101. Elections

Except as otherwise provided in this charter, all elections to nominate or elect candidates and to vote on ballot questions shall be conducted pursuant to the general law of the State of California.

Candidates shall pay for the cost of their statement of qualifications in the ballot pamphlet unless the Board of Supervisors determines otherwise.

102. Initiative, Referendum, Recall and Charter Change

The electors of the county may by majority vote and pursuant to general law:

a. Exercise the powers of initiative and referendum.
b. Recall an elected officer who has held office for six months.
c. Amend, revise or repeal this charter. The general law regarding adopting, amending, revising or repealing a charter apply except as follows:

If a majority of the electors voting at a general or special election vote in favor of the proposed charter or revised charter, it is deemed ratified and it takes effect when filed with the Secretary of State.

An amendment to an existing charter, or the repeal of an existing charter, may be proposed either by the Board of Supervisors or by a petition signed by at least 10% of the electors who voted at the last gubernatorial election. The amendment or repeal is placed before the voters at the next general or special Countywide election. Alternatives may be voted on at the same election. If a majority of the electors voting at the election vote in favor of the amendment or repeal, it is deemed ratified and takes effect when filed by the Secretary of State.

If the provisions of two or more measures approved at the same election conflict, those of the measure receiving the highest affirmative vote shall prevail.