Board of Supervisors FAQ

1. Who are the Supervisors? Who is the Chair?

The El Dorado County Supervisors are:

District 1 -Greg Ferrero (Term ending January 8, 2029
District 2 -George Turnboo(Term ending January 8, 2029) Chair
District 3 -Brian Veerkamp (Term ending January 8, 2029)
District 4 - Lori Parlin(Term ending January 5, 2027) Second Vice Chair
District 5 - Brooke Laine(Term ending January 5, 2027) First Vice Chair


2. How can I find out who my Supervisor is?

Supervisorial District Maps are located online and are available in the Board of Supervisor's office at 330 Fair Lane, Placerville, CA 95667.
If you are unable to verify which district you are in, you may call the office of the Clerk of the Board at (530) 621-5390. We will need your street address to determine which Supervisorial District you reside in.


3. How do I contact or make an appointment with a County Supervisor?

Constituents wishing to speak to a Supervisor may contact them by phone or email.

District 1 - Supervisor Greg Ferrero 
      phone: (530) 621-5650 

District 2 - Supervisor George Turnboo
      phone: (530) 621-5651 

District 3 – Brian Veerkamp
      phone: (530) 621-5652 

District 4 - Lori Parlin
     phone: (530) 621-6513

District 5 - Supervisor Brooke Laine 
     phone: (530) 621-6577 


Information about each Supervisor and District is available on the Board of Supervisors website:


4. When do the Board of Supervisors meet?

On average, the Board holds regular meetings three times per month on Tuesday's. Please view the Board Meeting Calendar for scheduled meeting dates (subject to change by the Board).


5. How do I address the Board at a Board of Supervisors regular meeting?

Members of the public may address the Board of Supervisors in person on any matter listed on the published meeting agenda when the Board Chair opens the item for public comment.

Agenda items categorized on the Consent Calendar are commonly approved with one motion by the Board.  If the item you wish to comment on is categorized on the Consent Calendar, you must make your comment when the Board Chair calls for public comment during the Adoption of Agenda and Approval of Consent Calendar portion of the meeting.

Matters not on a regular meeting agenda and within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board may be addressed during Open Forum.  Public comments during Open Forum are limited to three (3) minutes per person and the total amount of time for Open Forum may be limited at the discretion of the Board.  California law prohibits the Board from taking action on any matter which is not on the posted agenda.    

Public comment periods may be limited or modified by the Board Chair or by majority vote of the Board.

At the time you speak: 
    • Step up to the podium and state your name for the record (Providing your name is voluntary). 
    • If you have written material to present to the Board, please provide eight (8) copies to the Clerk present in the room during a meeting. 
    • Confine your comments to the context of the agenda item under consideration.

6. When are Board of Supervisor’s meetings broadcast via internet streaming or Television?

View live streamed (day of meeting) and archived videos of the Board of Supervisors meetings.  Videos of past Board meetings are available on the internet 24/7.

Meeting videos are not rebroadcast on any television network. 


7. How do I get a copy of the Agenda?

The Agenda is posted on the Board of Supervisor's agenda website no less than 72 hours before each regular Board meeting or 24 hours before a special meeting in compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (Brown Act). You can also obtain a copy of a meeting agenda by coming to the Board of Supervisors office located at 330 Fair Lane, Placerville, CA 95667.

8. How can I get a copy of the Board of Supervisors Agenda on a regular basis?

See Email Subscription on the Board of Supervisor’s website at  to subscribe to free email notifications when meeting agendas and minutes are published.


9. How do I apply for a position on Boards/Commissions?

The current list of all Boards and Commissions is located online.

An Application for Appointment is available online or can be obtained from the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors office located at 330 Fair Lane, Placerville, CA 95667 or by calling (530) 621-5390 and requesting an application be sent to you by mail or email.

Current vacancies are listed on the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors "Notice of Vacancy" section of the main page( and at the county building at 330 Fair Lane, Placerville, CA 95667.