301. Chief Administrative Officer

The Chief Administrative Officer is the chief executive officer of the county.

302. Appointment and Removal.

The Chief Administrative Officer shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors on the basis of executive and administrative qualifications and experience. The Chief Administrative Officer is evaluated by the Board, serves at its pleasure and may be removed at any time by an affirmative vote of three or more of its members.

303. Compensation.

The Chief Administrative Officer's compensation shall be commensurate with the responsibilities of the chief administrative officer. The Chief Administrative Officer may not engage in any other business or occupation without the prior approval of the Board of Supervisors.

304. Duties.

The Chief Administrative Officer shall be responsible to the Board of Supervisors for the proper and efficient administration of such of the affairs of the county as are or hereafter may be placed in the charge of the Chief Administrative Officer, or under the jurisdiction or control of the Chief Administrative Officer, pursuant to the provisions of this Charter, or of any ordinance, resolution or order of the Board of Supervisors. In addition to other powers and duties herein provided, the Chief Administrative Officer shall have the duty and power to:

a. Coordinate the work of all offices and departments, both elective and appointive, and devise ways and means to achieve efficiency and economy in all county operations.

b. Formulate and present to the Board plans to implement policies and accomplish goals established by the Board.

c. Recommend an annual budget after reviewing requests of all departments and agencies for which the Board is responsible or which request county funds.

d. Have responsibility for the administration of the budget after its adoption by the Board.

e. Provide for in-depth analysis and review of all county programs on a regular basis in such a manner that the Board may make policy decisions.

f. Provide and implement systems of adequate checks and controls to safeguard county money and property.

g. Work with all other government entities, federal, state, regional and local, in the best interest of the entire county.

h. On at least an annual basis, review and appraise the performance of all appointed department heads, except County Counsel, and submit the appraisal to the Board of Supervisors.
[Amended by Charter Amendment ratified November 7, 1995, effective January 26, 1996; Stats. 1996, ch. 2]

I. Coordinate the review and publication of a county long-range fiscal plan and the annual statement of goals as adopted by the Board of Supervisors.

305. Board Meetings.

The Chief Administrative Officer or that person's designee shall attend any meeting of the Board of Supervisors, except that attendance at a meeting at which the Chief Administrative Officer's evaluation or removal is considered shall be at the Board's discretion, subject to the provisions of the Brown Act as amended.