INTEGRITY: We are responsible for our actions and accountable to our citizens, workforce, and stakeholders
COLLABORATION: We engage, communicate, and connect to achieve the best possible outcomes together (external and internal).
SERVICE EXCELLENCE: We provide responsive, transparent, and quality service to all citizens of El Dorado County
STEWARDSHIP: Through collaboration and advocacy, we honor and protect our natural and historical resources, agriculture, and rural character for future generations.
THRIVING WORKFORCE: We value employees performing meaningful work, with professional growth opportunities.
FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY: Through sound decision making, we apply best financial practices that protect and enhance the assets and resources of El Dorado County.

SAFE AND HEALTHY COMMUNITIES: Strengthen emergency response capabilities and effectiveness.
PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE: Enhance communication about funding and resources for facilities related capital improvement plan (CIP).
THRIVING ECONOMY: Explore feasibility of "waste to energy" industries, develop a business recognition program, develop a Countywide Economic Development Strategic Plan focused on managed growth and economic stability.
WORKFORCE EXCELLENCE: Focus on employee development & wellbeing.
STRATEGIC INNOVATION: Work as one organization, promote a culture of creativity, identify challenges and constraints, improve external and internal service delivery in a more convenient and efficient way, and develop solutions through leveraging of technology.