoc meeting with consultant regarding EMS JPA.


Tour of California Conservation Corps (CCC) center in Greenwood.  Thank you to District Director Robert Griffith.


Friday, 7/31/20

Follow up meeting regarding reestablishing cattle grazing for vegetation management on Knickerbocker land in the Auburn State Recreation Area.  Next meeting in two weeks.



August 2020

Monday, 8/3

Listened in on the last half of the Taxpayers Association monthly business Zoom meeting.

Participated in RCRC Homeowners Insurance Ad Hoc Committee meeting.  The committee discussed SB 2167 which establishes the Insurance Market Action Plan, known as IMAP.  In 1988 Prop 103 allowed insurers to request up to 6.9% rate increases without a public hearing.  SB 2167 allows insurers to request actuarial based rate increases which could be higher than the 6.9% in exchange for offering policies in IMAP counties at a market penetration level equal to 85% of their statewide market penetration level.  The goal is to allow insurers to recover their losses and stay in California and get policyholders off of the FAIR plan.

  •                            The ad hoc committee is working on a report for submission to the full RCRC Board at their September meeting, which I will share with you when published

Wednesday, 8/5

Golden State Job Training Agency Board meeting

Budget ad hoc committee

Thursday, 8/6

El Dorado County Transportation Commission meeting

Friday, 8/7

Met on site with SMUD and Mountain Enterprises representatives to tour vegetation management work done for landowner who was not satisfied with work done on her property under the transmission lines.  I appreciate that SMUD is going above and beyond to work with the landowner.

Monday, 8/10

Listened in on part of the Taxpayers Association meeting.  Joe Irvin, Manager of City of South Lake Tahoe, was the guest speaker.

Listened in on the Government for Forest Health online meeting.

Listened in on the Governor’s Forest Management Task Force online meeting.

Tuesday, 8/11

Meet and Greet with new Assistant Director of IT, John Goode.

Wednesday, 8/12

RCRC Board of Directors virtual meeting.

  •                            President and CEO Greg Norton announced his retired effective end of 2020.
  •                            Ballot measure positions (some very contentious discussion):
    •                               Prop 15 - Split Roll - OPPOSE
    •                               Prop 16 - Repeal affirmative action prohibition - SUPPORT
    •                               Prop 17 - Voting rights for felons still on parole - OPPOSE
    •                               Prop 18 - Age of voting to 17 for primary if 18 by general - NEUTRAL
    •                               Prop 19 - Similar to Prop 90 tax base transfer for seniors - OPPOSE
  •                            Reminder to Counties to get the Electric Vehicle Charging ordinances completed or else the State will do it for us with legislation.  Only a few jurisdictions in the State have completed their ordinances and EDC was not on the list.

Thursday, 8/13

RCRC ESJPA (Environmental Service Joint Powers Authority) virtual meeting.  Primarily talked about implementation of SB 1383. 

Attended small ceremony in Auburn Lake Trails to commemorate that they have been a Fire Wise Community for 15 years and received signage from the National Fire Protection Association for the gate entrances.  ALT is also 50 years old now and plans for their celebration are on hold until next year. 

I have a mural on loan from the EDC Museum in my office, so I connected the Recorder-Clerk and the County Museum Director to arrange for a loan of museum artwork for the Recorder-Clerks office now that the remodel is complete.  The office looks great and I will stop by to see the artwork up on walls.  Great to share our local history for public viewing.

Friday, 8/14

Virtual meeting with local cattle ranchers and Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) representatives regarding reestablishing cattle grazing on the ASRA Knicker Bocker property in Cool.  BOR was more concerned about the water quality impacts than the fire safety aspects, so we will continue to look into that.

Phone meeting with GDRD (Georgetown Divide Recreation District) General Manager regarding access to Greenwood Schoolhouse.  My monthly meeting with DOT Director was immediately after phone call, so I connected her with our DOT Director for potential temporary access through our DOT yard in Greenwood.

Monday, 8/17

Zoomed in to the Taxpayers Association meeting.  Jill Ritzman, General Manager of Cameron Park CSD, was the guest speaker.

Heads up that I may be bringing an agenda item to Board regarding a pioneer cemetery that needs vegetation management but has questionable ownership.  Working with staff.

Tuesday, 8/18

Follow up meeting with SMUD representatives.

Wednesday, 8/19

Virtual meeting of Hemp ad hoc committee.  Next steps are that the Ag Commissioner will be bringing our recommendation to the Board for further direction.

Monthly phone meeting with HHSA Director Don Semon.

Thursday, 8/20

Virtual meeting with Natalie Porter in DOT to follow up on my questions from our 8/4 VMT discussion.  She is working with consultant on VMT threshold questions.

My assistant Shelley and I participated in a meeting with OES deputies for an update on Fire and Evacuations.  After that meeting we participated in a session with the Sheriff’s situation simulator.  Great experience and appreciated how the simulator gives you the opportunity to debrief after each simulation.

Friday, 8/21

Monthly meeting with Long Range Planning staff.

Monthly meeting with Environmental Management Director.

Meeting with local ranchers and LeeAnne in Ag Dept.  Working toward an educational program for using livestock grazing for vegetation management.  Feedback from CAO and Supervisor Veerkamp will determine next steps and whether we will bring an item to the Board for further direction.

Monday, 8/24

CCA (Community Choice Aggregate) ad hoc meeting.  We will be bringing an item to the Board so that we can have discussion on whether to engage with Pioneer JPA in Placer County.

Thursday, 8/27

Monthly meeting with County Counsel

Friday, 8/28

Meeting with DOT Director for status on a few District 4 projects

Monday, 8/31

Supervisor Hidahl and I participated in the CCA Community Choice Aggregate ad hoc meeting with representatives from Pioneer Energy.  Good meeting, making progress, and a presentation and draft ordinance will be on our 9-22-20 agenda for your review and approval.

Follow up meeting with local ranchers toward creating an El Dorado County Livestock Grazing Information phone line to encourage using livestock grazing for vegetation management.  Making progress.



September 2020

Thursday, 9/3 Participated as an alternate in the El Dorado Transit Authority Board meeting

Participated in the El Dorado County Transportation Commission (EDCTC) meeting.  Update from Executive Director stating that grant application for Confluence study was rejected.  He is looking for an alternate funding source for this important study.

Friday, 9/4

Fire ad hoc committee meeting

Meeting with Ag Commissioner and CAO to discuss the Livestock Grazing information campaign proposed by cattle ranchers.  Follow up meeting tomorrow 9/23.

Tuesday, 9/8

Fork Fire started.  I appreciate the Chair and CAO keeping me updated.

Wednesday, 9/9

Started participating in  daily Fork Fire Cooperators call to stay informed on fire and resources to share with constituents in newsletter and social media. 

Phone call with Pastor Drew of the Cool Community Church regarding evacuation center.  Due to COVID, the church was being used as a hub to get evacuees hotel vouchers.

Thursday, 9/10

Started receiving a lot of phone calls and emails about Mosquito Bridge status.  As a result, provided an update in the District IV newsletter and on social media.

Friday, 9/11

Online meeting with Natalie Porter in DOT to follow up on SB 743 Vehicle Miles Traveled VMT discussion and why Shingle Springs numbers appeared atypical.

Monthly DOT meeting with updates.

Started receiving a lot of phone calls and emails asking about a ban on campfires, which resulted in the 9/22 BOS agenda item.

Saturday, 9/12

Phone call with El Dorado County Fire Chief Cordero to discuss potential for ban on campfires during fire season.  Appreciated input regarding BOS discussion.

Monday, 9/14

Participated in a virtual meeting to discuss proposed recommendations to the Governor by the Forest Management Task Force.  Concerns raised about taking 2 years to come up with recommendations and how some groups are represented more than others in the recommendations.

Participated in the virtual Governor’s Forest Management Task Force.  Two guest speakers gave presentations and then two of the subcommittees presented their recommendations with no opportunity for discussion, so not interactive.

Wednesday, 9/16

  • RCRC virtual Board meeting
  • I was honored to recognize the winner of the 4th Annual RCRC Photo Contest.  El Dorado County resident Jason Brand took the winning photo of Mack Lake in Inyo County.  Mr. Brand also submitted a beautiful nighttime photo of El Dorado County that was one of the 3 finalist photos.

Voted to take No Position on Prop 22.  Was not a unanimous vote.

  • The Ad Hoc Committee on Homeowner’s Insurance made its recommendations to the RCRC Board of Directors.  It was very disappointing that the Insurance Commissioner did not support AB 2167.  The Insurance Commissioner needs to hear from voters about the need for legislation to assist homeowners with obtaining affordable insurance.

Participated in virtual SOFAR Collaborative meeting.  I shared a brief summary of the Feinstein proposed legislation with the group.

Thursday, 9/17

Attended Foothill Interfaith Collaboration Kickoff meeting.  Effort by local churches to come together on issues.

Friday, 9/18

Monthly online meeting with Long Range Planning Staff for updates.  I appreciated that they started early so that I could get to the Water Agency meeting.

EDCWA virtual meeting.  We collaboratively worked on the Strategic Plan.

Budget hearing to consider adoption of the  2020/21 Budget

Monday, 9/21

First day without a Fork Fire Cooperators Call.  Good news - the fire is staying quiet.

Wednesday, 9/23

Meeting with Ag Commissioner Charlene Carveth and Chuck Bacchi to check in on status of the educational campaign to use Livestock Grazing as a tool for vegetation management.  Charlene reported that the phone line should be installed by the end of this month and that handouts and materials are ready.  The plan is to hold one or two workshops before spring of next year and reach out to Fire Safe Councils to start sharing information.  To start things off Chuck Bacchi will be the point of contact for connecting with ranchers.

Supervisor Veerkamp and I participated in the Urgency Housing Ad Hoc Committee.  Staff is making great progress on preparing an ordinance to bring to the Board.

Thursday, 9/24

Monthly meeting with County Counsel

Friday, 9/25

Site visit at hemp farm.  I appreciated the opportunity and am planning on visiting another site soon.

Lunch meeting with Supervisor-elect Wendy Thomas.  We were cognizant of the Brown Act and mostly talked about the challenges of being a new supervisor.

Thank you to County Counsel’s office, the Treasurer-Tax Collector, and to Code Enforcement for working toward bringing a few code violators into compliance to help improve quality of life in neighborhoods.



October 2020

Thursday, 10/1

Our office was getting a lot of phone calls regarding the IBC Writ.  So, thank you to Rob Peters in Planning for the phone call explaining how the IBC issue is being addressed.

EDC Transportation Commission meeting.  Previewed the El Dorado Hills transportation plan public outreach videos.

Coloma Lotus Advisory Committee meeting.  It was good to see them meeting again.  Several ad hoc committees formed to work on specific tasks and potentially bring recommendations to the Board.

Friday, 10/2

Phone calls and emails coming in about the proposed Mira Loma Apartments project off of Cameron Park Drive.  I appreciate the DOT Director reaching out on that project and I’ll be meeting with staff to understand next steps in that project.  

Monday, 10/5

Supervisor Hidahl and I met with staff to review the 2021 Board meeting calendar.

Tuesday, 10/6

I’ll be visiting another hemp farm this afternoon.  National Night Out is this evening.

Tuesday, 10/6

After BOS meeting visited hemp farm on Thompson Hill.  Talked with the farmers and observed the smells and lack of setbacks to neighbor.

Went to Georgetown for National Night Out.  It was outside and people were social distancing and/or wearing masks.  Stopped by the Divide Chamber of Commerce booth and Sol appreciated Kyle Zimbleman driving up there to drop off masks and hand sanitizer.

Wednesday, 10/7

Participated in the Golden State Job Training Agency board meeting.

Thursday, 10/8

Took the day off and drove up to Hope Valley.  Trees were just starting to get their color.

Friday, 10/8

Spent the morning in Coloma gathering information for economic analysis and parks/trails plans.

Monthly meeting with DOT Director.

Saturday, 10/9

Visit to Thompson Hill hemp farm neighbor.  Good to see the farm from their perspective.

Sunday, 10/10

Contacted about concerns regarding the Cameron Park Airport and its financial stability.  Questions about how is the airport funded and what if it goes bankrupt.  Could become a County issue, so bringing to Board’s attention and I did contact Supervisor Frentzen since it is in her district.

Monday, 10/12

Lots of emails and phone calls over the past week regarding the Mira Loma Apartments pre-app, so appreciated a virtual meeting with my Planning Commissioner, County Counsel, and Planning staff to discuss the steps of the process and potential options.  I will report out to the community in an upcoming newsletter.

Attended the Republic Central Committee monthly meeting where Kevin Kiley was the guest speaker and gave an update on his lawsuit against Governor Newsom’s use of Executive Orders.

Wednesday, 10/14

Phone call to check in with Sierra Nevada Conservancy for next year’s board appointment.  El Dorado County will chair our region on the board.

Attended virtual El Dorado County Water Agency EDCWA Board meeting.  Continued working on Strategic Plan.

Attended virtual SOFAR meeting.

Thursday, 10/15

Attended Environmental Services JPA virtual meeting.  Primary focus was on implementing SB 1383 and regulations for closing down landfills, such as our Union Mine landfill.

Friday, 10/16

Shelley and I attended our virtual monthly meeting with Long Range Planning.  Updates and opportunity for discussion are very appreciated.  My concerns about the proposed project at Hacienda on Cameron Park Drive are being addressed with a traffic signal being added to the widening of Cameron Park Drive in that area.  Thank you to DOT for looking into that for the safety of everyone using Cameron Park Drive.

Shelley and I had a virtual introductory meeting with our new PG&E Government Relations representative, Sarah Rasheed.  It was good to meet her and we thanked Brandon Sanders for his great customer service over the past 2 years that we’ve worked with him.

Phone meeting with Assemblyman Kevin Kiley and residents in the Cameron Woods neighborhood where the Mira Loma Apartments project is being proposed.  It was good that the residents were able to discuss their concerns with us. This particular parcel has a complex history, so I let them know that I am working with staff on next steps. 

Shelley and I had a virtual meeting with Charles Mason our CPUC representative.  We did not have a chance to meet with him prior to COVID, so this was our first meeting.  We focused on what we can do to assist areas that do not have any communications during power outages.  We are packaging that information and plan to send that out to our residents soon.

Sunday, 10/17

The fires along Highway 50 were only a few blocks from my house, so I wanted to thank our first responders for their quick response and getting the fires under control quickly.  The planes, helicopters, and ground crews did an amazing job.

Lots of questions about the proposed roundabout at the intersection of Lotus and Gold Hill Roads.  Our office is working on gathering information to respond to those inquiries and will be working with our DOT director to plan a virtual Town Hall.

Tuesday, 10/27

Virtual meeting with Barry Broome of Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC)

Thursday, 10/29

Supervisor Hidahl and I participated in the virtual Hemp Ad Hoc meeting.  Staff will be bringing the moratorium documents to the Board by the end of this year and will work on drafting an Ordinance for the ad hoc to review early next year.

Friday, 10/30

Attended the TuCARE 28th Annual Natural Resources Summit, which was virtual this year.  TuCARE is Tuolumne County Alliance for Resources & Environment, which was established in 1988.  Their theme this year was “Where there’s a WILL, There’s a WAY.”  For a visual of the work that needs to be done for our forest health, it was said that if you can ride a horse through a forest, then you’ve thinned it about right.  Great information and video is available at  https://youtu.be/zZSUY4sZGqY.  

I went out to Coloma to see the pumpkins on the bridge for Halloween.  Crisp and cool evening to be outside by the river and enjoy the creativity of the pumpkins.



November 2020

Monday, 11/2

Received Thank You Note from Odd Fellows in Georgetown for Community Grant to assist with the hall renovation.

Tuesday, 11/3

Thank you to Kim Dawson and her staff for working with me and Shelley to have a test Zoom meeting to prepare for our Roundabout Meeting with DOT coming up on 11/12

Wednesday, 11/4

Attended virtual Regional Economic Summit hosted by North State Planning & Development Collective.  Data intensive presentation by Dr. Robert Eyler and informative presentation by Barbara Hayes of RCRC about broadband and forest efforts.  Looking forward to the video recording to review the data.

Thursday, 11/5

Attended virtual El Dorado County Transportation Commission (EDCTC) meeting.  Special thank you to Executive Director Deloria for persevering and securing a grant for the Highway 49 Confluence study.  That work will begin next year and I’ve been keeping the community informed through our District IV newsletter and on Facebook.

Friday, 11/6

Listened in virtually to the Pioneer Community Energy Board meeting as they discussed expanding to include El Dorado County and the City of Placerville.

Saturday, 11/7

Honored to read the Board of Supervisors Veterans Day Proclamation for the video recording of the virtual Veterans Day ceremony

Monday, 11/9

Attended both the Governments For Forest Health and Governor’s Forest Management Task Force virtual meetings.  I plan to follow up with Supervisor Veerkamp on how much value he sees that we get from these meetings.

Over the last several weeks, many phone calls and meetings with residents regarding concerns surrounding the proposed Mira Loma project in the Cameron Woods neighborhood.  I appreciate staff’s ongoing support in addressing those concerns.

Additionally over the last several weeks, many phone calls and meetings with residents and the manager of the Black Oak Mountain Vineyard over concerns regarding the noise from events and compliance with the Ranch Marketing Ordinance.  

Thursday, 11/12

El Dorado Water Agency meeting - finalized strategic plan

Hosted Lotus/Gold Hill Road online community meeting.  DOT Director Rafael Martinez did a great job of explaining why we are looking at a roundabout at that intersection.  I also want to thank our Clerk of the Board, Kim Dawson, for making sure that we were all set up to host the Zoom meeting.  The meeting was recorded and we sent a link out in our District IV newsletter, which will be posted on our District IV webpage and Facebook page.

Wednesday, 11/18

Online meeting with staff regarding proposed Mira Loma/Cameron Woods Apartments

Participated in SOFAR collaborative online meeting.  Ken Payne from EDC Water Agency presented a proposal to increase Water Agency participation in SOFAR since it relates to watershed.

Thursday, 11/19

Participated in a webinar organized by the Board of Forestry and Fire Protection:  Organizing Community-Based Wildland Fuels Management Projects.  Good information.

Monthly phone call to check in with HSSA Director Don Semon.

Participated in an online presentation hosted by the Eldorado National Forest regarding the King Fire restoration.

Friday, 11/20

Monthly Zoom meeting with Planning Staff

Zoom meeting regarding progress of the Coloma Lotus Economic Analysis Study.

Monthly meeting with Director of Environmental Management Greg Stanton.

Monday, 11/23

Meeting with General Manager of the Georgetown Divide Recreation District (GDRD)

Wednesday, 11/25

Listened in on the Public Health Cooperators’ Call regarding COVID update.

Used slowdown for Thanksgiving to catch up on emails and phone calls and get outside for some yardwork and enjoy this beautiful time of year.



December 2020

Thursday, 12/3

Golden Sierra Job Training Agency (GSJTA) Governing Board meeting


Monthly phone meeting with my District IV Planning Commissioner


EDC Transportation Commission (EDCTC) Board meeting.  A lot of discussions about items concerning Highway 50 and Placerville transportation issues.


Friday, 12/4

Meeting with staff regarding proposed Mira Loma apartments project


Phone meeting with Norm Brown regarding Bass Lake North agreements


Zoom meeting with Farm Bureau to meet with new Director and one of the directors to discuss the Ranch Marketing Ordinance.


Monday, 12/7

Listened in on the Taxpayers Association Zoom meeting.  Bill O’Neill, Registrar of Voters was the guest speaker and gave updates on the recent election.


Brief Zoom meeting with Sierra Nevada Conservancy (SNC) staff and Central Subregion representatives.  El Dorado County will be the voting member of the Central Subregion starting next year for the next 2 years, so we were checking in with each other.


Wednesday, 12-9-20

RCRC Board of Directors Meeting

  • Recruitment for President Greg Norton’s replacement is ongoing and expected to be completed in March 2021.  Greg will continue to serve as President until the replacement is selected.
  • Administrative items - approved budget, said farewell to Supervisors who are leaving, elected officers
  • Update regarding concerns with the Board of Forestry’s draft rulemaking on the updated Fire Safe Regulations.  The updated regulations could impact housing production across the state.  If our County Counsel would like assistance in navigating the regulations, contact General Counsel at RCRC for assistance.
  • Wildfire Update - Reports indicate that Insurance Commissioner Lara is going to start working with the insurance industry, which could be promising for a homeowners insurance solution. 
  • The Board members spent a lot of time discussing the RCRC staff proposal for a comprehensive fire prevention package for the Legislature to consider.  A lot of it revolved around legislation and funding to reduce wildfire risk, for activities such as vegetation management, forest health and home hardening.  The Board approved the proposal after removing a controversial watershed mandate.
  • The Board adopted an “Oppose” position to any proposed legislation that requires a Top-Two Advance for County Elected Officials.
  • The Board endorsed a joint powers authority (JPA) governance solution to oversee District Agricultural Association fairs.  El Dorado County’s fair is run by a non-profit and would not fall under this JPA.  


PG&E Public Safety Power Shutoff listening session.  Thank you to Don Ashton, CAO, for setting up the meeting and to my assistant, Shelley Wiley, for attending on my behalf to bring up concerns about power outages and communication, especially in the more remote areas of the county. 


Thursday, 12/10

I attended the Sierra Nevada Conservancy’s virtual board meeting.  Next year El Dorado County will be rotated in as the voting member of the Central Subregion.


Friday, 12/11

Phone meeting with District IV Fish and Game Commissioner.  Will be following up with CAO with some administrative questions.


Monday, 12/14

Pioneer Energy update with Supervisor Hidahl from CAO.  Moving forward.


Phone meeting with Ken Payne, General Manager of the El Dorado County Water Agency.  Caught up on several ongoing items and I will be contacting staff with some follow up.



Wednesday, 12/16

Participated in Healthy El Dorado Advisory Meeting led by Bill Roby of the El Dorado Community Foundation.  Great discussion about concerns within our communities.


Thursday, 12/17

Participated in the Mountain Counties Air Basin Control Council meeting.  Approved budget and revisions to the JPA (Joint Powers Authority) agreement and bylaws, and received prescribed burn report.


Watched the El Dorado County RAC (Resource Advisory Committee) webinar.  The RAC has been inactive since 2016 so it was good to see it restarted.


Friday, 12/18

Meeting with Rob Peters and Chris Perry from the Planning Department.  Appreciated the updates and discussion on a few projects and policies.  Staff will likely be bringing an agenda item to the Board for direction on potential updates to the Ranch Marketing Ordinance.  There are a few parts of the Ordinance that could be updated for clarity.


Thank you to Greg Stanton for our monthly Environmental Management meeting.


Saturday, 12/19

District IV Parks & Rec Commissioner and I toured park sites to brainstorm potential projects to consider in the Parks Master Plan update.


Monday, 12/21

Thank you to County Counsel for monthly meeting.


Tuesday, 12/22

Watched all-day virtual workshop by the Board of Forestry regarding their proposed revisions to the State Fire Safe Regulations.  There is a lot of concern regarding the proposed revisions because it “will have extraordinary impacts on housing production, not only in rural areas of the state, but also in more urbanized regions of California.  For instance, the draft regulations would prohibit any future building construction on property served by a road that has not been upgraded, or that cannot be upgraded to meet current standards, such as dead-end roads.  These upgrade requirements include road widening, re-surfacing, leveling grades and curves, and bridge improvements, from the property line to the nearest fire station, and apply to the building of a single residential unit or any business increasing its "service capacity."  All required upgrades would be at the expense of the property owner.”   https://www.rcrcnet.org/latest-revisions-board-forestry-state-fire-safe-regulations


I was very happy to learn that RCRC staff has been heavily involved in this process and made several comments of concern during the workshop.


Wednesday, 12/23

COVID Cooperators Call


Wednesday, 12/30

COVID Cooperators Call


Used the holiday down time to catch up on phone calls and emails.